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Predictions on Monkeypox. Ukraine and other issues

Monkeypox is being touted as the next health emergency. What will actually happen? Will Russia still be able to capture Ukraine? Will Communism make a comeback? The Higher Sources make predictions on a plethora of questions

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How do the Illuminati function and what have they done ?

The Illuminati has controlled the world governments and organizations for more than 100 years. The HS has discussed who they are in a previous post. But how do they function and manage this much control over the affairs of the world? In this fascinating series of Q&A, The Higher Sources answers the questions on the functioning of the Illuminati and what they have done so far

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Who are the Illuminati | Deep State | HCPs ?

We have heard about the Deep State or Illuminati controlling major governments and other organizations of the world. Some people consider it a conspiracy theory. But The Higher Sources say that it is true. These people can be termed as Hidden Controlling Powers (HCPs) and they are truly hidden. The rich and famous who are often thought to be belonging to the Illuminati are actually their agents. In this interesting post, The HS answers questions on who the Illuminati are

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The Flow of The Shift

The number of US states will change again. Russia will not abandon its war, Biden will be replaced by Harris but his VP choice will be interesting to watch.  Inflation will continue and the next oil shock will not occur before 2024. But prices will remain high. A currency crisis will break up EU. 2023 will bring ET revelation and many more predictions by the HS

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Chinese annexation of Taiwan

Will China attempt annexation of Taiwan in the next two years? The Higher Sources predict the plans of China

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Message To Mankind, 8 of 10: News and Current Events

News is no longer the narration of facts. The competition among news providers has lead to "confirmation bias" that is news providers siding with the likes and dislikes of one section of the audience. The audience in turn seeks out the media that confirms their bias. This helps those in the Deep State to effectively control and manipulate the people in the ways they wish to. To overcome this bias, as you consume news of current events, think always about how much is fact, how much is not and what general tone and tenor are being stuck, in order to appeal to your preferences.

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Russia-Ukraine War: Beyond the propaganda

What is the truth behind the propaganda in the western media about the Russia-Ukraine war? Will Russia manage to capture Ukraine? Why is this war going on so slowly? The Higher Sources answer the question

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Message To Mankind, 7 of 10: Power of Mind and The Future

We have more control over the future than we can imagine, We can change the reality even by the imagination of our mind, which is the most powerful tool. The power of mind is the largest secret that the Deep State has kept hidden from us and use it to manipulate us. Every thought which we think leads to the materialization of the event sooner or later. Wonder why there is so much violence in the society? Stop focusing on such violence. Stop reading news about the violence; stop watching movies on violence. You may think that you are not personally indulging in violence or encouraging it. Then how does it cause violence? That is the unseen and unknown Law of the Universe - the materializing Power of the Mind. What you think with certain focus materializes sooner or later. This is how the Deep State manipulates people. They force the masses to think and talk and imagine in a certain way using the mass media. And soon it manifests itself in the society

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Message To Mankind, 6 of 10: Truth and Deception

The conflict and invasion in Ukraine by Russia is part of a greater plan to manipulate and deceive the people. Hidden Controlling Powers, the Deep State are behind what is occurring. They have orchestrated the war, they have orchestrated the resistance and they are controlling the media narrative coming out of Ukraine. All for their own purpose of controlling the people and continuing their existence. If you take sides and buy their narrative one way or the other and react, you are falling into their traps

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Message To Mankind, 5 of 10: How to end war

War is as old as the existence of mankind. The perceived scarcity of resources and the need to control lie underneath the justification of war. We ask you now to step back from the human view, and to lift your soul up to where you have your true home, from where we see what occurs. You will see that Love is your natural state, the natural essence of your existence. As a sovereign individual, with complete control of your mind, you can begin to change the actions of other people, by simply changing what you think and do. Project this love equally to all participants about which you see or hear in all things disturbing. This power will travel instantly and powerfully to all such persons and shall liberate them of the chains which other humans seek to impose.  

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Message To Mankind, 4 of 10: The Future and why it changes

The planned future is the pre-birth life plan of the individual and the collective. Events are set up accordingly and you react to the external events. Based on your reaction, the plan changes from the pre-birth plan and the events change accordingly. So your reaction can change the future that has been planned for the current life and also sets the stage for events in a "future" life. And so it continues. Ultimately, its the reaction that matters, not the event.

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Message To Mankind, 3 of 10: Power of your thoughts

Your powerful mind is both the net which receives energy and the broadcast antenna which transmits. Your mind is all powerful, What you think will have a direct effect on the development, progress and outcome of any event even though you do not know it. So, do not allow the negative to surround you, but rather push it away with deliberate positive thoughts.    

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Russia and Ukraine - Further Predictions

The Higher Sources make some further predictions about the Russia-Ukraine war, the price of crude oil and the future of Ukraine

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Russia and Ukraine - Predictions and Hidden Facts

Russia has invaded Ukraine. What is happening and what will happen as a consequence? The Higher Sources make some predictions and reveal some hidden facts which will affect the outcome

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Message To Mankind, 2 of 10: Pursuit of Good, Avoidance of Bad

The experience of fear is sometimes learnt on the earth and sometimes pre-programmed in the life plan we do in the Heaven. It is the purpose of the earthly life to experience a mix of what we consider as bad and good, although consciously we want to avoid what is negative and intend to focus only on the positive. But such a life does not exist and if existed, would defeat the purpose of life itself

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Message To Mankind, 1 of 10: Ideas and Beliefs

Of ten topics we will speak, please return to read the next for that topic, what we shall say will lead to and fit each message, for the first nine of the ten, the final being a summary and conclusion not obvious as the first nine unfold. Speak this time we shall of ideas and beliefs held by many a human; formation, evolution and conclusions.  

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Some Q&A for 2022

HS makes prediction on a number of questions relating to 2022 and on a variety of subjects like decline in population, American Presidential elections, solar flash, dreams, Vatican, natural disasters, oil shock, rise in sea levels, economic collapse and so on

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A few Predictions on current events and Q&A

#thehighersources make some predictions on the future of Biden, Trump, Kamala Harris, China-Taiwan issue, possible terror attacks in November 2021 and on Australia

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Are the C-O-VE*ED VA*K-SINES safe?

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Predictions about the future of some Eastern Nations

In this fascinating preview of the future, the HS says that India will suffer a fate similar to the British Rule but without colonialism. About 40% of Bangladesh will go under water. In China, the Communist Party will continue but its trade and wealth will be reduced. The middle east will be severely affected by the loss of oil wealth. Japan and Taiwan will decline economically. Population will decrease significantly in highly-populated countries due to natural disasters 

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