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Other Predictions

Predictions made by other channels 

Acceleration of the Shift in 2024

The Shift began in 2012. It is picking up gradually as all can see and feel, except those who don't want to. 2024 is the year from which it will really pick up the pace. Old systems are dissolving fast. In 2024 every thing will change. Humanity, Earth herself, politics, economy. Everything which comes to mind will no longer function the way it has for centuries. Hold the light and love, as you prepare for transcendence.

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Saint Germain hints at coming global change targeting the Deep State

Saint Germain speaks about the control of the Deep State and their intention of causing destruction and fear. However, he hints at coming global change that will deactivate the ability of the Deep State to cause mayhem and destruction

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Sananda: Time for momentous changes - Brace for the impact

Master Yeshua / Sananda tells us that we are on the verge of the Great Awakening, the revelation of the Truth and urges us to brace for the impact 

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New Reality of Light - Kejraj Channeling

In the coming days and weeks you are to see greater change on Earth. From politics, to economy, and even in the dark elite controlled media. Though they stand to fight to the last breath, refusing to admit defeat, knowing well they have lost, their goal is to still wreck havoc through manipulation with the little time and illusory power they have left, should humanity let its guard down. This is the final showdown

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2023 Predictions by Joseph Tittel

Joseph Tittle a.k.a Spiritman J.T. makes predictions about the top events which will take place in the world in 2023

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Saint Germain: On the Cusp of Great Changes

You are on the cusp of those changes now, in these next days! And you can expect much to be revealed coming forward. Watch, as you literally go through a resurrection. A resurrection to move from the democracy that you have now, that those that have been in control have attempted to hold onto. But a democracy is corruptible, just as it has been corrupted. For everything is about to change. And many will call this a miraculous change. Many will not see this coming, as you, those of you that are the Awakened Ones, the Chosen Ones, have known for some time that this is coming. These great changes are upon you.

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The future of England's Royal Family

Psychic Christian Dion predicts the future of England's Royal Family, which, not surprisingly, is similar to what #thehighersources said but in more details. Charles will abdicate by 2024 and Harry will divorce Meghan and return to the family. Read for more....

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Ashtar: Disclosure is coming

As the new energies are engulfing the world, many things hidden for a long time will start coming into light one after another. The earth cannot progress without these disclosures and the time for such disclosures, some very shocking ones, is near

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Prophecies of Luz de Maria

Luz de María de Bonilla, was was born in Costa Rica and resides in Argentina at present. Since March 1992 she began receiving messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and sometimes from Saint Michael the Archangel as well as visions of some coming events. In this page we will post excerpts of all the recent and upcoming messages from her which contain important information about the ongoing tribulations

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Saint Germain's Prophecy for the current times

Saint Germain's Prophecy for the current times in rhyming quips was released through David Christopher Lewis, spiritual teacher and author, on Jan. 9, 2019, Read these rhymes closely and you shall find many predictions which has also been mentioned by The Higher Sources. There are also new ones which indicate the possibility of such events

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Mike Quinsey - Channeling 2022-03-04 on Third World War

The prospect of another World War is totally out of the question. However, the ETs will not interfere in human free will unless any attempt is made to use nuclear weapons.  The New Age is going to bring peace and goodwill to Earth, and that energy will subdue the lower energies that have no place in your future. But before that humankind must release its warlike energies and you will observe the world going topsy turvy

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Mike Quinsey: The Ongoing Change

The changes continue to take place and will carry on for quite a time yet, one thing leads to another and so it shall continue until all are truly on the same path. You may not be able to see the future as we do, and we know that Mother Earth is becoming more active in bringing about changes that are all part of the general upliftment that is needed to prepare for the necessary changes. For a start as sea levels rise people who live in the coastal areas need to review their position and move more inland if necessary. You should get plenty of warning before matters but it would be wise to anticipate the nature of the changes well in advance.

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The Coming Destructive Events and the need to stop the fear

The coming destructive events will provide many experiences and opportunities for the humans in the earth. Some will experience these events as part of their soul's learning process while others choose to be a part of these types of events because they provide opportunities for love and service to others. The vast majority however, are spiritually ready for more but need experiences that will force them out of complacency and into deeper inner examination. Fear has become the world’s dominant emotion at this time. Become alert to and aware of how you are propagandized into fear on multiple levels. There is much to come dear ones. Be patient as dark rises to the surface in order to be seen and recognized by the majority. Know and trust that there is a Divine plan and that you chose to be a part of it.

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Great Changes in the Remainder of 2021: The Arcturian Council

This channeled message from the ET Arcturians (Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation of Boötes, the fourth-brightest in the night sky, and the brightest in the northern celestial hemisphere) informs us that great changes are about to occur in the remainder of 2021 going into 2022. They ask us to view the changes as a positive occurrence created by us rather than as something imposed to oppress the humanity. We have been preparing for this change throughout the previous year and this year and now it is about to happen. Do not get overwhelmed by the events. Rather see the events as something which will initiate the Golden Age for the mankind

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Sananda: The Great Announcement

A great announcement, a disclosure,  is about to come forward and all will be revealed to this yet sleeping population. Whether it awakens them or not is up to their life plan. It is going to shake many, many across the planet. People across the planet, will be shaken out of their doldrums. They will be shaken out of their sleepiness. Many will awaken as a result of this

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Ashtar: Be Ready For The Disclosures

The time for the great disclosures is closing in. Things that have been hidden from mankind for centuries and millennia are about to be revealed soon. The shock of the disclosures will numb many people. The dark forces and the governments with the help of their pet media will try to suppress the revelations. But the more they try, the more it will surface. It will seem chaotic for a while and people will be angry and fearful. It is important to know the truth but not to be vengeful. Maintain your calm

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What I see in the coming days - Channeled by Sophia Love

What is about to come in the rest of 2021? Some channellers say disclosure and natural events, leading to chaos. 2021 is said to be the Year of Disclosure when the Dark Forces operating for centuries behind the veil would be exposed. It will start with the exposure of their involvement in an elaborate paedophile ring and many respected people including politicians, businessmen, movie stars, bankers and others will be found involved in this ring. This is supposed to be one way in which the Deep State attracts, blackmails and then traps people to work for them forever. When it is exposed, anger will spill over to the streets and people will riot, burn down their houses, businesses and banks. Many governments may fall. Controlling this anger is essential as otherwise it will go out of control and adversely affect The Shift

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Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message for March 5, 2021

There is so much taking place that you are unaware of which is why when a major announcement is made about it, it will go worldwide. At the appropriate time you will be told why certain action has been taken, and the explanations will be received with both shock and surprise. Much of what you have now will not serve any purpose in a higher vibration. After all you will be living a happy and much more relaxed life that will be so different to what you have been used to. Your power of thought will be sufficient for you to “think” things into being to provide for your needs. There will no longer be a need for factories or similar facilities and you can be assured of an all-round healthy and happy living. The need to work will virtually disappear and you have already touched upon the idea of using robotic beings for this purpose.

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Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Feb. 5, 2021

For some time now the people of Earth have been waking up to the inequalities of life, and current unrest and big demonstrations will continue growing until those in power concede to their demands for changes, that will herald a new and fairer way of life where everyone enjoys the fruits of life. The power mongers will have to step aside forcibly if necessary but without using violence. The Law itself can be a powerful tool when used correctly and can maintain Law and Order, but of late it has been used aggressively and unlawfully to suppress peaceful demonstrations. In a true Democracy such things would not be allowed so it is time to appoint those people into power who would observe the Law and promote peace.

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Blossom Goodchild: Message dated 24.01.2021

Yes, plans are susceptible to change. they had to … does not mean that an announcement will not come at all. It has simply been delayed. That which was in place concerning an announcement to be made, had to be aborted due to unforeseen circumstances. The conduct of the dark will stop at nothing to remain in the position they have held for many a year … many a lifetime. They do not have regard for human life and therefore, they will go to any lengths to protect their clan. Any lengths.

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