The Banking Crisis

Why is the Banking Crisis occurring? Who are behind the crisis? Will it spread ? How long will this persist? #thehighersources answer our queries

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European Banking and Financial Crisis

A Banking and Financial crisis is looming in Europe. An enormous amount of accumulated corporate debt, as well as that of the individual is going to flare up into a full-blown banking and finance crisis in a short while across the European Union

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Shortages created by the Illuminati

The Shift is bringing geophysical changes which will cause shortages of commodities, However, the Illuminati is  aware of this and they are purposefully creating shortages to create chaos and have control. When a shortages and  shortfalls of any product or service are discussed, listen to the story but sniff for the stench of bullshit mixed with the many perfumed lies offered as truth.

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The End of Civilization

Work, entertainment, travel, poverty, wealth, politics, trade, commerce, art, literature, crime, charity and many parts of human life that we are familiar with are coming to an end, to be changed irreversibly. The Deep State is trying hard to hold on to their control over the fate of humanity, but are failing. The coming earth changes will completely wipe out their influence as the civilisation, as we know it, comes to an end

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The Oil Crisis: End of Consumerism

The Shift will force the mankind to end the consumerist society. The changes which are just around the corner, in particular the ‘oil shock’, and scarcity of energy generally, are going to be the method by which the severe downward adjustment to consumption will be achieved. The lack of ability to access materials; to process and manufacture goods and to ship them, will cause severe unemployment, with all the financial problems which are attached with it. The production of high quality consumer goods will be knocked-back enormously, and this is going to be a global phenomenon, it’s not going to be what happens in one or two areas: it will happen across the board

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The Return of Trump, Kamala Harris and More

Timelines are ever changing due to human free will and Predictions cannot override that. The HS said that Trump would have a second term and Kamala Harris would take over in 2024. Trump's win could have happened in 2020 but it didn't. In an interesting twist,  HS still forecasts a second term of Trump. The timing of certain other events like the decimation of the stock market and the airline industry is also changing and will continue to change depending on human free will

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Trump is unlikely to continue as President ON January 20th. But what will happen afterwards?

A key prediction made by #thehighersources of Trump continuing for a second term has apparently failed. It was not supposed to fail even after his "election loss". But it will fail after the attack on the Capitol Building. Trump will not continue as the President on January 20th. But something else would happen. There is a Plan-B

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The World After The Shift Part-XIII: Financial System

As with the other social parameters, the Financial System will change completely after The Shift. Stock and Trading will disappear, then re-emerge in different form. Cash will again become dominant. Control by Central Bank will wane. Declarations of bankruptcy will diminish. Transactions and source of money will be more transparent. Crimes for money will almost become non-existent. There will be a host of other changes as The Higher Sources reveal

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The World After The Shift Part-XI: Education

What education is now, including its development and evolution into current practice, will undergo big changes as and after human societies shift. The Higher Sources explains

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The World After The Shift Part-VIII: Sports

Sports after The Shift will turn local but the audiences will be worldwide through internet. Crowds will be smaller, Sports will be played for its entertainment value rather than for its competitiveness

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The Coming Economic Collapse

With the rise in oil prices, the looming energy crisis, the fall in food production and futile efforts by central banks to pump in more money into the system to boost up the economy, there will come the inevitable loan defaults, the bank failures and finally the collapse of the economy, say #thehighersources

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The World After The Shift Part-V: Communication

Communication after The Shift will be a mix of improved technology with telepathic abilities. Multilingual abilities will be reduced, Localization will reduce the need for communication. Less words with slower delivery of vocal communication will be noticeable

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The World After The Shift Part-II: Geopolitical Changes: Governments, Politics & Leaders

What will be the politics in the new era be like? What role will the Governments play? #thehighersources addressed the issue

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The World After The Shift Part-I: Geopolitical Changes

How will the world look like after The Shift? Say, 25 to 100 years down the line? In the Part-I of this highly interesting article #thehighersources discusses the geopolitical changes that will happen across the world

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Reduction of Global Population in the New Era

The Global Population will decrease during the Earth Shift. While many will die directly or indirectly as a result of the natural disasters, primary cause of the reduction will be the loss of male fertility as a result of solar coronal ejection reaching Earth due to a weak magnetosphere. #thehighersources elaborate on the reasons for the reduction

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Breakdown of Large Corporations and Unemployment

During The Shift, many large corporations and multinational companies will be unable to function and will close down. Huge unemployment will result from the closure of the businesses. #thehighersources provide the details.

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Investments during the coming Earth Changes

All economic activities will not come to a halt during the coming Earth Changes. #thehighersources advises on sectors to avoid and ones to invest in

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Eroding of Centralised Administration in various countries

The move from a centralised to a local administration will occur during the coming changes, say #thehighersources

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