A message from The Higher Sources on Post-COVID Events

HS: Greetings, salutations and a happy welcome we offer everyone, upon whose minds these words arrive. Know that our thoughts telecommunicate to you also, and we know that many of you feel this. Some others might not, yet you feel the urge, prompt and even need to come here to read what is offered, even if not immediately aware of the telecommunicative delivery of what we say. Time and again will this feeling come to you, the ones of you and the all of you, either as telecommunicated thoughts or the urge to hear and read these offerings. We and many of our friends among you, attempt this regularly but most often without acknowledgement or even a recipient's awareness, however this is most often expected. We who have less unawareness or skepticism, feel we are lucky, blessed and fortunate and we do say, we have many energetic being observers and admirers. These many onlookers enjoy watching the few of the many information shells fired actually penetrate mental defenses and reach intended thinking targets. Lucky the most are all of you, the blessed among you who toil, stress, struggle, fret and sometimes battle life's challenges. How joyous will you be upon rediscovery of the great gift you give yourselves with your lives as humans. What we wish to say now could be considered a warning, an advisory or simply a forecast. You may choose the degree of importance you like, however the message undiluted is most important.

Efforts made to control human activity with the stated goal of slowing virus transmission, were successful. Beware of new commands, orders, rules and controls issued to provide you with safety, with penalties and sanctions applied for willful resistance to them. The issuers of these commands have seen the effects, and are unlikely to change course if a new opportunity presents itself. S/he who promises safety through compliance cannot deliver it; if safety is truly to be had, you will & would know and understand already, how to reach it, far sooner than an authority can impose restrictions and sanctions.

Bigger events loom, fear not what you are told might or could happen. Choose your reaction based on what you see or hear. Do not let someone sporting credentials of knowledge speculate or worse, predict for you what new things will happen when and where. Do not let such bold statements and ideas scare you; choose to be fearful based on what you know, see and experience yourself. Be aware of warnings, but not fearful of them. Ask us for help and directions when you are unsure what to do; to the one and all of you we say now, we hear you always. We will relay your questions to your own GAGs, who will hear it simultaneously. Listen for our replay, it will arrive disguised as your thoughts. Even energy messages like to dress up or wear costumes, from time to time and once in a while.

Great forces, made that way by human obedience, compliance and submission, are enjoying this moment in ways you cannot and never shall know. The individuals involved, who are very few, are so pleased with what has happened, they are almost unable to wait for the next opportunity. They seek to re-create what was created now. To those among you who wish to know, what was intentional or negligent and how could the statement be offered years ago by an American doctor that during the current presidency of the USA surprise pandemic would erupt, we shall explain.

Because the continued development of virus was deemed too small and ineffectual a benefit related to the cost, research was stopped in the USA. Money was given to the laboratory in China, which was not banned, neither giving them US money nor carrying out continued research in China. The US doctor knew the procedure would in several years' time produce an error, only to be discovered once the virus had spread and symptoms and sickness would be reported widely enough for general public awareness to take hold. He did not know when, but was certain based on his long experience and first hand knowledge, that procedures would erode and a release would happen. The doctor simply did not when, in three, five or seven years but almost guaranteed to happen by year seven after making the statement. The virus is not more contagious than the already known corona virus of many decades; the iteration released in late 2019 produces different symptoms and effects in the few severely ill from it. As the number of infections, seriously sick and deceased declines, be aware and alert for more attempts to restrict your movements in the name of safety and security.

Coming changes will soon render many of these problems insignificant. Look to the day, not as far in the future as it might seem today, when new benefits arrive disguised as problems. Desperately will some, a select but very influential few, attempt to take more advantage when the perceived problem seems to be only aspect worthy of human attention. After you see this day arrive, look beyond it into the period after and beyond that, to which you have already been told what opportunities. Know that there is no time, that everything will be okay because everything already is okay. The calendar makes things seem otherwise; use it for appointments and schedules, but not as the framework of your life.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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