Northern India will turn into a Desert

As already explained earlier, the Volcanic Ash cover in the upper atmosphere will cause a sudden increase in the temperature which will melt all the Himalayan glaciers which feed the rivers in Northern India. This will cause a huge flood and then most of the rivers will dry up, deprived of their source water. This event is likely to happen in this decade, possibly within 5-7 years. This is what #thehighersources says about it:

The Nepal Event

Seriously, the time is now approaching when “acts of god” or natural disaster type of events will become much more commonplace; people will really start to fear for the future of the planet, people who will seem to be under such enormous pressure as so many aspects of life fail.

So you’re keen to learn more about the Nepal event, and it seems strange to you that this should be a flooding event. Well you understand that there are enormous amounts of water tied up in glacial ice – high glacial ice: this is the key. In the scheme of things this may seem to be relatively minor, but what follows is almost as important as the event itself. Because it’s the compacted snow fall, year after year at high level, which produces the frozen material which in turn feeds the rivers. All the river systems which the lowland parts of the current Nepal and northern India rely on totally are fed by high glaciers.

Changing weather – warming climate – will disrupt this enormously. So the consequences here are longer term, the flooding event in a way could be described as a discharging of the existing resource at high level: a wasting of this resource. And then as the high level glaciers disappear, and they will disappear rapidly, the water source for the rivers, including The Ganges, disappears at the same time.

So, the rivers will become severely depleted with great detrimental effect to the populations that rely upon them. This condition, this depletion, this running down of the water resource is well documented and understood, what is not well understood at all is the speed at which this frozen water source will disappear, and how quickly this will impact upon food growing and farming and the general livelihood of large communities who depend upon these rivers for all aspects of their lives.

This will happen soon. Exhaustion of the water supply – the water source at high level, coupled with greatly reduced snowfall, inadequate to replenish the glacial melt, will cause large parts of India, northern India, to become desert.

Over time quite quickly without the irrigation benefits of large amounts of run-off water, these areas will cease to be able to support large numbers of people. This will cause a migration effect; people will be forced to move away or starve: no choice at all really.

So this is just the first piece of information about water scarcity which is coming in northern India.

Nepal and Northern India flooding, Brahmaputra

The key thing to note here is not the floods as such, terrible as they are for those involved, but the underlying cause and of course the ultimate effect which will render a large area of northern India uninhabitable as it gradually returns to desert state.

Other events, those which involve volcanic activity, will only serve to accelerate the pace at which the high level glaciers in the Himalayas drain away. Already they are receding fast and failing to be replenished at all.

This speed of melting will increase and so too flooding events in the upper reaches, the higher reaches of the major rivers will occur with more frequency. In particular the Brahmaputra region floods; similar to those which have occurred in the Bihar region in the recent past.

Be sure to store this information as you will have cause to refer to it in the near future.

Bhutan event (Earthquake)

So Bhutan as you know from your check of the internet is a small independent nation which nestles between south western China and India and the Himalayas. The Himalayas are adjacent to the country. Quite simply it will suffer a devastating earthquake, a very powerful earthquake which will cause widespread destruction and loss of life. Not dissimilar in strength to the earthquake which China suffered in 2008.

The importance of this particular event, or should I say the relevance of this event is that it is not where earthquakes are predicted to happen. It is not in the immediate vicinity for regular activity of this type. And this is a characteristic of these events which will become more common; that is that they will occur away from the typical areas for such activity. This is mainly due to the fact that the events are happening at this particular time, at this transition period, at this period of enormous upheaval; this beginning of the new cycle of consciousness throughout the world. Far more of these extremely destructive events will occur away from the areas in which they are expected.

Q. Will there be a food scarcity or famine in India during The Shift?

A: Shortages, yes related to delivery. Scarcity less; famine, no.

Q. To quote The Higher Sources: "The most profoundly affected nations will be the currently most highly populated." So India will among the most profoundly affected nations, right?

A: We will not say most profoundly, for the depth of effects will be significant across all of Earth. If measurement of Earth effects matters when analyzed inside national borders, this question holds more water, if however effects are considered across a region, then common parameters a sovereign nation represents, such as currency, central authority and so forth have somewhat less meaning if still relevance. The effects of upcoming events will be seen in a very obvious way inside the nation of India, including many positive effects.

Q: What kind of geophysical events will take place in India / Indian Subcontinent during The Shift?

A: Watch the Himalayas and the shorelines. (Earlier they mentioned that Coastal areas of India will be submerged after the rise in sea level. Kolkata will be partially submerged)

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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