Breakdown of Large Corporations and Unemployment

!!!Inevitable breakdown of large organisations

Large entities will be under attack from many different directions: the new energy; the vibration of the new energy; the shortage of fuel; the energy gap; the lack of access to fossil fuel; the removal of the international component of life through the axis shift; the breakdown in global communication systems and not to mention the steady reduction in demand through loss of confidence; through a disinclination to spend; through an inability to borrow and through the creeping increase in unemployment across the globe.

When you add all of these factors together you come up with an enormous weight, and enormous pressure, which will be bearing down upon the largest organisations, the true international or multinational organisations. Whole industries are going to disappear: I’m sure you can quite easily guess those I’ll be using as examples here. That’s right: the airline industry; the travel industry, in fact not just air travel but sea travel as well.

Enormous amounts of employment are involved in these industries. I’m sure that you’ve wondered to yourself how on earth unemployment figures might be going to reach, in some of the industrialised nations, as high as one in every two people: well this is how. Whole areas of industry and commerce are going to be removed; they will no longer have a function to perform, and sadly all of those people who are working in these sectors will join the ranks of the unemployed. As we’ve said to you on a number of occasions; you’ve not even begun to see the enormity of the unemployment problem which is just around the corner.

So with so many different pressures coming to bear on large organisations it is not difficult to see how they are going to break down into their component parts. As we’ve said before, those which have a useful function to perform will obviously survive and will continue into the future and will continue to employ people to perform this function: those that don’t will cease to exist.

As you can imagine this is going to cause enormous pressure across society, as unemployment figures rise to levels previously unheard of. But, as we’ve said before, this will not be all bad news – not by a long way. It will force societies, governments, people to start to view employment differently: it will force a complete restructuring if you like of how employment and indeed unemployment is viewed by people and nations.

So this is just another opportunity to take a view of the changes which are in the pipeline; that are soon to come and are going to be quite a shock to a great many people: they will certainly catch many governments off balance. You’re seeing today in your national news that the G8 group are meeting to thrash out a number of global initiatives. Well, this type of activity is soon to cease; there will be no such meetings; there will be no capacity for such meetings; there will be no requirement for such meetings.

We understand that you and many of your readers will find this quite incomprehensible: it is a fact. This and many other significant changes are just around the corner which will require man to take an entirely different view of fundamentals such as work, employment and the like, in order that some semblance of normality be achieved and in order to enable societies to progress and eventually to prosper.

Why will large organisations find it more and more difficult to survive?

So the question: why will large organisations find it more and more difficult to survive? An interesting one: one that is just beginning to unfold on the world stage as you witness the calamitous collapse almost of some of the world’s foremost financial organisations: truly some of the largest and highest value organisations in the world. The focus of world activity has to change; and this rather horrifying demise of the financial institutions is just the beginning of a large scale and extensive phase of deconstruction of capitalism if you like – from the very top. The focus of the accumulation of enormous amounts of wealth through these operations, and the obvious excesses of their business activities, is the epitome of the problem that underlies the system at current times. A system which is extraordinarily unequal and out of balance, and has been allowed to operate without proper checks and balances now for some time.

This demise has been some time in the making, but, as you can see once the confidence has gone from the system there is little to hold the fabric together. It is a symptom of the malaise which has infected many large organisations across the world.

Globalisation has been for the vast majority, a loss of any influence and real input into the businesses and companies that to a great extent dictate the way that life is led and experienced: dictate the conditions under which individuals exist: dictate the quality of life of the masses.

This situation will change now quite rapidly in that large and overly complex companies and institutions will feel a drive – they will sense an impetus – to devolve down to smaller units. To break back down to component parts if you like. Essentially the opposite of globalisation. De-globalisation although that’s a very clumsy word.

The need is for man to re-engage at the local level. So the driving force behind the dismantling of large organisations will work hand in hand with a similar but different force, guiding a new and local orientation of man’s affairs. This will now happen across all the major areas of the world, but the enormous international markets will find they fragment into smaller groups which will be a positive force for change. Enabling man’s re-engagement with life and a meaningful existence. The true feeling that man can influence his situation, can influence key decisions in his life; can truly influence his future.

This has now become shockingly absent in most societies, and the alienation is quite extreme. So you will see this breaking down of organisations, of large groups, necessary to facilitate a new life approach, a new focus by the individual, a new ability to influence the future and to feel confident about life in all its aspects. This change, this need for change is keenly felt by many individuals around the world as people feel cut off from any ability to truly influence their situation and their future.

We hope this is a useful explanation. This will play itself out in many different situations; currently you are seeing just the very beginnings of this process

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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