Atlantis and the Last Earth Shift

As stated by #thehighersources, Atlantis was an island state located between Africa and the USA. It was the most advanced country among 25 nations which existed at that time worldwide. Its status was more or less like the USA at present, which dominated the world but did not colonize. There were other countries in the world which existed at that time. All were destroyed by the massive Tsunami described in Biblical stories. The memory of this massive flood exists in the myths of every civilization of the world. Although Atlantis was destroyed, a large part of the population worldwide managed to survive the Tsunami caused by an asteroid impact on the Atlantic ocean.

The above facts and more had been discussed by #thehighersources in details, which I am unable to locate at the moment. One such Q&A session on Atlantis is given below. Some of the questions arise from previous discussions.

Q: Esteemed Higher Sources, what was the human population of Earth at the peak of the Atlantis civilization? How many humans were "non-Atlantics"?

HS: Earth's population was approximately five hundred million in total and forty percent were of the Atlantis civilization, or two hundred million.

Q: Was the current, "modern" concept of the nation-state in effect with Atlantis?

HS: Yes, very much so and more than would be considered the condition today. To maintain itself as the dominant force on Earth, Atlantis sought to have the lesser states clearly defined, thus controllable.

Q: How many nation states existed at this peak point of Atlantis?

HS: The peak is difficult to define, we believe you refer to size and curiously the civilization reached larger sizes than two hundred million, but shrunk somewhat even though Earth's population continued to grow. There were across this period of Atlantis' peak size, then peak control and technological advancement, approximately twenty five nation states across Earth, Atlantis the largest by far.

Q: What legacy from Atlantis do we have today, of the "modern" human race, early 21st century edition?

HS: Very little, although much knowledge and ability did survive the demise of the civilization. Over time these things were forgotten, because the subservient states were not permitted autonomy to develop to the point they could challenge. Thus Atlantis survivors, of which there were few by comparison to the sixty percent of Earth's population, gradually and steadily lost what knowledge and development had been achieved.

Q: DNA manipulation, techniques, technology and methods allowed the creation of mermaids, centaurs and unicorns. Were these the primary hybrid genetic creations?

HS: No, although by numbers of examples or beings created, it could be said that yes. Others were created although almost none with reproductive ability. They would die and the creation would disappear. The one exception to this is the mermaid.

Q: Why have only mermaids survived? Why did dolphins evolve from them?

HS: In reverse we shall answer; dolphins evolved as would any being, the emergence of the species resulted from environmental factors. The DNA contained latent characteristics and traits, just as all humans carry. Passing the majority of the time in the water, often submerged for several minutes, quickly made the use of arms, hair and skin useless. The fish-like lower body evolved from scales to skin because of the ability to breathe and remain out of water for extended periods. As humans now understand well, extraction through gills of oxygen dissolved in water requires fish to remain submerged, as do land animals require presence on the surface. Scales are well suited to permanent water presence, skin and hair to land. Dolphin skin allows advantages fish scales do not, when breathing and proximity to the surface are needed. Scales do not manage prolonged exposure to surface light. There are many considerations human marine biologists have identified.

Q: Please explain again why humans do not see mermaids and are extremely unlikely to experience this.

HS: These creatures understand human behavior and reaction, and have retained a human level of intelligence. They know well what would happen if spotted. Occasional, fleeting sightings have occurred but the humans catching a glimpse either convince themselves they were imagining what they saw, or do not mention it or are told it was an illusion, that they are mistaken or crazy. Photographs are dismissed as hoaxes and fakes, all of these very rare events of insufficient number to convince the greater population.

The mermaids inhabit warmer, tropical waters and hide from humans. They know they would be hunted, captured and then killed, even if their deaths were unintended by their human captors. The number is not large, the population just barely replaces itself by design and has huge volumes of ocean and adjacent waters in which to hide.

They hear human approach long before becoming visible and can swim with ability equal to anything in the sea.

Q: Why haven't humans evolved into very different beings, considering how we've been on Earth at least three times as long as mermaids, maybe longer?

HS: The ability to evolve is not programmed into human DNA, only allowance of latent, innate characteristics to emerge and develop when triggered over time by continuous environmental exposure. Mermaids did and do not have this.

Q: Did Atlantics have the ability to DNA modify a human, to change the genetic code to avoid negative traits?

HS: Yes, and this was part of the downfall of Atlantis.

Q: What scientific knowledge and technology do we have today, which were not known or understood at the peak of Atlantis?

HS: None, but for what your Alien ET visitor cousins have provided in a few cases; integrated circuits, Kevlar and carbon fiber are examples.

Q: What legacy of Lemuria led to and/or benefitted Atlantis?

HS: None.

Q: Was Noah's Ark part of the destruction of either Lemuria or Atlantis?

HS: Lemuria. Atlantis did this also, to save animal species it believed might perish. The ark will be found at high elevation in the Himalaya Mountains, to where it traveled to be above the temporary high water the Atlanteans knew was coming. That Ark did not survive the destruction.

Q: It would have been impossible to include a pair of every animal on Earth, so what did they place aboard the ship?

HS: Animals common on the island continent, which were known to be rare elsewhere on Earth.

Q: Was the Atlantis civilization principally limited to its island continent in the Atlantic Ocean? In other words, did its citizens live primarily there?

HS: No, they spread nearly across Earth, but did not colonize. They controlled and dominated.

Q: Was it larger or smaller than Texas, for example, and by how much? What was the topography?

HS: It was a little smaller, similar to modern France. The island was formed as the continents spread when Earth enlarged; the sea north of Spain and west of France is where Atlantis was previously attached to the larger continent, just as was what today is England, which separated later to form the channel.

The topography was varied, with flat regions, rolling terrain and mountains. Spain and France are not dissimilar.

Q: Are the Azores, Canary Islands or Bermuda remnants?

HS: Bermuda yes, directly. The Azores were created after Atlantis sunk below the waves and ocean floor, essentially becoming the sea floor. The Canary Islands are not related to Atlantis.

Q: Was there any space exploration by Atlantis?

HS: Yes, much more extensive than humans have achieved in the twentieth century of this civilization. Atlantics reached and landed craft and humans on the moon and Mars, and orbited Mercury, Venus and Jupiter with humans.

Q: Not Saturn?

HS: Too far.

Q: How many satellites were launched into orbit about Earth, how many at any one time at the peak?

HS: Several dozen at the peak, more than two hundred in total.

Q: Why is there no written record or trace of Atlantis' existence?

HS: All records were destroyed or lost. The two hundred centuries underneath the sea floor has ensured they have deteriorated to the point they cannot be recovered. Humans have now discovered book paper decay occurring over just a few centuries or often less, in air. Imagine seawater, pressure and the weight of rock above.

Q: Please describe the process of disappearance of a large city over one hundred to one hundred and fifty centuries. I am thinking of Houston, New York, Chicago, Tokyo or Dubai with many large buildings, the tallest reaching and exceeding three hundred and more meters.

HS: Entry of water will ensure corrosion and collapse. Ground movement will cause concrete to crumble, load bearing or otherwise. Earth civilizations have not had previously built the quantity of large buildings now in existence, virtually all constructed in the most recent one hundred years.

Q: What would we find if we could locate the remnants, remains and ruins of Atlantis beneath the floor of the ocean?

HS: The rock above has preserved the crushed remains of edifications, which would be unrecognizable but for the materials found. The sea floor would not indicate anything, its shape is caused by the underlying lost continent however that would only be understood once excavation were undertaken. Large portions of the sea floor are the previous surface of Atlantis, covered with only a thin layer of sediment. These are unrecognizable as having been a formerly dry portion of Earth's surface.

Q: How did Atlantis manage food production, transportation, medial treatment and government?

HS: With far more technology than now used. Food was produced in a similar way as is now done, but methods became far more efficient, just has it has on Earth over the most recent one hundred years. Transportation on the surface was electricity powered; Atlantis used almost no burned hydrocarbons, moving almost immediately to electricity produced with Earth's magnetic grid. Aircraft were both similar to and quite different from today. Liquid fuel was alcohol and principally for military and government use. Balloons were used for civilian transportation, and high altitude flights made them as fast as jet aircraft of today, between origin and destination. Ships used electricity to propel themselves across the sea. Medical diagnosis and treatment was similar to today but used lasers and electricity far more than are now common. Government was less representative, more given to the use of referenda made possible with technology. Governments at the nation state level were smaller and did little besides manage relations with other nations. Agencies or departments were created to address specific areas of concern and public interest, the managers elected directly and not subordinate to other agencies.

Q: Was Earth much smaller and expanded. Their comment seems to suggest this. I've always thought of it as a balloons expands and anything on it moves away from each other.

HS: Earth was smaller, yes and has expanded. The subjective understandings of much, little or less you may judge yourselves; Earth's diameter and circumference have expanded approximately fifteen percent, since first formation long ago.

Q: Could The HS please shed some light on origin of the Piri Reis map, which purports to show Antarctica without the ice cap.

HS: We explain yes, ice caps are not permanent upon this land mass.

Q: If the final strike in the later part of Atlantis was an asteroid impact, why was this asteroid was not diverted by aliens civilizations before impact? I was in the understanding that our alien friends watched and protected earth.

HS: What you suggest is prohibited interference.

Q: Did they just watch and do nothing as all of this happened?

HS: Yes, essentially.

Q: What was the reason for them to take the decision not to intervene?

HS: This decision was collectively agreed long before Atlantis, when regular and constant observations increased, thus the probability of observing asteroid approach and collision. In general, planetary protective asteroid squadrons are far beyond the ability of any interstellar travel capable civilization. Would humans have sufficient resources to deploy cloud prevention teams above all land masses of Earth's surface? To do so for just Earth would create a special protection status avoided for many reasons.

Q: If the possible answer might be that Atlanteans attracted this asteroid, how did they even do this?

HS: Your question is excellent and insightful, our congratulations to you. Indeed this describes what occurred; the energy release of the intense, directed light through drilled holes underground temporarily increased both reach and intensity of Earth's gravity and magnetic field to such level that the offending asteroid, which would have otherwise passed, bouncing off Earth's gravity field through attraction acceleration around and above it, an effect observed already by human astronomers, was drawn to and struck the planet's surface.

Q. How was Atlantis Destroyed?

HS: About 22000 years ago, the moral and social fabric of Atlantis was degenerated due to misuse of technology and many other reasons. The immediate reason was due to their scientists trying to generate power on a massive scale by scaling upwards the technology described here . They directed the power underground by drilling holes which destabilized the crust and led to massive volcanic eruptions and earthquakes which caused the island to break up and sink into the ocean. The resulting disturbance in Earth’s gravitational and magnetic field attracted an asteroid which fell on the Atlantic ocean. The resulting two mile high Tsunami caused a massive destruction, not only in Atlantis but around the world.

Q: Where was Lemuria located? How big was the place?

HS: Both hemispheres, approximately hale the size of South America today, mostly south of what is today called India and the Asian subcontinent.

Q: What was the time span of this civilization?

HS: Development began approximately fifty centuries after Homo Sapiens were created, lasting until six hundred centuries ago.

Q: At its peak, what was the stage of its technological advancement. Did they have space travel, big cities, computers and communication technologies?

HS: Similar to nowadays. Little space travel but yes it was developed, yes to the last three.

Q. Were there countries outside of Lemuria?

HS: Yes, sub-regions of similar culture. The current ideas of a nation state were lesser and not emphasized.

Q. How much was the population of Lemuria?

HS: It peaked at several hundred million.

Q: How did the civilization get destroyed? Was the destruction worldwide?

HS: Unlike the abrupt end of Atlantis, it faded because of natural forces, climate events and changes and dispersion.

Q: Can we still find the remnants of that civilization?

HS: Physical artifacts, no.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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