Crop Circles: A Message from the Extraterrestrials on Earth Shift

How Crop Circles are made and the Old Sarum circle of 5th May, 2010

We’ve come back to talk to you again about crop circles; in particular we want to talk to you about different aspects of the designs and their relevance; and we want to talk to you about some races and locations where they are based.

So you will see a whole range of different designs – they have already started – incorporating many different concepts; many different aspects of geometry, and many of the major changes which are essentially upon you now will be depicted graphically in the imagery used in these designs.

These are created by extraterrestrials visiting earth and there are a number of different races involved: we work together really quite effectively and we are able to prepare and execute these crop circles as they are known, in a fraction of the time that people think it takes to actually produce them.

The secret to the actual work again is electrical charge; and/or magnetism depending on how you view such things. The individual stems are attracted if you like and are bent due to energy fields – energy fields which have a polarising effect and cause a localised heating effect as well; which causes some particular side-effect to the stem of the crop, and this is an important aspect of the work which will be present throughout; this particular type of damage to the stem, because the energy involved is uniform and is able to operate highly specifically with regard to the electrical charge present within the stem. There is the ability to produce what is essentially a weave to the bent stem, which gives a very particular texture to the image when viewed from above.

So there are a number of other races involved alongside us from Zeta Reticuli, and we are going to pass a few of the locations to you now: Orion’s Belt, Simian Oblongata and Pantheon; these are just a few of the locations which these races inhabit.

They have the ability to move freely through your space the same as we do. They are unimpeded by your atmosphere or by your matter; they only appear if they choose to do so. There is sometimes a light – a small ball of light visible at these sights – that is the nebulae creating force: it is the energy centre; the energy source of the creator of the design.

As we said at the outset, some of these particular designs are able to be created extremely quickly. There is a blueprint that is worked to and executed by a means of switching on and off magnetic fields extremely rapidly, in the immediate proximity of the stem which is to be bent. You will see there is a uniformity amongst the work that is quite established and becoming recognised as almost a signature of this work when it is done

It is a very delicate process that is required to achieve these results. It certainly could not be done in any way through physically flattening the crop; this is not the case. It is a matter of passing a field across the electrically charged matter within the crop stem. This is done in an asymmetrical way, which causes the stem to fold in a particular direction: pre-determined by the blueprint for the design. This type of detail could not possibly be achieved by human beings attempting to copy this work

So this first design, which has appeared in a crop very close to Old Sarum, is a depiction of the overall shift of consciousness. It is a graphic which displays images or designs which essentially portray a portal; it is a portal through which your Solar System and its occupants are in the process of moving. It depicts the sun – the very powerful sun at the centre of your Solar System – which as you know from previous work with your team, is the essential driving force of all change; and also the planets – each involved and affected in its own way - as are those races present at these locations.

So you see it really is an overview; if you like it represents an overview; it represents the need for your Solar System in particular to move through this consciousness portal, to arrive at a new level: the clear objective of the sum of all the changes which you and the other planets are currently experiencing.

As other designs are created and are observed; we would be very happy to interpret these in more and more detail. We would be pleased if you would then pass this information on to others who are working in this field, enabling them to have a better grasp and better comprehension of what is taking place here.

It is we think a very beautiful art-form but also a very important string of messages which we hope will help to inform and guide you as you move through this difficult transition.

Stonehenge crop circle

This is the second crop circle to appear in the year 2010.

As you are aware seven is a key number: it represents the planes of consciousness. Within each of these seven planes exist seven sub planes, driving a total number of forty nine. Forty nine in this instance is not so relevant; the seven is.

You’re looking at a representation of the overall step change in consciousness. This is similar in a way

to the first of the crop circles in that it is a broad overview.

It represents the transition of your solar system, through the influence of the central sun, demonstrating the shift in consciousness as each of the seven rays, spinning away from the Earth, passes through this central sun to emerge on the other side;

It is simply a means of demonstrating, using very simple imagery, this shift involving all the planes of consciousness of your solar system. This shift through the central controlling energy of the sun, and the emergence through and out to a new level: the swirling round and passing through the central circle, and the emerging.

Yarnbury crop circle

This is Filo of the Arcturians. We are very pleased to be able to talk to you about this crop circle at Yarnbury.

So see the base of the design as the base of a triangle, which represents the Earth. See the planes of consciousness, three of which are touching the Earth and others which rise above it.

This whole design represents ascension. It represents the rising up of your consciousness. The whole design is focused on consciousness shift: the consciousness raise through which you are currently progressing.

You will see that the triangular shape, which really is akin to a pyramid design, enters the circle at the top with the corresponding lines around it. This is a very mythological representation of ascension in its purest form.

Walbury Hill crop circle

We’re very pleased to be talking to you about the latest of the crop circles which you have observed, and as you are aware this design is essentially depicting solar activity; which as you know is at the very centre of all the changes which are underway. Much of the disruption, especially the geophysical disruption and the increase in solar wind and the various effects of this, are linked to phases of the sun.

Interestingly there is a good deal of discussion in your media just today, about the possibility of this

Walbury Hill Crop Circle, 2010, UK

type of activity occurring over the next few years - which of course it will.

The actual imagery which we are using depicts the sun moving through various stages; it also depicts sun spot activity, which as you know is closely linked to solar flares, and the final part of the design is meant to represent a coronal mass ejection, which again is something that your scientists are now able to actually photograph and understand.

However they will not understand the intricacy, detail and importance of the sun at the centre of the controlling energies for all of the changes. This is something which we have mentioned on a number of occasions, and it is these messages which we would encourage your readers to go through, as they are very important and will convey a great deal of the information which we would like more and more individuals to be aware of.

So again this is really a very straightforward sequence of images depicting a very important aspect of the changes; the key driver if you like of so much of what is going to happen will be an increase of solar activity of this type

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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