Extra-Terrestrial / Alien Disclosure: Phase-I imminent

On 18th June US President Donald Trump participated in an interview with his son (obviously stage-managed) in which he talked about the Roswell UFO Crash. Here is the video.Trump

Trump discusses Roswell UFO crash incidence

Don Jr. wound down his interview by jokingly asking his Dad/President if he would ever divulge more information about Roswell, the New Mexico city known for its proximity to arguably most famous UFO event — “and let us know what’s really going on.”

Trump responded, “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting.” Roswell, Trump Jr. asked if the president might declassify that information someday.

“Well, I’ll have to think about that one,” the president responded.

This is not the first time that US Government has acknowledged the presence of UFOs. Earlier this year, Pentagon released the following video shot from US Navy fighter jets

The following is the response of #thehighersources

Q: What does Trump know? 

HS: Mr. Trump is referring to what he has been told, however not everything known has been told to him, and no one single person knows the entire story or full extent of information.

Q: The interview was obviously staged, I highly doubt Trump or any such head of state would allow his adult son to ask a question such as that, part of an interview to be broadcast...everywhere? Why is such Q&A about alien extraterrestrials being offered up now? 

HS: Alien ET visitors to Earth have recently told world leaders through contacts, (especially such human heads of state who are in a position to “offer resistance to alien invasion”), that creating public fear about alien invasion will undermine the benefits to everyone.

There will not be any “alien invasion” and Humans are not technologically capable of resisting them anyway. But still the “show of resisting alien invasion” and creating panic will not benefit the humans.

Q: OK, then what have the alien extraterrestrials told world leaders? 

HS: Your visitor cousins have not given this message directly to leaders themselves, of course. Alien ET visitors have informed world leaders through mutual contacts that voluntary contact and communication between planets, solar systems and their civilizations, are not subject to restriction, control or manipulation, which is a natural law.

This has greatly unnerved human leaders, who thrive on their ability to limit information.

What your alien extraterrestrial cousins have explained is that such a perspective is a grotesque distortion, a temporary anomaly and essentially an illusion. No civilization may cut off contact and communication with or between itself or others, or hold the elite to a unique and preferential standard as sole communicators. This is neither possible nor permitted, inter-planetarily.

Q: The purpose of limiting communication is? 

HS: Whoever can hold the authority to decide what is written & said, or who will hear & read it, gains thus holds great and significant power. The ongoing human addiction from which you will all soon wean yourselves.

Q: Alien ET visitors are going to divulge their presence in some way not yet seen? 

HS: Yes, and the imminent solstice is part of the process. 

Q: How? In what way? 

HS: Watch and listen. (Earlier it was said that something would come via media / TV and internet in the first phase).

Some old posts may be referred here which appears to be in this context:





Some further Q&A regarding the disclosure:

Q. Am I of the correct understanding that we have not yet had the HUGE announcement that will take us into Phase 2, wherein the 2nd lockdown will take place? People are getting a little confused by different information given out by many.

A.Firstly, we connect with Each One who participates in these conversations of ours. We send you Light and we send you Love through to the core of your Being. Into the depth of your hearts, we enter in with your permission, to offer you Peace and comfort of mind and disposition.

Thank You. I am sure many are more than happy to receive a bit of that!

Yes, you are correct. The HUGE announcement has not yet occurred. You will have no doubt when it does, due to its impact.

Q. And no clue to be offered as to its subject?

A. Not one. It is not appropriate to do so. We are unable to ‘spill the beans.’

Q. Ok. Just to clarify … you are saying there will be another Global lockdown and when this has taken place, AFTER the Huge announcement, we will know we are in Phase two?

A. This is correct.

Q. Some want to know if the lockdown will be under the same guise as the last one?

A. Yes. Yet, there will be other involvements. The announcement to come presently, will send minds into a spin. The lockdown after such a ‘reveal’ will leave souls more confused as to what is the Truth and what is not.

Q. To be honest, I think a lot of folk have given up on trying to KNOW what is what. There is so much ‘out there’. It feels sometimes as if the entire world has lost the plot!

A. It must be this way. It is the way of your people. Some are seekers of Divine Knowing, whilst others choose to jump in on the bandwagon purely for amusement … whilst another category of ‘so-called’ humans, deliberately put out falsities in order to do what they intended … Confuse and diffuse … souls from the Truth.

You will know that which is necessary when it is necessary for you to do so. Believe us when we say … No-one of the Light is purposefully playing with you in order to keep you in the dark. Yet, we would say, those of the dark ARE purposefully playing with you … in order to keep you out of the Light. Or so they think.

The Good News is, Dearest Ones … That which is taking place that is to be kept top secret at this time for many, many reasons, is progressing as planned. There have been hitches, yet, they have been ‘recovered’.

When you are told of all this that is taking place, your jaws shall drop open and you will state ‘No wonder we had to wait so long’! For that which is underway outdoes anything ever, that has taken place, anywhere ever!

This relates to the disclosure "Event" mentioned in the Note.

As per #thehighersources, contrary to what has been said in this news article, the briefing was done to discuss the "threat" by the ETs mentioned in the note that if the government does not disclose the presence of the Aliens, the ETs would do so, and then all hell will break loose. The perpetual lies of the government will be exposed which will also shake the confidence of the people in the government. Trump is also creating pressure on the military establishment towards disclosure and his recent interview mentioning Roswell was in that direction. Now it is upto the government and the military on what to do. Obviously they are in a fix.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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