The World After The Shift Part-I: Geopolitical Changes

"Speak to you we shall as a trio, to you as a group and beyond that might you repeat, share and discuss what we offer here, with whomever you believe will appreciate this information where a larger benefit to them ensues, balanced against the cost to your reputation. Knowledge of many events we will describe will not change the events, causing some people to reject the information, declaring it untrue. Others will tacitly accept the notion, but will insist on calendar coordination if not an exact date. The absence of such human timeline accuracy, offered to the predilection and preference of the person who requires this, will cause what we say to likewise be set aside as conceptual. Where decisions have not been made, in that humans retain the ability to choose the reaction, that we shall say even if it is obvious. Other outcomes, conditions and circumstances to come over Earth will occur as we describe and acceptance or rejection are not alternatives."

Ch.1 Countries, Wars and Redrawn National Borders after The Shift

"Curious we find the inclusion of 'wars' in the discussion of nations and their borders but given the human history of often using a war to establish boundaries between territories, this is understandable. We shall tackle this aspect first.

After the changes coming to Earth have finished and also for some time before effects are fully realized, war as it has been known will not occur or be a threat in the way it has always been, since organization of armed force became possible. The conduct of war against another nation, territory or region requires movement and supply to the military personnel. The coming constraint which shall initially prevent this, is movement. In coming articles we shall discuss curtailed human transportation in general, also to affect military maneuvers. This will be the first obvious thing to limit the ability, urge or effect of waging war. We suggest examination of empires and expansion, in known human history. The Romans conquered what could be reached by land. The British dominated by use of the seas, technology making a significant difference in their ability to reach distant places. Unlike their French and Dutch counterparts, the British, like the Spanish, were willing to employ technology to project force and power. The distribution and use of the English and Spanish languages have resulted. The conduct of war and intended defeat of an enemy might necessarily involve occupation. This requires transportation. The USA had no desire in the human year 1940 to occupy territory in Japan. At the end of year 1945 the USA occupied and ruled over it. Transportation made this possible and a great portion of the conflict between these nations involved the means of transportation, military vessels used to cross the oceans.

What shall be gained, after the Earth Shift now moving into the more active phases? History has shown the downfall of military action and occupation following, carried out to secure control of assets. The cost of cultural integration, administration, suppression of revolt, resistance and dissent reduce the gain. Humans will see these aspects in the accurate historical context of their initiation; power and wealth largely for the leaders, not the soldiers and not the general population associated with such leaders.

As far as modified, redrawn borders, newly created nations and extinguished ones, we say the overriding sentiment after The Shift will be cooperation, sharply contrasting with adversarial relations which now prevail to a greater or lesser degree. The simple reason collaboration will become the motivation is for benefit, the same reason an adversarial stance is pursued. Benefits ensue. The benefits now seen are taken for granted; the ability to secure some gain is based upon transportation, which will be permanently affected and modified, permanently changed. Current methods will remain possible however will fall from popularity significantly, but this aspect of The Shift is not currently foreseen or considered even remotely possible. Limitation of travel currently presents economic risks, however when far less travel is undertaken or even possible, even though efficient and quick communication are still common, concerns such as the pandemic now teaching humans what to expect will be far easier to limit.

Allow us now an analysis of region to region, beginning with Asia moving west.

China will remain as a nation, the changes to it almost all internal. The controversies surrounding China's control of Taiwan and Hong Kong will disappear. Hong Kong will not return to being a global financial center, independent of China and more aligned with Britain, but rather will fade from importance to China and control. The Chinese Communist Party will no longer exist, China's massive international export economy will fade away to a small fraction of what now exists, yet its borders will remain largely as they appear now.

North Korea will cease to exist becoming part of South Korea, both regions significantly changed from life today. The new single nation shall be renamed.

Moving south, Singapore and Malaysia will be one nation again, as the financial advantages Singapore offers will no longer be needed. Thus the reason for the nation's existence will fade away along with such changes.

New Zealand and Australia will become more closely aligned and cooperative beyond what already occurs, even as movement between them changes and reduces. Both will remain as sovereign, the one compared to the other yet more integrated in many ways. Geophysical changes in Australia will drive this approximation. Earth population reductions, to reach Australia also, will not eliminate the desire to relocate to New Zealand, despite the geophysical events which occur there. We are referring to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Japan will remain as is.

Pressure to integrate the nations of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia will be felt however little will come of talk about redrawn borders, as no sustained economic gain will arise from doing it. The idea will remain but that.

India, its many states within and Pakistan will remain. However central control by the Indian Government will be reduced. The borders will remain intact between the two nations.

The greatest of national border changes worldwide will occur in what is called the Middle East. Iran, Afghanistan, Itaq, The United Arab Emirates, Syria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and the Yemens will see disappearances, combinations but no newly created nations.

Israel will most surprisingly increase its territory, current neighbors happy to join in part. Surprising as this seems now, it will appear to be the only logical thing when it occurs.

Africa will see border shifts in the northern, Arab language and culture dominated nations. Libya and Morrocco will likely combine because of Libya's troubles. The almost permanent chaos and strife of Somalia will abate almost completely but the borders in this region will not be altered. Western and Southern Africa will not see changes to national borders.

Russia will remain largely intact however ethnic minorities will secede with success, in frustration with restrictions the central government attempts to continue where no benefit derives to the region. We are referring to Chechnya, however the final borders of the region are not decided. Western Russia, which is more Europe than Asia, will see redrawn borders and reduced territory, the changes motivated for the same reasons. Residents of adjacent territories will see the possibility of greater benefit by keeping control of land they occupy but associating it with the smaller nation and leaving the central control of the larger. The larger the national government and nation, the more incapable will they be revealed to actually be.

Europe's borders as a region will have less importance, as the European Union will be long dissolved before The Shift is complete. The individual nations within will have some changes; Lichtenstein, San Marino and Monaco will cease to be, Germany and Austria will join together, many other nations will attempt to enact Swiss-style procedures and practices but to little practical gain. Overall, the current nations of western Europe will exist but become less separated. Cooperation between them will increase even though the regional administration and bureaucracy will not longer exist.

South America will see not significant dissolutions, creations or modifications of nations. Considered already less significant than North America, Europe or Asia it will be deemed even less so at that time.

North America will see the secession of Texas from the USA however the USA will remain. Mexico will have some northern states attempt to join Texas, just as will some states of the USA however Texas will require such additions to give up their identity to a degree such states, from the others in the USA or what is now Mexico, wish to join. Ultimately this will cause Texas to secede using current state borders as new national borders.

Mexico will remain, the small national borders between Central American nations will come under pressure to be eliminated however this decision is not yet decided. Panama will be the objector.

The French speaking areas of Canada will finally secede, the remainder of Canada will put forth almost no objections and little about life in either nation, Canada less Quebec or the new Quebecois Republic, will change because of the secession.

The relatively small changes to national borders and nations will be that way because of reduced interactions between areas of Earth and human societies, the result of the new way of life most humans will adopt, many humans being forced to adopt.

Overall, central governments will be understood as efficient machines for wealth transfer and reallocation, but less effective, or ineffective to outright incompetent & inept at providing solutions to other issues. The current virus epi- and pandemic on Earth is preparing this way of thinking, in a small preemptive way. Humans are learning what wealth, money, income means and what freedom and liberty mean, weighed against security, safety and good health. Many different conclusions can be reached, and great pressure is being applied along public policy preference lines to create an accepted imagery which serves the positive view of authorities. Populations are doubting this in larger and greater ways, the purpose of this step is to show that when obviously challenging events take place, such as ongoing volcanic eruptions, atmospheric ash and effects, central authorities are not a solution or even source of comfort. These answers are to be found in all of you together.

Nations, their borders, disappearance and creation will be a collateral or residual effect, and not significant. The general interactions between nations and territories will be more collaborative, less formal and not built upon short, medium or long term securement of commercial advantage."

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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