Solar System : life on Mars, Ganymede, Europa and Titan

Q: Is there any life on these moons and planet?

HS: As we spoke to you before about Mars, yes and also on all of these moons and everywhere in the solar system of your sun. We must say, what do you consider life? The more broad the definition, the more life is found and you are all life yourselves, before your bodies and after, and during.

Q: I am certain the reader's question relates to life as understood on Earth.

HS: Yes. This life is also on the three moons and one planet mentioned, and upon all moons, planets and other objects orbiting your central star.

Q: Will human visits be able to detect this life?

HS: Yes, eventually.

Q: Eventually visit or eventually detect?

HS: Both; as your ability to visit arrives, long previous shall there be ability to detect life there.

Q: Is there intelligent life on any of these planets? I say planets since some of these moons are large enough.

HS: Intelligent by human limits, no and yes.

Q: Not yes and no?

HS: The life you would consider intelligent; with cognitive thinking, does not inhabit a body as you perceive it. There is extensive life, of intelligence you would consider superior to yours. In dimensions yet unseen.

Q: Are we humans ever going to gain a glimpse into the life there, in those places?

HS: Yes, it will be shown to some of you. It is likely to be shown to sufficient numbers of humans that denial of the existence will be difficult. You shall be taken to visit; extraterrestrial visitors to Earth will offer this.

Q: This could easily be written off as a lot of bull, as in bullshit, just tossed through a keyboard by some yahoo looking for attention who doesn't know what the hell he's talking or writing about.

HS: Yes, and such reaction has much company. This dismissal makes truth from falsehoods or, conversely, creates falsehoods from truth? The attitude you describe is easy, even lazy and originates in fear. Why should there be concern, yet there is. Humanity offers itself great learning with the limits and their breaking; just as suggestions Earth was not flat did at one time, or that microbes caused infections. That smoking damaged health, that bacteria caused ulcers; shall we continue?

Q: Is there any biped life, such as humans, on these planets and moons?

HS: Not of your dimensions but yes, in a similar form.

Q: Of course I mean physical life, as ours.

HS: No; life that resembles human organisms that would be found in these places are smaller.

Q: Could we bring any of this life to Earth and have it survive or thrive?

HS: Yes, a few would and create temporary havoc; most would perish. The havoc would be disturbance to your ecologies, and you would eradicate them. Have no concern, you will not do this. As your ability to collect a sample were developed, your absolute understanding why damage it would create will precede the ability.

Q: Will humans develop the ability to visit the solar system without ET help?

HS: Yes, however you shall receive this assistance. You would develop it yourselves, but at the time is it shown and given, it will be to collective advantage and so you will have the opportunity. It will not be necessary that you wait.

Q: How long would travel to, say, Jupiter require?

HS: As you will remain in your solar system and on the time Earth existence creates, you would reach this planet in approximately five minutes, four of the five involving ascent from Earth and descent into Jupiter.

Q: Why do you say "into"?

HS: It has no fixed interface with a hard surface and the sharp differences between solid, gas and liquid you have on Earth will be different there; thus you would descend a good distance into what you would consider liquid before encountering solid as you believe it.

Q: Why?

HS: The dark side of Jupiter has combinations of materials and chemicals that heat and cool and create conditions humans have not yet seen, although your understanding of chemistry would understand, once you have seen them. The heat of Earth which rises from the molten iron core, is not nearly the same as this planet, and its surface atmosphere is heated by the sunlight; given the rotation of nearly 2½ times for each one Earth makes, this creates a temperature cycle that helps create the ever thicker liquid in the atmosphere.

Q: Does Saturn have any life on its rings?

HS: No longer.

Q: There was life?

HS: Before the moon was destroyed, yes.

Q: What destroyed the moon that made the rings, is that right?

HS: An asteroid collision; this was the destruction of the planet that created the asteroid belt, a large piece of which was drawn towards Saturn and struck the satellite moon. The impact was sufficiently strong to pulverize a percentage of the two objects and create the orbiting ring of debris.

Q: How much debris escaped?

HS: Most of the larger pieces escaped the gravity of Saturn, the remainder formed the rings.

Q: How long to reach Saturn from Earth?

HS: The travel time is similar to Jupiter, despite greater distance.

Q: Any human identifiable organisms on Saturn? Not just her moons but the planet itself?

HS: Yes.

Q: Are Saturn's many moons, besides its rings, the result of the moon destruction?

HS: Yes, some of them.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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