Impact of natural disasters about to occur across the globe

What will the impact of the natural disasters which are about to occur be across the globe
Please try not to have too many doubts about the veracity of the material you are receiving. You will see very soon how events will prove the information to be extraordinarily accurate. Obviously the seriousness and the implications are such that people will view this material with great scepticism; don’t be swayed by this, they simply don’t have your insight and they will soon come to realise that you’re connected at a very high level, and your source is extremely accurate and will serve you well. 
So now the natural disasters about which you’ve already received so much information. Earlier we described to you in some detail the various geophysical types of activity which will occur with increasing frequency and in areas around the globe where they are not expected.  These events are very soon to commence and will obviously be viewed by almost everyone as random acts of god
Deplorable as they are, especially in their impact upon mankind, they are an absolute necessity as they form an integral part of the change process which is upon you and will now accelerate; and as you know it is the speed of acceleration of the process which will be of great interest and is extremely important. 
The events themselves will be those that many people might expect, in that they will not be extraordinary events per se. However they will occur with much more frequency; they will occur with more severity, and perhaps most important of all, they will occur in locations around the globe where they are really not expected at all
So the types of event are volcanic activity, earthquakes, hurricanes and severe and extraordinary weather. Obviously there will be a high cost in human life attached to a number of these events. However, other types of consequence are perhaps more surprising and these will include quite drastic impacts on weather systems, temperature, rainfall and the like. These drastic impacts will be caused in ways which are not anticipated and not expected. 
For example, the consequence of volcanic activity would not be expected to be accelerated warming; however this will be the case and so these events will be viewed with great concern. As I say not only for the obvious impact on humankind, but also for the strange and unpredictable effects they will have upon the already unreliable weather patterns experienced around the globe. 
These events, of which there will be many, will occur over a relatively compressed timescale, and despite the fact that they will be viewed as acts of god; they are not random at all. They are indeed necessary planned activities which have to happen in order to prepare the earth for the more important; the more fundamental changes which are coming, which have been discussed briefly in documents passed to you; the changes to the way the earth operates. So the natural disasters are a necessary precursor to the fundamental changes to the earth’s operation; necessary to prepare the ground for the new era; the new consciousness 
This will still seem to many people highly improbable and will largely be ignored. This is unsurprising, especially as the majority will be preoccupied with the immediate financial and economic problems which are presenting themselves. But eventually those who are prepared to listen and to engage with the bigger picture will realise that this is a relentless process; a relentless process of change, which has been planned and is being executed with great precision. 
This realisation will take a while as very few are prepared to entertain that such entities exist as could possibly have organised all of these events: financial, economic, natural disasters, changes to the way the earth operates; all the detail of these events; the sequence of these events; all of this is planned in great detail. 
So, regardless of the reaction of the majority of people, who will simply find this highly implausible; stay focused and note the reaction as these geophysical events occur across the globe, as they will soon.
And do feel free to come back at any time to gain more information about any aspect of the changes in particular 
You are moving into a fascinating but also frightening phase in earth development; try to always remain focused on the bigger picture; this will serve you well. 

A rolling sequence of earthquakes and volcanoes 

This rolling event will continue over a number of years. The economic and financial disruption is, as you are aware, well under way and those who thought that this would be perhaps just a short sharp recession, then a bounce back to normal activity, will realise that this is simply not going to be the case
Levels of activity are now dropping, this is going on in the background, but you will be aware that there are a number of stimulus packages in place around the world, especially in the western nations; the developed nations of the EU and of course America. These packages are having some effect, but they are also having an enormous drain on the financial reserves of the nations involved. 
So to some extent the increase, the blip, in economic activity which is being seen now is a false one, as it is being stimulated by extraordinary means and these means will eventually have to be withdrawn. 
In addition to this the geophysical upheaval events will commence at a time when the western nations, the richest nations in the world, are seeing their reserves severely depleted. There will be a real impact on their ability to respond to many of these events which will occur across the globe
This will comprise all sorts of “acts of god” such as a rolling series of earthquakes; a rolling sequence of volcanic activity, along with many other strange weather events; hurricanes, flooding events, all of these types of activity
It is the knock-on effects of many of these individual events which will cause many of the changes, which you are seeing around the globe at present, to accelerate. As we said before it is the timing aspect; it is the compression of time; it is the acceleration of the changes which is potentially the most interesting aspect of all of this 
Of course many will view this as anything but exciting: many will view it as perhaps the end of the world. This however is absolutely not the case, as you and all of your readers are aware. It is important not only to convey information about these events, but also to allay the fears of many of those who feel this is simply the beginning of the end
It is of course the beginning of the end of the way mankind is currently living: the very first paper you received “deconstruction” alludes to this very strongly. It is not in any way shape or form the end of life on earth; the end of mankind. It is a severe disruption, which is long overdue, and will result in a complete realignment of man in his environment, and will result in an entirely different way of living.

Geophysical upheaval - a necessary sequence of re-adjustment 

This will be a brief piece, however a very interesting one for your readers I’m sure, as it will go some way to try to explain the nature of the geophysical upheavals, which are soon to be with you
Sadly the vast majority of humans will view these quite simply as random, acts of god, which are unpleasant and serve no useful purpose. It is not surprising that the vast majority of people will view things in this way, based upon their scant knowledge of the world of spirit. This of course is not how the events truly are; their true nature is far different from this. 
They are a necessary sequence of re-adjustments; a necessary sequence of changes to large areas of the surface of the earth. These sorts of changes, adjustments, re-alignments have happened many times in the past as we’ve told you before. Climate change is not something which you can fight. It is a cycle of events; it is naturally occurring; it is something which needs to be much better understood by man, as to view it as a hostile “wild beast” which needs to be tamed and beaten into submission is unfortunate: it is never something which will respond in any way to this approach
Enormous budgets are prepared; complicated programmes of action are being put in place and undertaken; supposedly to address the effects of climate change: they will not. None of these programmes will make any difference, so one could say that all of this money is being squandered - and it is, because sadly you are chasing after all the wrong things. 
First of all you are looking to curb and reduce production of CO2, an area where you will fail spectacularly by the way, but also you are looking to arrest or seriously influence a cycle of natural climatic changes around the globe, which are to all intents and purposes irresistible. 
“Utterly futile” is one way of describing the commonly accepted view of climate change amongst governments and the vast majority of the population today: totally misinformed and utterly futile. However, whatever we say in this piece will have little impact on the status quo as it is out there today. But rest assured that this attitude, this approach will change; a much broader, a much more comprehensive understanding of such events is coming. Suffice to say at this stage, that the natural and cyclical nature of climate change makes it something which is unable to be interfered with to a great extent in any way by man. 
It is unfortunate that he views himself as standing apart from nature. Man has arrived at the point where he no longer sees himself as an integrated being with all that is. He sees himself as standing apart from all that is and, dare we say it, as able to perhaps control these things. This is a very dangerous view which is being prepared if you like by the powers that be and governments around the world 
Man has not achieved anything like the ability to control any aspect of these changes, especially not in the rather crude and blunt way in which he is approaching it currently. 
So perhaps a rather more forceful and direct piece than you had anticipated, but nonetheless I’m sure it will make for good reading for your followers. We hope that you will not edit any of these pieces as the true nature of the content is important.

The wrath of god or Natural Law?

We’ve come to talk to you today about life in general, and try to give a little explanation and some background as to the workings of the system if you like. This is an area of which your average person is almost completely ignorant, sadly a product of hundreds of years and many generations of conditioning; much of which is due to mass religions
Mass religions have achieved an awful lot in a very short time; sadly they certainly in the West appear to be in serious retreat, but they have achieved a lot in the few hundred years that they have existed. But at the same time as providing a firm anchor point and a strong frame of reference for life for a good many people, they’ve also been responsible for some awful inaccuracies and dreadful manipulation of the truth; nothing could be more representative of this than the way “God” is portrayed and has been dealt with by virtually every mass religion on earth today
The reason for visiting this topic is that in a short while there are going to be a large number of “Acts of god”. The geophysical upheaval when it commences will be viewed with horror by many, and many will use common phrases like; “if there was a god then surely this wouldn’t happen”. This approach, which will be highly charged with emotion and will be a very common response, sadly demonstrates what a poor grasp of the essentials of the workings of the universe many people have. Much of this poor grasp in our view is due to the severe manipulation of the truth by modern religions
The concept of God has been so distorted by as many religions as you can name. So distant and in many cases so based on fear; the whole concept has been so badly treated as to be almost worthless. What man simply refuses to accept is that he is responsible for everything that happens to him. The idea that god sits up on high judging you, and that your actions are surveyed by this divine power is absurd
Your actions are recorded, as everyone’s actions are, and Natural Law dictates that what you do will determine what you experience: how you behave will determine how you are treated. The whole concept of karma is alive and well. It’s very simple; one cannot escape the consequences of one’s actions. Natural Law is absolutely fair. So, if people believe that they can “get away with it” then the only ones they’re deluding are themselves. It’s really as simple as that
“Acts of god” per se really don’t exist; these geophysical upheaval events which are soon to commence have a perfectly good reason. There are a number of adjustments which need to be made to the way the earth is operating and these will be attending to those adjustments. It also happens that population needs to be reduced. Again we’ve visited this topic many times; we’ll be unpopular for the way we treat it, because it seems cold and callous, but really its none of these when you view it in the context of the whole, which almost no-one does 
So the idea that God has visited these horrendous acts on earth – the wrath of god and the like, is nonsense. But bear in mind that the concept of god is in itself useful (although it has been so badly treated down the ages) if it is viewed as the sum total of consciousness. You can look at this from any level that you like; the earth; the solar system; the galaxy and so on. 
My point is that god is not an individual; god is a collective, composite being if you like; and according to whatever level you are working on, this composite intelligence is the sum total of all consciousness up to that point. I hope this explanation isn’t too confusing; it’s a difficult concept to put into words; it’s actually dreadfully simple but I fear we may have over-complicated matters
So to come back to the original point of the whole piece: yes these events will happen; don’t view them as good or bad or anything at all; just see them as necessary events. They all have consequences; your actions as an individual have consequences and Natural Law applies; it’s inescapable; you can’t avoid it. Everything that one does has consequences; that’s the way it works
The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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