Peru Earthquake

Peru is the topic of this session. 

Peru as you know lies at the top of the Andes – the mountain range of South America. And quite simply it will suffer – this country and the adjoining countries particularly northern Chile and to some extent Colombia – enormous devastation from an earthquake registering high on your Richter scale, your logarithmic scale for intensity. In fact, little needs to be said about this other than it will have a greater impact upon the civilizations in these countries, a greater impact upon the population than any of the other individual events

It is quite colossal in its effect: far-reaching, unexpected and for that reason quite deadly. But it is simply another of the geophysical events of which there are many heralding the correction, the step change in consciousness, the necessary evolution of the planet.

And to an extent, a necessary reduction in population of the planet. Again, this must seem extraordinarily harsh but reality is not like that, it proceeds according to laws, irrefutable laws, laws that cannot be ignored or altered by mankind. 

It doesn’t need to be said that attempts at providing aid and assistance will fall way short of what is required. And yes there will be enormous loss of life and suffering.

What is important amongst all this apparent destructive activity is to maintain a sense of balance and perspective, not to view this as an impossible destructive disaster, one after the other, heralding the end of humanity. 

The truth is as you know quite the opposite, if anything heralding a golden age which mankind can move into, shall move into, but what’s ever so important is that the transition phase is accepted and chaotic and greedy and selfish motivation of man is in some way mitigated or reduced or influenced so as not to prolong this difficult and at times frightening natural global upheaval. 


The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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