Dark Forces: The Hidden Controlling Powers controlling the World

We talk here about the Illuminati/Cabal/HCPs/Dark Forces/Deep State. We never hear from them and never will.

To remind everyone who they are: a group of humans identified by several outside names such as Illuminati, New World Order, the Cabal and so forth. They have no name for themselves. One label observers might apply is as valid as another. 

The Higher Sources now speaks about them, quoted from The HS.

"This group invites its members; nobody can look them up or apply to join. No future member is considered as a candidate by way of an applicant's request. Once inducted, members are captive for life. Very often and in nearly every case, candidates are erased from their past through staged deaths, then inserted into key roles by way of a manufactured background, an invented history and a concocted curriculum vitae. 

The HCPs employ thousands of subordinates, nearly all of them corporate and government officials at high level. This is not to suggest most corporate executives and government officials are subordinates, because a majority are not. The correct number of members and subordinates cannot be defined without knowing the knowledge criteria and parameters which apply to each level. It can be tens of thousands, if enough soldier subordinates are considered. Permanent member partners number in the dozens, less than one hundred. Key operators subordinate to the less than one hundred, number from three to six hundred dozen.  

Only the top less-than-one hundred know the true size and scope. 

The life members are knowledgeable about nearly all matters involving the HCPs, whereas the subordinates, who have broad authority and wield significant power themselves, have carefully compartmentalized information. They are typically unaware of other information, operations and schemes not involving them. Such subordinates are held in place by a check & balance system the parts & pieces of which they do not know exist. Thus rogue, harmful behavior, either intentionally aimed at damaging the HCPs or carried out unwittingly, can be curtailed and neutralized. The bad actor cannot know from where the countermeasures originate, thus has little to no ability to defend against them or prevent it. 

Other subordinates in key places are well positioned to issue explanations, justification and reasoning behind the acts, which direct outside attention & observation far away from what is really the nature of the momentary beast.    

The HCPs truly believe they do benevolent things. Their financial wealth is so far beyond comprehension of the average mortal billionaire, not to mention human being in general, that the pursuit of wealth has almost zero meaning for them.  They seek power, control and domination; they have achieved it. They pursue its permanent expansion. Money to them is but a tool, method and technique.

Overall, they believe human societies would simply collapse without them, that a certain percentage of humanity is expendable because it cannot be redeemed. They are the ultimate manifestation of corrupting power and its absolutes. They reject the idea of personal freedom and self-determination because they believe mankind, if left to your own devices, will self-destruct. They are a textbook example of psychological projection, putting onto other people they observe and attempt to control, the qualities they themselves possess. 

They are not omnipotent, but feel this way within areas they choose to exploit. They know that if they chose to control most things, their operation would implode. Rather, their strategy is to teach compliance to the masses, instructing them to obey, such followers under the illusion that what they think, believe and do is truly noble. Beneficial sounding ideas are used to mix truth with oppression, appealing to emotion, inexperience and naïveté. 

The lure of possessions, trinkets, fancy objects, luxuries and wealth is used to rope in the targeted official. She who resists or rejects the good life, is identified long before becoming a beneficiary of the money, and is cast aside. The vulnerable are recruited, then fortified with the power of money many surrounding people are willing to give to nearly any wealthy or even perceived wealthy person. The control is exerted voluntarily. Most people either want to be controlled (an extreme, graphic example is BDSM which I will not describe if you do not already know what that is) or only find out they're being controlled after it's too late to prevent or fix things. A third group never wakes up.

It is nearly a social taboo in some circles to doubt, question, criticize or oppose. The HCPs know this and take advantage. Their exercise of power to fuel their ego is their perverse pleasure. They literally "get their rocks off" on doing it.

A parallel example is pedophilia.

The top people in the organization have learned to employ the power of the mind to physically create objects and materials on a faster basis than the usual human manifests things through the power of thought. For example, cash money can be materialized from thin air, then used to convince other people to deliver nearly any physical thing or service humans sell.    

All aspects of mankind are monitored through the subordinate system; controller managers are used to identify opportunities and threats. The words you read now will be scanned, then identified as worthy of time given to read them, by a human employed for detecting potential problems or chances for gain.

The permanent members are trained to be telepathic, psychic and intuitive because all humans have the ability, thus capability to enhance or improve it. During this process, the HCPs learned that psychic ability does not convey power to become a mind reader of other people, without the consent and approval of the human & soul they might wish to scan. Any display of anger or frustration at inability to enter another mind's thinking, thickens and raises the walls and strengthens the barriers against intrusion. Think of physical intimacy; desire to have it but forcing oneself upon the object or target, shuts the process down. Unlike the physical body which can be controlled with physical force, the mind is far more powerful, in fact omnipotent in this aspect. No mind can be cracked open against its will."

Now The HS switches horses to speak to the HCPs and their subordinates. We who were the target audience for the previous part of this session, are no longer. We're the observers looking into through the temple's windows, listening to the message.  

"Our greetings and salutations to you whom these words touch, much thanks we have for your role and place in human societies. So interesting and given to growth is mankind because of groups like you.

Your dominance over Earth and mankind is an illusion in which you believe more strongly than even the people of the planet you would hope to control completely, were it possible.

You see, the very desire for control and dominance which motivates you, is not exclusive. Many humans have this desire also, so the frustration you sometimes feel when plans unfold differently from what you prefer, is precisely the same as what happens to the insubordinate and non-compliant.

Of course you know this, yet skillfully and expertly have you identified the human traits which categorise the residents of Earth, then you have exploited them in a way the resistance becomes nearly always a minority unable to change course or track. 

We know your feelings when the population of the large North American nation chose your most distasteful candidate for leader, and we observed keenly the efforts carried out to remove him. In this we say, you fell prey to the emotionality of which you nearly always take advantage. You jumped the gun and cost yourselves an opportunity you did not realise you had. Patience and the long-term view, as were used to place the forty fourth president in office and under your wings and thumb, were better to your purposes. The illusion that the distasteful and unpleasant thing must be put aside, and that you shall if you can do it, is not something you might or should follow yet also continue to use effectively to reach your ends.

Your reign's closing draws closer. It will come abruptly; derive the best lessons from the time which remains, for the growth of your souls and the best growth of all others with whom you associate, both knowingly and the many more not known. The little people your subordinates push and prod to enact your bidding, you will discover are not little at all. You are.

Our love and faith to you, be well HCPs the one and many of you all."   

Q: Roughly how long have the behind-the-scenes HCP's been successfully pushing their agenda?
HS: Since the middle of the Industrial Revolution, but the beginnings originated when global trade became more developed in the 18th century.

Q: How was that handled prior to the technology of this century, and more so relevant to the past two+ decades where technology has really jumped?
HS: A very large question, the answer could take many roads to large destinations. To summarize, more slowly then more quickly as communications and media have increased both volume and velocity. Think of a falling tree; it uses ten or twelve seconds from beginning its descent until impact, but the majority of the trajectory requires only 1½ - 2 seconds.

Q: Seems to me that, going back further [in time] people had to be more concerned about surviving, making food, staying warm / safe, not getting attached or killed by whatever (animals, other humans), and generally just trying to get by.
HS: Yes, a long time.

Q: Globally intertwined economies didn't exist or certainly didn't matter much. The focus was on living and surviving. Did the "Industrial Revolution" bring about the existence of HCP's and desire for control, wealth, and influence?
HS: Accelerated it.

Q: Or just a human nature thing that finally had the opportunity to exist as technology advanced?
HS: Yes, it is nature to organize into hierarchies and use methods & means to control them. Without the leadership, the hierarchy stops.

Q: That said, it leads to another question..... given that people are how they are, is this just a repeat of things from previous "civilizations" on Earth? Meaning the reset that happened with Atlantis civilization imploding, or others prior to that?
HS: Yes, and mankind is not listening closely to many messages which warn of the same ends, even though the messages do not point to Atlantis, as almost no human believes in the existence of this former civilization. Nevertheless, the voices who decry large government, impositions of rules and pressure to be followed, are sounding a similar theme as was spoken and offered in the distant past.

Q: Does society advance beyond just needing to live and survive daily, we get all full of ourselves, a small group of people try to control and rule others, shit gets sideways and all fucked up, things implode, reset, rinse and repeat?
HS: This has been the Earth human pattern. It is being broken now. Listen to whomever cries loudest and complains, and there you shall see the challenge.

Q: Then circling back around to an item mentioned above... "The Shift"... and while having followed discussions on it, I will admit I still can't grasp what all it would entail, at least in what's left of this limited lifetime, is The Shift our current name for a "reset" that is coming that will knock aside all the HCP-related drama?
HS: You will grasp it well when it grasps you. You are a human who likes and often requires your five physical senses triggered, stimulated or pricked before belief begins to form. The events which are reaching your senses are already happening, but the explanations are either not offered across-the-board or you doubt, or perhaps disbelieve them. Humans like to see ten elephants per day for ten continuous days before accepting the idea, elephants are present. That elephants have never been seen before, matters enormously to pattern loving, habit forming humans.
No, this is not a re-set. Human life patterns, means and ways are going to permanently change. The old patterns will not be re-set, but discarded.

Q. Are the influence of HCPs limited to USA and similar countries which have more influence over the world? What about countries like China, Russia, India, Japan etc. Have the HCPs infiltrated their governments too?

A. Yes. Absolutely. They have Infiltrated the entire world including all the above countries

Q. "Only the top less-than-one hundred know the true size and scope."

There must be must be some traces of this groups existence and someone must have written a book about them. The question is whether they will be revealed when "the Shift happens"

A. No book about them would ever make it into the hands of publishers, much less booksellers. The HCPs won't be revealed, they'll just fade into oblivion.

The "higher dimensions" are not our saviors, managers, mommies or daddies. They simply guide us along our own blueprint, our self-determined path. We all came here to row our own boats, travel our own roads, or pave new ones. HCPs are a human creation just like tyrants, dictators, kings, queens and ministers prime.

Your statement sounds as if you want it all easy. We The People made this mess, We The People should clean it up or just accept it, and decide it isn't a mess. Many do.

I personally believe the HCPs are negative and I would like to see their influence go away BUT they're only influential or powerful because We The People hand them authority willingly.

Allow me an example for a moment. I do not know about countries outside my own, but inside the USA, in other states, there seems to be a movement (if the news can be believed) to teach innate racism. It goes by the name "Critical Race Theory". It essentially teaches that white folk are inherently superior to other people who aren't "white". The approach is, racist behavior —mistreatment because of the target persons' race— is not just taught, learned and acquired behavior. No, no, no.....it's born & built into humans beings. It's innate. This is not true but is being forced on schoolchildren as fact.

Classic HCP handiwork folks, used to prick & prod emotions, change behavior then create or widen conflict. Chaos and crises are opportunities to seize power.

The HCPs have successfully taught massive swaths of mankind to elevate emotion & feeling above facts + logic almost all the time, enabling them to influence behavior. Successful human society requires BOTH approaches. A group of women without men is not as happy as one WITH men. A group of men without women is even more unhappy; a family cannot be all male; an all-female family begs the questions as to why, but is accepted. It is seen as somewhat less desirable, even if not rare.

Covid19 warriors are an example of this emotions-first approach. Several times over the last year I've been verbally assaulted outdoors in sunshine for not wearing a mask. That the aggressor prefers a mask bothers me not one itty bit. They are taught to aggressively approach and denounce others, under scientifically proven false notions.

Humans need to learn once again to accept differences, not pass through life with a mental ironing board looking to flatten & smooth out every wrinkled behavior one doesn't like or prefer.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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