Questions for the Alien Extra-Terrestrials

Q. Do you have the intention to make you more visible from now to the end of the year? (that is, a significant ramp up of sightings.

AE:    We the visitors to Earth make ourselves widely visible, the difference is: who looks and who believes. We can make ourselves appear before a stadium sporting event, this will disrupt the event and possibly the league. Many spectators would begin to fear that rugby, football, cricket or tennis attract us. Others would be fascinated and hope for the sport to indeed attract our appearance, the effect becoming a dispute between the fearful and the excited. We have no desire to set up then set off this reaction. It serves no purpose. 

We reveal our presence in many other ways as observers but to a lesser number of humans, only a small portion among the humans who observe us, tell the story to anyone else. Absent high resolution photos or video, the event is roundly and soundly disbelieved. If good video were available, half the viewers would accuse the videographer of a hoax. To avoid this, we would have to provide advance notice of our appearance, to permit assembly of both video equipment and users, plus observer witnesses to corroborate our appearance. 

Doing this would be a long and complicated way of simply hovering over a full stadium, yes?

The stampede which would result, is not worth the juice. We will not squeeze humans this way. The absence of sufficient collective belief is the reason. We are certain there exist sufficient collective curiosity, interest and vague doubts but these general notions do not rise to the level of belief. Thus the mixture of thrills & terror reactions our appearances would provoke, are the reason will shall continue our across-the-board appearances in a way less humans see. 

We actively appear to a human who asks for this to happen, but the believers among you. who believe this is possible are so few that the effort produces no widespread belief effect.

Q2.   What are the biggest events that you are currently studying/observing on Earth? It is just the pandemic, or something else? Could you list, say, five topics?
AE:    This question asks us to rank the events as we see them, which we cannot do. This assessment of value and importance of Earth events, is human. We will say we are closely observing politics which includes the pandemic, for these are not separate events. We are observing Earth's geophysical condition. We are observing the effects on Earth inhabitants, mostly what humans call animals. You would be surprised to know, we are not watching humans so closely. 

Q3.   Being able to access so much more hidden information than us, could you give your impressions about the current unfolding of EU break-up? My problem is that I am unable to assess a time horizon to this process, maybe you are able to assess it better.
AE:    We have no impressions or interpretations, and frankly we do not care. We know humans care about this, and we care a great deal about observing the human actions and reactions to what humans would call the study of sociology, but the European Union is frankly such a boring topic in substance and material, that we give it nearly zero importance. 

Q4.     Silly questions: what is the most popular activity that you do during your free time?
AE:     This question cannot be answered without identifying which visitors to Earth, or which civilization and the members composing it. We will reverse the question; if we asked this of and about humans, the natural answer would be which humans? These considerations ride atop the assumption time is considered free or constricted, managed or self-decided. The structure of human activity, divided into roughly three areas, one, maintenance such as sleep, nutrition, elimination, washing, body covering then two committed time for obligations and vocations, what humans broadly call work and three all other optional activity, is an assumption which applies in greater and lesser ways to the many civilizations around the galaxy.

Limiting the discussion artificially to space travel capable civilization such as ourselves, who visit and observe Earth, we can say in general this group of us does not practice the concept of free time the way humans might, the reason I took the effort to explain.

​We do not conscript a person to specific segments of the awake portion of the body's cycle, what humans call working hours. The mixture of personal interest activity and collective purpose activity, what humans call work, is not segmented at all.  In our civilization, any person is allowed to pursue whatever activity desired at any time. Humans generally cannot manage this practice, that you could or would live as do animals. If this were allowed and encouraged, humans would discover massive increases in productivity. Both output and expectations would change, meaning the fraction's numerator and denominator would both be altered to a point where great abundance would result. 

Human ideas of abundance assume, often with little to no examination, that it means wider personal availability and possession of physical things. Production and expectations, of equal and together greater importance, change also when the desire for control is lifted from the process. 

When this happens, much time available becomes free time, and even the maintenance functions of food, sleep and others take on a feeling of enjoyment. The fraction changes and true, measured productivity rockets up. Career or vocation frustration occur rarely and the reasons can be fixed in almost all cases through adjustments outside the frustrated person. The pursuits of art and science occupy massive portions of society in Earth visitor space travel capable civilizations.  

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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