The End of Civilization

My questions for The Higher Sources are about the end of the current ways of life.

Work, entertainment, travel, poverty, wealth, politics, trade, commerce, art, literature, crime, charity and many parts of human life are coming to an end, to be changed.  

Q: Esteemed Higher Sources, the latest set of restrictions are being imposed, as a new virus and name for it of course, is being used as justification. Are the Deep State / HCPs behind this entire process? 

HS: Of course, who else might step in? The leaders who seem to be in front of these issues, themselves enjoy being led, as they in turn command, instruct and dominate. They like the certainty of benefits from avoidance.  

Q: Benefits from avoidance? 

HS: They receive great benefits and monetary wealth in return for not doing specific things, avoiding conflicts with the givers of the prizes earned.  

Q: Do elected officials seek the position with expectations of such gains, knowing they'll be compensated for compliance or non-compliance? 

HS: No, this approach occurs after-the-fact or when the candidate for office appears likely to win and shows potential importance within the greater organisation.   

Q: The greater organisation?  

HS: The true grid, chart or governing trans-national structure.   

Q: Is general resistance ever going to bring the pandemic to the end it has probably already reached? 

HS: Yes.   

Q: Is the year 2019 version artificially created, going to become endemic? 

HS: No. The original versions will remain; the human created one will fade away, as its mutations demonstrate is now occurring.  

Q: What's ending with current civilisation(s)? Human societies? 

HS: Allow us if we may, to address the changes now washing over Earth and the social effects.  

Recall the many of you, the term social distancing. This contradiction creates tension which is not positive. To be social means together for humans, distancing its antonym. Also common has it been to say lockdown, but who among you considers yourself locked down against your will? This has happened and to what effect? Supporters will argue that absent these restrictions, penalties and sanctions, worse would have happened.   

This is not true, a comparison with other societies of similar population density will immediately show the clamping down on human movements and interactions does not stop the spread of an aerosol virus.   

Larger issues are afoot.  The hidden controlling powers know their reign ends. They know events will overtake Earth and mankind to stop what has been the pattern of techniques employed until now. The goal is to extend control of some sort and type as far into the future as possible, but this will not be achieved.   

Nevertheless, efforts to that end are now made upon all of you. The antidote is awareness, which you have, you who read these pages.   

No escape from the ending of current habits, methods, means and modes exists. Change will come to enhance all things human, but the humans who see the most change will like it the least. Addiction to money, which is really an addiction to behavior commandments, will cause painful withdrawals the greater and more deeply used the technique.   

All of you will see this as a problem yet soon the least monied among you will embrace the newfound humility the previously wealthy display. The false notions, false for they are not real, of greed, avarice, envy and coveting, will be revealed. You will all embrace human character, not possessions, services or process.   

Humans will eat better but less fancy. Humans will sleep better but in less luxury. Because you are asleep, the relative luxury of the place chosen means nothing. Happiness will be seen as created not at all by surroundings humans build and manufacture. Absence of strain, struggle and strife are what human devices and objects make; happiness is from interactions.  Vegans and vegetarians will see the bad aspects of their diet, and understand the attraction. Others who too often reject fruits, vegetables and plants to be eaten, will likewise come to realise the error of this diet.  Because so much less movement of people and goods, both materials and finished products, will take place entertainment will also be far less rushed. The return to reading a book will astonish with its popularity, much to the chagrin of the YouTube crowd. The platform and use will continue but its peak will have been reached and its decline inevitable.   The calls for coming together will cease just as mankind truly comes together to embrace the reality that humans cannot come together in the ways the speakers of this phrase want and expect. In this way, humans will truly come together to understand acceptance of different opinions, different ideas and notions, is normal.      

Civilisation as it is now known, will end. Civilisation as mankind chooses to re-make itself, will  come to reign. Problems will exist yet be understood as part of the process. No longer will problems be seized upon by the brainwashed as evidence of imperfection to justify the quest for impossible perfection, so adamantly seized by too many among you.      

To expect that you can sit back and observe the changes, to watch the show, is a false notion sought as soothing and comforting. This view, standing back to look, will be attractive when it is perceived that no efforts can be made to change the endings of human civilisations.   

You will best evolve and happiest become, when you participate. The great many among you shall. When products you like become difficult to have, by cost or scarcity, you will choose to adapt or complain, but not ignore. Look down the road and decide then if complaints will reach the destination you like.   

Civilisation today has large doses of unawareness, which will convert into its opposite. This will become the greatest benefit to arise, its value not understood until the change is felt across the populations of the world.  As the volume, speed and diversity of information availability has exploded over the last few decades, so have the efforts to control the message and the population. It is human nature to control the environment for survival. The current controllers of the information environment are simply attempting to survive the loss of their power, and so far have done so effectively.   

This will end harshly for them, but not for you. Have compassion, for the re-adjustment is not the us versus them dispute so commonly portrayed. You will note with surprise and even elation how the tone of public discourse finds its level much the same way water flows to rest. This re-settlement of the waters of humanity will expose the efforts currently used to manipulate and control, but you will not care much beyond appreciating the understanding, once such phase comes to pass.  We love you all. Share what you have with all around you. Be well now and always.      

Q: The year never ends, does it? The beginning thus end of a lap around the sun cannot be fixed, so the idea we're at the end of a year or a civilisation is a false perception. Why so much attention given to the year's end? 

HS: Insufficient space travel by humans. Movies of it can be given to you by your extraterrestrial cousins, if you ask them when the time comes.   

Q: Shouldn't the title of this post have been , the beginning of a new civilisation? 

HS: No.  

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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