Message To Mankind, 8 of 10: News and Current Events

Through seven messages The Higher Sources have addressed:

  • The pursuit of good, the avoidance of bad
  • The future
  • Ideas and beliefs
  • Thoughts & power
  • War
  • Imagery, truth & deception.
  • The future

They speak to us now about news and current events.

"Isolation from news provides great advantage and disadvantage. We say the disadvantages far outweigh the benefit, but the benefit feels so good, it obscures the downfall.

Avoiding all knowledge of what surrounds you, goes against your nature. It works directly against the structure of your existence. It is often undertaken as a protective measure, to isolate oneself from what one dislikes. This works; it often makes the isolator feel better, if compared to regular knowledge of news and events, but only because it allows the isolator a false luxury. It allows the isolator to avoid choice of reaction.

This challenge is self-inflicted. Choosing not to react is as valid a choice as any other, however this easy choice is not well learned by many among you, if ever learned. Sometimes it is unlearned; a person trains her- or himself out of the option or alternative of non-reaction.

As we have explained many a time here, giving attention to something creates more of that thing. Just observing creates very little if anything additional, and what is done after observation determines what growth the observed thing shall have.

Humans are now being trained, self-trained, force-trained and trick-trained, to isolate segments and parts of news. This process has been given the name confirmation bias; it applies to a person who seeks out that which s/he prefers, in advance.

You might ask yourself, how can one seek out what one likes, as far as news is presented, until one reads, sees and hears that news? The human development of journalism attempted to remedy this, by developing standards of information sources, uses and distribution. The idea would be that news and facts are presented as they come. Analysis, opinions and reactions to news would be labeled.

The explosion of information which has naturally hit the world through the internet, has brought along competition. Many information athletes, teams and sponsors have learned if they did not already know, that mass general appeal is not an effective strategy. Such limitation appeals to the masses only when choices are constricted. Think of a motor vehicle in the Soviet Union in the 1970s.

Many news organizations have affirmatively selected a bias revealed through regular consumption of offerings and have to a degree realized success beyond what would have been achieved with pursuit of a generic, cover-all-corners method.

This attracts a regular readership who partially isolate, ignoring news disliked yet pursuing news preferred. The problem is: this can never develop beyond an illusion. Allow us to explain.

The distribution of information is limited to the paper, size of print upon it and visual acuity required to read it, and time given to the task. Observing television or listening to radio broadcasts likewise encounter time and news consumer fatigue factors. Website pages now offer radio, television and print all together as one and while limited in the amount of information to be offered, can easily supply far more than any consumer can ingest. Thus these places have become automatic archives, and are typically expected to be cost free. The developers of news internet distribution now lament the initial additions of websites as a curiosity feature without charging for access, as was automatic with paper. The consumer public quickly learned to expect the price to be only forced advertisements, providers then reliant entirely on advertisers for financial survival.

Competition, which has erupted with the extremely low cost of entry, has forced news providers to target viewers, the potential customers of the advertised products. Great efforts have been made to profile viewership, with a view to attracting attention thus advertisers.

The commercial effects are not the human effects. Too many of you are conditioned to seek that which soothes you, even when you know it is not available. If you must walk a long distance on a uncomfortably warm day to reach home, complaining about the temperature and humidity will not lower them.

We turn to a practical example. The USA has a new national leaders in office for just over 14 months now. Many tens of millions of voters cast ballots for this team. How many now regret the choice and actively analyze their vote in favor of the current pair? Too few and nearly none will admit it publicly.

The confirmation bias effect was in operation; many voters simply disliked the voice, manner, tone and approach of the previous president, did not vote for him at the first opportunity and did not a second time. What difference hath been wrought?

Seek out news and perspectives you dislike. Do not allow other people to manipulate through good feelings, offering you ideas, perspectives and opinions you like. This process is not comfortable; it can seem like dipping cooked fish into coffee before eating it.

Allow us an example now dominating public discourse in the USA, abortion. It is a fact that every older adult or senior citizen was before that a middle aged adult, before than just an adult, then a young adult, before that a teenager, before that an adolescent, before that a youngster, before that a small child, before that a toddler, before that a baby, before that an infant, before that a newborn, before that a soon-to-be-born baby, before that a fetus and before that just a pair of cells. At what point along this path does the termination of the process become murder, but is acceptable before that point is reached? Who shall decide this? The USA is about to shift the authority for this decision away from central government to the fifty states and territories. The expectation is that availability will become limited in some places, banned in others and debate has followed.

If you are a news consumer interested in this topic, from where do you derive information? Do you allow a news report to faithfully reproduce facts, to accurately summarize the matter or are you skeptical of this and check several sources? Moreover, do you think about the issue actively, or do you feel your reaction almost instantly?

As we said initially, the choice to isolate oneself from all news is a choice available to nearly everyone, with bad and easily predictable effects if selected. It is no longer a choice to attempt valid consumption of all news offerings; no human brain can ingest the volume available.

The middle road is the muddy road of manipulation, where the HCPs play, plot & ply their trade. The process is attempted hidden from you, and remains nearly invisible to all soldiers working towards the ends you likely do not prefer, but might not see.

You are being told a tale of woe, the nasty spider raconteurs weaving a web of deceit, lies and tricks, all along the way accusing you of being many bad things, if you disagree.

It is human nature  ̶ because it is your soul's nature ̶  to disagree.

As you consume news of current events, think always about how much is fact, how much is not and what general tone and tenor are being stuck, in order to appeal to your preferences. No doubt you will identify great amounts of truth and fact; you can serve dog excrement to the unwitting if it is properly baked in tasty dough, covered with delicious whipped cream, powdered sugar and aromatic cinnamon.

Consider your news source to be a dog shit bistro, not nearly for every dish but yes for some and also many select ingredients scattered throughout the menu. Peruse the headlines with a view to detecting the direct product but also the indirect one, just as strongly intended to manipulate.

Look at every glass of water as both partially empty or partly full, some being drained and partially re-filled along the way.

The news source you might like is neither your friend nor your enemy; it is your master and controller, if you allow this to happen. Doubting it and looking elsewhere prevent you from becoming their serf.

Russia is not going to give up on conquering Ukraine. Monsieur Macron was re-installed by forces unseen and unresponsive to the citizenry of France. Mr. Biden is on schedule to leave the White House in December of this year or the early months of 2023, however this decision is not close to final; his party operatives are in disarray, some even privately panicking. The HCPs remain in control of The White House of the USA.

Be well one and all. Do return soon."

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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