The Flow of The Shift

It's flag day in the USA, this one adopted 2¼ centuries ago today. The Higher Sources tells me the number of stars, which increased from thirteen in 1777 to fifty in 1959, will change again.

They are declining to tell me which states will drop out, join, be split off from existing ones or when.

The word "shift" has been used here often over the years and it is now underway; a look at news for any stretch anywhere confirms.

Philosophical subjects about mankind in general have been frequent, principal topics, but The Higher Sources's insight into what is going on now seems to be more important. Send your disagreement and subject requests through the Contact Page, if you wish.

Q: Esteemed Higher Sources, Собирается ли Россия отказаться от вторжения и захвата Украины? (Is Russia going to abandon its invasion and takeover of Ukraine?)
HS: Нет. (No)

Q: Y'all have suggested the current president of the USA will not make it to the end of the four-year term, the election coming in November of 2024. He's still holding on; is he leaving any time before then?

HS: Yes, however it doesn't matter. The vice president will assume office and continue to follow instructions and orders, as is happening now with the Oval Office. Much political commentary and analysis in the USA occur from a perspective that material decisions are being made by the USA's current president. This is not the case. The president's political party is looking forward to the fight over who would replace the current vice president. Once assuming the powers of office, President Harris will have to select a replacement, requiring approval by both chambers of USA's legislature. The Democrats will instruct Harris to select someone so unpalatable to most of the political opposition, in order to set off the fight and attempt to denounce the opposition as anti-American,

Q: Inflation and fuel prices are becoming a real political problem; will these continue long enough to de-rail the chances for a Democrat to remain as US president?

HS: Yes.

Q: Will the next oil price shock come before 2024?

HS: No, if shock means prices will reduce gradually and significantly, then increase again rapidly as the result of an obvious event. Fuel prices will remain high for the next two years at least.

Q: How about price inflation, when will it subside?

HS: It will not. Intervention into the economy will be attempted. The stated objective will be to lower inflation however this will not work, it never does. The true effect will be to lessen the effect of inflation on the majority of citizens; however these interferences will fuel thus perpetuate inflation.

Q: How much closer is the European Union to breaking up?

HS: As close as a currency crisis.

Q: How has the Greek debt crisis been stopped? It's disappeared from the news for some time now.

HS: Money printing.

Q: Is the recent chatter about monkeypox meaningful? Is there going to be an epidemic?

HS: Double no.

Q: Is the coronavirus pandemic finished?

HS: Yes, newly arising cases reported are the endemic nature of the virus. It will become a permanent but not significant part of the viral population affecting mankind.

Q: Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and glacier melts are coming in bigger ways?

HS: Yes.

Q: Are such events now happening, part of The Shift?

HS: Yes.

Q: Is alien extraterrestrial revelation coming along in year 2022 in a bigger and new way not already seen?

HS: No, however this will occur in 2023. Mankind has grown distracted from the topic, frustrated that more and better thrills have not been offered. As has been explained by you through channeling with visitors to Earth and by us, mankind must vote by a majority to have direct contact with alien extraterrestrial visitors, for human elected leaders to be bypassed. This is not close to happening; human perceptions of alien extraterrestrials remain as they have been inculcated into the population; a different form of zombie apocalypse, for entertainment purposes.

Q: Have birth rates begun declining because of energy forces coming from outside the solar system?

HS: Yes.

Q: Will nation by nation or region by region comparisons reveal this?

HS: No, because birth rates remain close to or at levels common to the latter half of the twentieth century, in many populations. Birth rates have declined sharply however, in Europe and North America, migration legal and illegal occurring to fill the shortfalls in labor. The hidden controlling powers like this, encourage and direct it. An aging population dependent upon younger workers fits their plans well.
Q: It could be argued that births and marriage have both declined sharply because of social factors.

HS:Yes, but not only. Consider that social factors you mention, are unconscious life plans made as part of the greater trend intended for mankind, and these are energetic also.

Q: Considering I'm either approaching or have already passed the ¾ mark of my own Earth stay (which suggests I'd be leaving around 2045 but I'll try for more) I am extremely intrigued as to what the upcoming two decades offer, as far as human reactions, decisions and general behavior.

HS: You will be in an ongoing position to offer advice and counsel and will derive great satisfaction from doing it. Your hobby as you call it, will not be seen as one by nearly anyone who becomes familiar with what you have offered.

Q: Are navigation problems for aircraft coming before or after air travel is reduced because of fuel prices?

HS:After but before again. Fuel prices are about to cause a reduction in air travel, which is still enjoying a rebound from the pandemic restrictions. This recovery will not last, however the gradual return to temporarily low fuel prices will cause an accompanying temporary increase in travel, before satellites and air navigation are affected.

Q: I cannot say for other nations or regions, but the USA seems to be struggling through opposition between the woke or progressive ideologies and what are deemed more traditional. LGBTQ concerns, racism, feminism, violence, crime, law enforcement as compared to heterosexual marriage, childbearing, and the list of opposing issues, all goes on at length. How much of this is the typical social change which is constant in human societies and how much of it is engineered distraction designed to extend political power?

HS: About half of each.

Q: How much of this is driven by the DEEP STATE crowd?

HS: Nearly all of it however the effects have been successful in training a material segment of the population to embrace and support the ideas the DEEP STATEs have intentionally planted, especially in the media and the press.

Q: The DEEP STATEs are generally in favor of or opposed to popular social themes running through movies, television and the news?

HS: Neither, they are interested in power and control over the populace. This is achieved with newness; the shiny object is what grabs attention. What is known and accepted cannot be made very brilliant; what is new always attracts attention better.

Q: This seems to have gone to the extreme, where seemingly intelligent people give interviews with a straight face saying men can become pregnant and have abortions. What is really going on?

HS: You are being distracted.

Q: Don't the DEEP STATEs already hold enough authority & influence?

HS: The power hungry cannot be satisfied, only curtailed.

Q: What are the true downsides to mankind which would result from DEEP STATE dominance?

HS: Loss of freedom.
Q: How do we curtail this effect?

HS: Be aware of it. The reactions required to cut it back will occur naturally to nearly all humans when seeing the efforts made to throttle people, to control you. One of the traits or qualities built into the progressive agenda, or the woke ideology as it has recently been named, is intolerance. Embracers of the ideas are early on shown many examples of how to confront, denounce and attack ideas in conflict with their preferences. Such indoctrinated people are constantly told how other people with whom they disagree are the true indoctrinated and controlled ones, and that they the progressive front, are the vanguard of new, thus better ideas.

This is intolerance. Cannot each of you choose your own ideas, or choose not to participate in the discussion of ideas, and be left alone with your decision? As nearly all of you know who now read these words, it requires but a simple utterance of an idea against the new thinking to incur the wrath and consequences of the opposition.

This same group will be the first to decry bullying among schoolchildren as they simultaneously practice a more insidious and hateful version of it, among adults.

The DEEP STATEs thrive on this conflict, as was designed.

Q: Thank you, Esteemed Higher Sources.

HS: Welcome are you all, Do return.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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