Manifestation: Creating Physical Objects out of thin air

We're talking about making physical objects or material appear from thin air (or even thick air). First, the dictionary definitions: man•i•fes•ta•tion [manəfəˈstāSH(ə)n, manəˌfesˈtāSH(ə)n]

•  an event, action or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea
•    a symptom or sign of an ailment
•    a version or incarnation of something or someone
•    an appearance of a ghost or spirit These definitions hint at the answers I suspect.

Q:    How long does it take an Illuminati / HCP to learn how to do this?

HS:    This varies from as little as several weeks to months, where and if the ability is ever developed. The essential ingredient is belief, certainty of outcome. Few humans believe it is possible to make anything exist physically within the detection capability of human senses, be it force of will or mental desires, wants & requests. To establish belief, the process is demonstrated to the disbeliever by someone capable and convinced. As the senses are triggered, the observer student begins to develop belief in the process.

Q:    Do [HCPs] have past life memory recall and previous skills are brought to the current lifetime?

HS:    From the position of the soul, no lifetime or incarnation is in the past or in the future. This is important to mention as a preface to our answer, because the use of the human English word "recall" suggest fade over time. No, the humans who become hidden controlling powers among you cannot recall memories from other life incarnations aboard Earth in a generally superior way. They have no skills unique to their lot. Many humans can learn to do what HCPs teach one another.

Q:    Do they live longer than an average human, and if so, how long?

HS:    Their lifespans are the similar to human averages.

Q:    How does one manifest physical things out of thin air? I thought that was reserved for Heaven.

HS:    Yes, however Heaven surrounds you, surrounds us and surrounds all souls, incarnated or otherwise. As a human, you are well inside the borders of the reservation, plantation and ranches of Heaven.

The first step to making a physical object or substance enter the physical perception range of a human, is to convince the human the process is possible. Uncertainty will prevent it.

For humans, as we explained, this often involves displaying the process to the doubtful, skeptical or unsure person.
Once the student begins to believe it is possible, then s/he can begin to learn the steps of the process.

The first step is to observe it happen. The student can ask the instructor master to create certain things, then observe their creation. This only has to occur several times before belief begins to form.

The next step is to explain the science to the student. Essentially the student will see the parallels and similarities between the power of mind and thought the student can already control, such as moving limbs, and the creation of an object the student knows did not exist already.

All physical action of a human body begins with thought, even involuntary movements. The signal from the brain must travel to the muscles. The signal is generated by thought. The student will learn to send the mind power, the thought to the atoms and molecules within her or his vicinity, to re-arrange them into the object s/he wants, Repetition plus belief mixed with desire will achieve results.

The next step involves having the now intermediate level student manifest things s/he wants, not just simple objects chosen by the instructor master.

The desire will add more mental power to the process, which shall enable manifestation of larger objects. Several people who have mastered the process, working together, can create things larger than can just one.

This is reiki, where the result becomes a physical object.

Q. Will the manifested object last like its normally manufactured counterpart or will it de-manifest after sometime?

HS. If it appears physically, it will have the same properties as any other similar object, because it will be created in the same image. The manifestor is imagining what s/he already knows, so that is what shall be created.

Q. Where does the material to construct the manifested object come from?

HS. Atoms in the surrounding environment, usually air. The number of air molecules, the atoms within and the electrons, protons & neutrons which compose them, are in vastly more than sufficient supply to create the atomic and molecular structure of the object to be materialised.

Q. If a chemical analysis of a manifested object is done, will it be identical to its physically manufactured counterpart?

HS. Yes

Q. Does this mean that HCPs can also make themselves invisible or cure diseases?

HS. No

Q. How much time does it require to manifest an object? Is it required to do it in a "single sitting" or is it possible to come back and finish the job?

HS. Less than 1 minute in most cases, often a good deal less.

Q. When a physical object is de-manifested, where do its elements go?

HS. Back from whence they were taken, in that structure. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust as some religious texts like to say. Protons to protons we do say.

Q. Is it possible to kill a person using manifestation / de-manifestation? What about black magic?

HS. No. For a human to kill a human requires the killer to act upon the target. 

Given and taken both. You can and may concede any power over your incarnated life to any other soul, incarnated or not, as per your choice. Your soul itself is permanent, paramount and bullet-proof. No soul can harm yours, and you cannot harm another either. Likewise, physical body actions and effects are also ultimately controlled by the soul.

Q. If individual or collective manifestation can be used to manufacture things then will there be no requirement for having factories?

HS. You have described Heaven.

Q. Did Jesus use manifestation ?

HS. Yes.

Q. Is it required to know the internals of an object to manifest it? Suppose I manifest a watch but I do not know anything about the internal components. Will the manifested watch have the same internal components as a regular one?

HS. Yes and Yes

Q. Other than the HCPs are there other humans who know the technique of manifestation?

HS. Yes

Q. If manifestation is such a natural power of human mind, at what point of time did we lose this ability?

HS. No human has ever lost it; it is a permanent part of y/our soul. It is generally deactivated when a soul occupies the human body but can be re-initialised if the human in question both believes and would not upend his/her life plan by doing so.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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