Shortages created by the Illuminati

Q:    The travel season is upon us, and we are seeing chaos in various airports across Europe. Luggage is piling up, taking weeks to locate and return luggage to owners; there are long queues on the tarmac and in the departures halls, hours long; flights are getting cancelled in bulk. They’re blaming Covid for lack of staff and strikes. In other cities, they also blame software glitches. But all these airports giving the same reasons for the chaos all at the same time seems a little too co-ordinated.

1.    Do the Illuminati / HCPs have a hand in this travel chaos?
2.    What is the point of all the chaos?
3.    It seems that “someone” doesn’t want people to travel, but maybe this really is all coincidental. Is it all just a coincidence that all these airports (London, Frankfurt, Rome, Amsterdam etc.) are all experiencing massive delays?
4.    Is this chaos just the beginning and set to continue through the summer and beyond?

Replies The HS:
1.    Of course
2.    Control
3.    No
4.    Yes

The same complaints occur in the USA and around the world. The more frequent the air passenger traffic, the higher the volume of passengers, then the more obvious the problems seem to be. The apparent causes for the delays are accurate but not seen are the causes intentional.

To assign blame to coronavirus effects is partially accurate but the coronavirus was not accidental, as we have explained. The precise details of the unfolding were and could not be planned, but that did not matter; the instigators of the coronavirus knew well how mankind would react, both political leaders and citizens overall.

Certainly, airlines and airports can hire staff, bringing back employees laid off when air travel was restricted and adding new ones. The USA has begun to suffer from a false narrative also used often on the ground transportation of freight, or trucking, offering that shortages of both drivers and pilots are to blame for disruptions.

The number of qualified driver or pilots, who have a license now or were recently authorized to control aircraft or large vehicles, is far beyond sufficient. The airlines are not reducing scheduled flights as much as their pilot crews have been reduced. These problems extend to many employees in many areas of air travel.

The effects of price inflation are an apparent cause. Prices for necessary products and services, such as rent or food, increase much faster than salaries. This reduces the available remainder for less urgent or even optional expenses such as air travel. Expectation of weak demand for air travel, because airlines understand this well, combined with very high fuel prices cause the air carriers to hold back where it can directly control components of its profit and loss calculation. Hiring is one area.

A larger matter is at hand, not discussed. Why was worldwide concern and panic so strong and seemingly coordinated as the coronavirus spread across the world? Do you not see now how the greater part of the world’s population has been attached to a constant news cycle reaching far across the globe?

S/he who wishes can now connect to a live broadcast of a news conference on another continent. This extension of instant imagery, and rapid dissemination of news anywhere, is being taken advantage of.

Skepticism is being discouraged, disagreement punished. It is far easier to enlist voluntary enforcers when same are afraid, scared and frightened.

Frustration, dissatisfaction and criticism are pre-emotions, also brought about by design to more easily set up populations for the subsequent emotions, the fear, scare & fright. This is intentional.

Only a few short years ago  ̶ less than three̶   the world seemed far safer, prosperous and organized. The idea Russia would invade to seize Ukraine was not considered, prices were far lower, employment easier to find, change or improve and abundant goods were available.

Now war rages on Europe’s eastern doorstep, shortages flare up everywhere and the economic conditions have grown uncertain. Recently the USA has gone through a manufactured crisis, an invented scandal, regarding baby food. Confronted with this point-of-view, the worker or manager in a business which produces the baby food would say that is wrong. Quite truthfully such manager would accurately list the causes and reasons for them.
This is the way truth is mixed with deception to open the door for countercriticism and neutralization of the true causes of many things now occurring around the world.

The Illuminati / HCPs of Planet Earth have a far better idea of what is now happening and what shall come for geophysical events, a far deeper understanding of the existence of the human soul, of your lives as incarnated physical beings in which your souls are taking a ride and of the existence and presence of alien extraterrestrial visitors. Like every other human, they are just human also. They have no magical powers to compel, force or threaten human populations in general, just as you reading these words do not.

Before the ability to produce alcoholic beverages was widespread, before intoxicating pharmacological products were available, humans survived and many thrived without them. Today booze and drugs are everywhere, yet most humans, despite easy availability, do not either abuse or consume them. Some do, becoming addicted.

Nearly any substance or behavior can become a compulsion or addiction. This has happened with the HCPs, but their narcotic is the exercise of power. Consider the effects upon you if you were to be faced with the seizure of your house improperly, your eviction, loss of your employment and all your money and then criminal charges. Consider all of these things happening to you falsely; you have done nothing to deserve, earn, bring about or cause them. A victim of crime, which upend your life permanently.

The HCPs face similar internal strife, trauma, stress & agony when and if confronted with loss of power and influence, as would most humans in the circumstances we described at the end of the previous paragraph. To manage these looming emotions, HCPs delude themselves into thinking they are necessary for the proper organization of mankind, for the benefit of all. If a few people must lose in order for the majority to gain, that is the unfortunate cost of business, they tell themselves. They believe their bullshit more strongly than you believe your name, and they cannot be convinced otherwise.

Like many addicts they seek like minded behaviors, and the ability to attempt concealment of their psychosis. As a sexual criminal predator or serial murderer knows he is doing reprehensible things but succumbs to the compulsion anyway, the HCPs cannot unplug themselves from their addiction to power and manipulation, constantly seeking opportunity to extend their influence & control into populations, to then lustfully gorge on the perverse pleasure derived from watching effects reverberate through human societies.

As you observe disorganization, chaos, shortage, stress & complication in many things, step back mentally a moment and consider true causes.

Humans need not follow along, play the game or fear the threat. The greatest tool the HCPs possess is invisibility, their anonymity. They hide from you in plain sight. Do not acquiesce to their plan; discount at least half of what any leader tells you, because the bullshit component is high. Some are honest and transparent one day, but deceptive another. Having gained trust and confidence with the honest, recent approach, they have softened up the audience for a very tall tale, then offer it.

Skepticism and doubt have been steadily discouraged, compliance and obedience given strong incentives. Many observers of public policy are well trained to attack skeptics and do it willingly, based on an untrue ideology adopted as the one true way.

The HCPs can count on an army of supporters who have no idea their trained reactions have been indoctrinated into them. The true sign or the indoctrinated is vehement denial of the condition, followed by vile counterattacks against anyone suggesting it.

The HCPs are behind all of this. Human lust for money and luxury have been skillfully used against the lustful who think quite the opposite; they believe they have earned and deserve the rewards they enjoy for their role, and are certain the implicit threats against them will never come to be, because they are loyal and faithful. Even with nearly 100% fealty, compliance & obedience, the HCPs must remind their proxies and employees from time to time, who they are. The HCPs must make an example of someone they have elevated to a position of confidence, influence and raw power. Once this person has been eliminated, the HCPs express deep regret, condolence and consolation to the remaining proxies and employees such proxies manage. The message arrives clearly; the target audience understands implicitly that the eliminated person was taken out intentionally by the same deliverers of consolation, the explanations and justifications having been invented. Too far inside to ever attempt escape, the proxies and employees are forced to remain part of the process. The masters of disaster continue to gorge on their lust for power and control, spilling as much milk or blood as needed to keep things going.

You the individual of Planet Earth knew of this when you chose to incarnate. You have a choice to dispute, disagree and diverge from the paths the HCPs would like the majority to follow. You need not acquiesce.

You have us to ask. You have your guides to ask. You chose to come here, and so you were led by your own choice, unaware as you might be of the hand which held yours and brought you, by your design.

When a shortages & shortfalls of any product or service are discussed, listen to the story but sniff for the stench of bullshit mixed with the many perfumed lies offered as truth.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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