Predicting the Past and the Future

Q: Esteemed Higher Sources, we humans are fascinated with accurate predictions of the future, and we often change our behavior in anticipation, to pursue the positive but avoid the negative. What would human life be if nothing were ever negative?

HS: Positive and negative are subjective. Commonly held, often universal beliefs, about what is good or bad are the effect of social conditioning and function inside the illusion of Earth incarnated life. Human decisions often assume certainty, neutrality and impartiality which in human beliefs are fixed. They are not; these concepts are likewise subjective and decided by common agreement. When desire for knowledge of the future arises, it is likewise subjective but perceived otherwise thus desired.

Q: Okay, if somebody desires the winning lottery numbers in advance and then wins, the subjective effect won’t change; nearly everybody will take money from such winner, just as they will now, just more people and more money.

HS: An excellent example; the value of money, even the existence of money itself, is a collective agreement.

Q: You yourselves have often given us accurate predictions of the future but refuse to do so in other cases.

HS: Or we cannot, because a decision has not yet been made. Or taken.

Q: I am curious, why do some English-speaking countries say “make” a decision, where others say “take”?

HS: Some cultures perceive of themselves as creating their future, others as selecting from options created by others or elsewhere. It is a matter of attitude and approach, the master of circumstance compared to a participant. Building the road or following one already built.

Q: Why have you and y’all given us some predictions but not others?

HS: To demonstrate collective action, collective power. To demonstrate that some events seem foretold but only because of collective agreement and action. We refrain from other forecasts because the decision remains unmade, or because behavior would be changed to individual and collective detriment.

Q: But we’d like to know anyway!

HS: Then your detriment will be understood and irreversible.

Q: Can and do humans truly create our own reality?

HS: Yes. To be specific, humans create human circumstances. Humans do not create the planet, but greatly affect the conditions upon it, much more than humans believe. Generally, humans believe human activity is causing the planet to become warmer. It is a display of collective, condescending arrogance that sometimes amazes us, because it rests upon a foundation of intentionally ignoring what is obvious. How can a planet with the mountains and oceans humans are entirely unable to affect simultaneously possess an atmosphere so fragile that passive human activity is globally destructive to human life? This is an example of what human presence and thought do not create.
The circumstances humans create are temporary effects, human infrastructure. These begin with thoughts, as do all actions.

Events a person encounters are designed around the collective environment any one soul cannot alter, or to occur inside surroundings temporarily created for the one soul and event. This is not so common, because humans wish to interact. Thus, life plan events almost always include human interactions.

Q: Humans do not create hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or thunderstorms?

HS: No.

Q: Do humans create surroundings affected by these events?

HS: Yes. You have heard of towns and cities?

Q: Okay, some events are predictable in that the event and knowledge of it can be shared. Others are known but are prohibited from being shared. Still a third category is an event possible likely or unlikely but not decided.

HS: There is a fourth, the event unforeseen, even by us, from Heaven.

Q: Why can’t we get the schedule or timeline of many events, such as all The Shift stuff?

HS: Because we do not and cannot know where Earth will be in relation to the sun, or which side of Earth will face the central star of your planet group. Time for humans is lap location and step or wheel position. What year, month, week, day or hour will be displayed by human clocks as an event takes place, is irrelevant. All humans will be precisely where they need to be for best benefit and effect to occur to them.

Imagine loosening several wheel lug nuts of a race car to allow small vibration at higher speeds. Can this guarantee the wheel will fall off, or allow the mechanic predict which lap, or location along that lap? Humans set into motion collective events in just such ways.

Q: Isn’t it better that we humans not know certain things?

HS: Yes, thus you do not know them.

Q: We feel tricked and deceived if information is later discovered withheld.

HS: This is learned behavior, a trained response. This reaction supplies much experience and learning.

Q: Don’t some humans derive sensations of power and strength from information held back?

HS: Yes, but such humans are exercising control, because they are compensating for sensations of being controlled against their will in another life. The slave turned slave master, one could say.
Information is only valuable where assumptions about what humans will do with information, prove accurate.

Q: What would happen if no information were ever withheld, we could have all things plus all events could be predicted, controlled avoided or joined?

HS: You have already enjoyed a limitless abundance of this, it is called Heaven.

Q: Why do some predictions prove inaccurate?

HS: Humans change their minds. Sometimes.
Q: If we had the ability as humans to know most of what will happen for short, medium and long terms or to know very little, which would be better?

HS: False question, since humans DO have the ability to know what will happen by asking around several sources, beginning with their guardian angel guides. That humans actively discourage recognition of guardian angel guide existence or of communication with them, is another topic.

Humans choose to know little then choose to complain about this human choice.

Q: Any predictions y’all can share now, predictions we’d enjoy or at least benefit from knowing?

HS: Presidential politics in the USA will continue to be chaotic. Price increases or inflation as the effect is labeled, will continue for several more years. Strong candidates for US President will emerge that currently almost no one expects.

Q: What about Trump and his second term which The HS predicted all along? Is it going to happen or has it changed?

HS: Trump will run again and win. The USA is racked with buyer's remorse, almost nobody who voted for Biden will admit it.

Q: Esteemed Higher Sources, can we change the Past ?

HS: We speak to the past, as humans understand this.

Many a time have we explained Earth surface time, all know this well. What we wish to say is that the past is as mutable, changeable and varied for what humans call the future.

The perception difference is, what any one human or group of humans remembers as the past, only applies to that one person or voluntary group of them.

You are not a human, you are living the role as one, which means a life course in a body. The body is subject to time and all factors of the Earth surface environment, but you are not.

Too many humans, nearly the entirety of you all, are falsely but most sincerely encouraged to gaze upon things outside your physical senses & reach, as if those things are separate, distinct and different. In reality, the gazing is from yourself at & into your Earth surface journey.

Your past is your future, your future is your past. These are but two of many ways to look upon what you really are, the now. You exist only in the present moment.

The planet upon which you find the body you occupy, rotates and revolves. It creates steadily changing angles of light continuously, thus time is created.

You are not part of this effect before your body is born and you are not part of it after you are un-born, or your body dies, as humans prefer to say.

Because you are not a component of Earth’s rotation and its revolutions about the central star  ̶ what you call the sun ̶  you are not a part of time. It only looks that way.

As easily as any one of you might methodically trace your memories back to your birth, given sufficient notes, video, audio and still photographs, so can you trace forward the future. You might likely say many future paths are available, that human free will allows choice among them. This is absolutely true.

So does choice allow you many pasts; simply rotate your past one hundred eighty degrees.

Approach Earth so that Antarctica appears directly ahead. It is neither north nor south, neither down nor up. Humans will argue that the axis of rotation, thus the poles, determine this. This correct from the surface but from outer space, the poles are meaningless as to what is up or down.

Likewise, the past is only behind you because of the calendar. The calendar only exists because of the sunlight’s angle. You created neither, control neither and are not a required component.

Every time you decide to change your future  ̶ which is a redundant phrase, because your
future is created even by choosing not to choose, itself a decision ̶   your past changes also.

This means your vote for the Demublican candidate in the USA’s presidential political contests creates a Republicrat president in the past. Your past.

The past and the future are well depicted by the wheel of a bicycle, specifically its spokes. It turns always. It can turn one way or the other; you decide. You can move along the spokes starting from the outside rim moving towards the center hub, or begin from the hub and go outwards.

You will argue that the spokes are fixed in place, thus events aligned along the shaft of the spoke, are fixed. Yes, that is true, so we shall introduce another aspect and angle to this example.

Your existence is not flat; the plane of the wheel is but one of an infinite number of them in the sphere they create. If the spoke becomes full, it is easy to extend the spoke outward to infinity. As you know, one degree of angle close to the center of a circle grows ever larger as the outer circle grows, the circumference increases. One of three hundred sixty degrees of angle it can be small or very large. Infinitely large, or infinitely small.

As a sequence of events  ̶ deemed future or past ̶   are examined, they connect to all parts of the sphere in which they are created, including all planes or bicycle wheels which form the sphere.

If a person breaks an ongoing pattern of behavior which results from past events, that past is changed. The human switches wheels and spokes, s/he writes a new sequence of events along a different spoke.

Your life plan and agreement are your past. You write them to unfold always as what has already happened. Tomorrow’s sunrise tricks you to believe that your future is yet to be chosen, yet to happen and yet to occur, but in reality, it has already occurred but for your approach and arrival.

In this way you change your future, because you change your past. The power to alter the one, alters the other.

The challenge and opportunity human incarnation presents, is to tolerate the perceived slowness with which the changes seem to happen. Why must a person pass through weeks and months of a diet or an exercise regime, to reach weight or strength goals desired? This is the human body circumstance chosen, the relatively slow manifestation of change which, along a spoke of a wheel among the growing millions of wheels in & of your sphere of existence, has already occurred instantly.

Great knowledge, understanding and insight into your soul come from this process, the reason you designed then undertook this journey. You have already read these words. Do you remember? Do you recognize the spoke where they’re written down?

Be well one and all, do return.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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