Predictions September 2022

Q: Esteemed HS, is the European Union leadership going to seriously pursue removal of Italy’s new Prime Minister if her administration opposes them?

HS: Yes, of course. As we have often explained, governments are similar to human social & commercial organizations, they wish to expand. The European Union government has evolved typically and its influence plays a role in the reasons Italian voters selected the new leader.

Q: Speaking of new Prime Ministers, nothing remarkable has so far come from the United Kingdom, although the Queen’s funeral no doubt is a big reason PM Truss isn’t dominating the news like Mrs Markel. Speaking of the Duchess of Sussex, she is dominating the news at the moment; why?

HS: Prince Harry’s wife has intended to generate controversy thus popularity, through understanding of the appetite for controversial news about the British Royal Family and herself.

Q: Are we simply witnessing the new Kim Kardashian, who instead of shaking her booty for attention, is shaking her prince?

HS: Yes, and his family.

Q: What is the British PM’s biggest problem right now, as she herself sees it?

HS: The cost of fuel given the coming of winter.

Q: Is the British Government going to be able to fix the problem in a material way?

HS: No, the unfolding of events will be an early example of what we have also often described, government inability in the face of national challenges.

Q: A few typhoons have slammed Japan, Canada and The Philippines just recently, and one is bearing down on Florida at the moment. Is this The Shift?

HS: Yes, the Great Reset.

Q: The Great Reset is The Shift?

HS: Yes.

Q:  I’ve seen the term used quite a bit, the discussion around it seems to be about money and banking, and an abrupt change occurring worldwide.

HS: No, this will not happen. Human provoked mass changes to the use of money will cause more problems & trouble than benefit. The masters of the process want greater control, which protests, resistance & rebellions rarely offer and cannot in these modern days.

Q: USA mid-term elections arrive in about six weeks. The news talks more about President Trump than Biden and about how the Democrats are going to lose control. Is this true?

HS: Yes, and former President Trump is running for office again.

Q: Any new things we need to know about Russia and Ukraine not in the news?

HS: No changes to what we have said recently and all along.

Q: Is the imminent fuel price trouble in Europe going to hasten the break-up of the European Union?

HS:    Yes, however this was planned all along. If Russia had not invaded Ukraine other influences & forces would have brought the issue forward, the break-up of the European Central Authority.

Q: Is Donald Trump going to be charged with any crimes arising out of the raid on his Florida residence?

HS: The Democrats have planned to file charges but only if they prevail in upcoming elections. If Democrats lose control of either chamber of the USA’s legislature, they understand the charges will be used against them politically in year 2024.

Q:The federal police raid at The Trumpster’s house was political?

HS: Of course.

Q: Is the Chinese economy suffering a downturn, or serious problems?

HS: Yes.

Q: The talk of alliances between Russia and China, are these true and will such coordination benefit either country and/or the world in general?

HS: Yes, they have been made, these agreements will benefit both nations especially as crude oil is involved but will not produce a general global improvement.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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