Predictions made on 6th October 2022

Q: Esteemed Higher Sources, the press buzzes like a hornet’s nest with speculation about the British Royal Family. What substance lies underneath all the noise or is it simply noise for its own sake, bait cooked up to titillate the royal watchers?

HS: It is entertainment. The existence and activities of the British Royal Family have been largely entertainment for many years now, nothing has changed recently but the monarch.

Q: Once again we’re hearing about Joe Biden’s son Hunter, the speculation that he will soon be charged with some offense. Is this going to happen?

HS: No. The reluctance is not because of the absence of evidence but the precedent of criminal charges against a US president’s son, which look like political retribution. Worse would be the public revelation of Joe Biden’s participation in his son’s activities. So, no charges are coming.

Q: Speaking of charges, what country was responsible for destroying the natural gas pipelines between Russia and Germany, Nord Stream?

HS: The USA.

Q: Why?

HS: Reduce Russia’s future income and ongoing influence, since economic sanctions imposed since the invasion of Ukraine have not had much effect, not nearly to the extent publicly hoped for.

Q: Russia can repair them and quickly, so what would be the point? The pipelines were not operating. Not making Russia any money.

HS: Fear was the objective.

Q: What does that mean, “to the extent publicly hoped for”?

HS: Not just the USA but many nations understand well Russia’s planning for reactions to their invasion and that sanctions would not be materially effective.

Q: North Korea is banging the war drums again, shooting missiles at or over Japan. Is their leader just back to his tricks?

HS: Yes. He is confident the current American president cannot act against him and hopes to cause as much trouble as he can for the remaining two years of the current US presidential term.

Q: What about Russia hinting at the use of nuclear weapons? Why are they doing that?

HS: The effect is aimed internally principally, but internationally it has the effect of making NATO members reconsider allowing Ukraine to join.

Q: To keep NATO weapons, including nuclear ones, out of Ukraine and away from Russia’s border?

HS: Yes, but the border has changed and will again. Remember Russia has seized portions of Ukraine and will do so again. Ukraine can no longer join NATO. A good deal of the former territory is now Russia.

Q: Russia seems to have gained a big advantage with the recently announced refusal to increase crude oil production the USA requested.

HS: Of course, this means Russian exports will not face more competition.

Q: Did OPEC refuse to help Russia?

HS: No, but Russia benefits. OPEC refused to increase production because they want their revenues to increase at least as fast as price inflation of the US dollar, the reserve currency. OPEC knows well the USA could return to the energy position it held during the Trump Administration but strongly believes that will only happen if Mr. Trump comes back to the USA’s presidency.

Q: The British Pound is falling against the US Dollar, or to put it the other war ‘round, the greenback is gaining ground, ten bucks will now almost buy ten quid. Same situation with the euro. Price inflation is raging in both the USA and Europe and the energy bills across Europe are painful. How much of this is not self-inflicted?

HS: Very little.

Q: Florida was just slammed by a serious hurricane. How much will this affect the Florida economy, short term (next half year) medium term (within 12 months) and long term (1½ years to three, maybe five years from now?)

HS: More than the Florida economy will be affected but principally the state will feel it. The next half year will see job losses caused by displaced residents and absent tourism from the west coast. The effects will be predictable. Out to one year not much improvement will be possible, but this is undecided, the chance for improvement remains if certain things are done immediately. Out to three or five years is nearly immaterial, because strong geophysical effects will begin to occur around the world, having much greater effects on world economies. Hurricane Ian will not be a strong memory in three years but for the people immediately affected at the moment.

Q: The USA has a month to go before national elections. Which party will control which chamber of the USA’s national legislature, Congress?

HS: The Democrats will lose control of both. At that point the departure of Joe Biden will gain steam. The current vice president will remain but be set aside for the election of year 2024.

Q: Aside from my questions, what do we the readers here need to know? What new things can you tell us that will be beneficial to know and understand?

HS: The obvious self-made, man or human made or self-imposed circumstances, easy to identify, are coordinated and intentional.

Q: Inflation, war, economic recession?

HS: Among others, yes.

Q: I often feel as if I am watching the decline of USA

HS: Because you are.

Q: I wonder how the Vietnamese in the 60s or the French and Dutch in the early 40s must have felt, because those weren’t self-inflicted disasters each nation suffered.

HS: Until several regional nations are taken together, then those wars and effects were intentional. Just as the world conflicts now are also.

Q: The Deep State / HCPs disguise their filthy hands so well.

HS: They train their victims not to look. Their refined ability to distract the populace improves steadily.

Q: How come I didn’t get trained? How come so many people either ignore or reject the philosophies pushed by the Deep State / HCP / Illuminati globalists?

HS: You are not easily trainable by human standards, but that is your life plan. Who else either accepts, rejects or picks out pieces does so because of the life plan they wanted, and through exercise of their will in this life.

Q: What seems so disappointing is the anger one side often displays, at least in the USA, anger not seen coming much if any from the opposition. Is this truly inculcated on purpose?

HS: Of course. This is a technique for shutting down opposing points-of-view. It took a long time to reach the stages now achieved around the world, the steady climb not obvious as it was occurring, but the effects are visible everywhere.

Q: How is this instilled in people?

HS: The origins take advantage of human desire to wield power and influence. These traits are what enable survival, especially in harsh or dangerous environments, and can be triggered by many methods & means. In children the procedure is to immerse them in one way of thinking, isolate them from undesirable influences until they know nothing different. At some point they encounter differences but are well primed for the criticism they will first observe then learn to launch against disagreement. Because they have been marinated in certain ideas for so long, they immediately denounce and, in some cases, counter-attack disagreement.

For this reason, in the USA male teachers have dwindled in teaching, from not just young ages but through to adulthood.

Q: The puppeteers pulling all these strings, why are they never found out?

HS: Because they do not pull any. They teach others to carry out the plan.

Q: Do the puppeteers, I am now corrected to say the others who are taught to pull the strings, why do they assume the roles?

HS: Because they lust after position, influence, power, comfort. They are shown a steady visual diet. They are well rewarded, in part to serve as symbols and incentives. Others observe and imitate in the hopes of securing the things they observe possessed by the puppeteers as you call them. The first, second, third and many levels of employees the Deep State manipulate.

Q: Was the recent video I watched about Columbia University students and free speech an example?

HS: An excellent one. Well educated students it would seem, who are indoctrinated but taught to reject the notion of indoctrination of having any possibility applying to them. They truly believe free speech prevails when hate speech is restricted. This is textbook brainwashing, not just indoctrination. Many examples abound across Planet Earth.

Q: Are the developments now occurring across Earth, war and economic, crime and violence, are these intentional trends part of The Shift?

HS: The trends are not intentional or designed from beyond or above human life plans. These things are occurring because of human choices, make no mistake. The Shift and events which have occurred, are happening now and shall follow, to the contrary are not human inventions. These are opportunities for individual, which means family, reactions and thus collective reactions to the events.

What things occur now are human, for the most part.

Q: It all seems bad. Are we really our own worst adversary?

HS: It is not so bad when the benefits are also examined, and for many people the human troubles humans intentionally cause one another are a great soul benefit.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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