The after-death Life Review

Q: What does feeling the effects after death entail since we are all forgiven? Just sorrow?

After getting home, none of us feel sorrow, no soul does. We feel elation from the value of the experience; however, we ALSO feel precisely what others around us felt, from all experiences they had, are having and also experiences which involve us. Especially feelings in & of others which we cause, influence or create.

Q: But it’s not a guilty feeling that comes over us, right? It’s not something that we feel 24/7 walking around till we come to terms with it. It’s only when we study these lives or when we go through the life review that we feel these things or come in contact with them? Am I off base?

HS: No; to the contrary, accurate.

Q: Do our souls, in other words “we”, do we experience guilt, sorrow or shame over what we have done in our lives, after we return home?

HS: Not the way humans often feel these emotions, but you can if so chosen.

Q: I’m not aware of many people who choose guilt, sorrow or shame the way such same person would choose pushy, arrogant or offended. The latter three are certainly learned human reactions but not at all like having somebody walk in unexpectedly at a private moment, such as into the bathroom during one’s use of a common large porcelain water tank & apparatus. How would a soul feel guilt, sorrow or shame in Heaven?

HS: By choice. Allow us to explain.

Your life review will not play before you as if it were a movie or documentary, unable to be edited, skipped ahead or shut off. To the contrary, your life review will contain what you select, and most often your soul will select before incarnation which things to include in the eventual review, if you decide to have one. These selections can be specific, from general categories or a combination. You may also delegate authority to your Guardian Angel Guides to select parts of your life to review and include their choices in what you shall examine.

You shall observe the event, the interactions, the effects and the human memories. This part will resemble a documentary. You will then re-feel, re-live and re-experience the event from your perspective, your part & your place in the role you had as a human, if you choose.

Including this is not required but is common, especially if the other participants, if any, are present with you. These can be souls who have also returned home with you, or souls whose bodies are asleep. As their physical structure rests, their mind is free to come interact with your review, if all players decide. All will be welcome, and all Guardian Angel Guides will also be present. Other observers-in-soul might also watch the life review. Also this is not required or expected, but common, nevertheless.

After reviewing your role, you can and most often do step into the place of other participants. You will feel what they felt, as if you were them. All joy, elation, happiness, satisfaction, pleasure, pain, fear, disgust, revulsion and agony you created, caused or developed in others shall you feel as they did, as if you were them.

Judgment is but yours to make. No soul, angel, archangel or any being will congratulate or condemn you. You may pause, suspend, cut off or proceed with the experience as you wish. You alone will decide when you have felt enough for your conclusion and satisfaction to be achieved.

Q: Even for mass murders?

HS: Especially so, for such events. These human events reverberate through many other humans, so the multiplication effect is large and extremely beneficial. You can step into the place of every victim, friend, relative or observer if you choose. Hundreds, thousands and millions of humans could be part of such a broad group.

Q: That would take a long time.

HS: Time is neither long nor taken. It doesn’t exist.

Q: Who goes to hell?

HS: Any and every soul who decides this. No soul is or can be sent. Each of you would create your own paradise or inferno, as you select. Not only is there no escape from life events, there is likewise zero desire to escape; this concept is purely human. It doesn’t exist in Heaven.

Q: Today another sad human killed a half dozen coworkers at a large retail store in Virginia, then himself. Do these souls encounter one another in Heaven?

HS: Nearly always but such re-encounter is never self-required.

Q: Self-required?
HS: You cannot be forced to confront the souls of victims any more than you can be forced to encounter beneficiaries of wonderful acts you committed.

Q: How does this self-designed hell work?

HS: Well, and for this it is selected.

Q: When do souls get out of hell and return to life in Heaven?

HS: When the soul chooses, and only.

Q: This sounds like a zero-consequence environment; no accountability, no punishment, no sanction or penalty.

HS: To the contrary, self-imposed penalties are the harshest.

Q: How often do souls commit a truly heinous act on Earth, by human standards, as an incarnated human, later return home to Heaven then skate away scot-free?

HS: Never.

Q: No cops, arrests, indictment, court, trial, jury, judge or prison sentence?

HS: Yes, all of these happen but in an entirely self-generated way. You are your own harshest critic, judge and referee.

Q: What benefits do the one and all affected souls derive from this?

HS: Compassion, understanding, forgiveness and acceptance.

Q: Don’t we already have these things in Heaven?

HS: Yes, but you do not value them until you know their loss.

Q: So basically as souls we’re ignorant ingrates; we incarnate, go through some shit while we’re here on Earth then we return home all the wiser and better.

HS: Yes, but for the ingratitude. This is a human emotion. No incarnating soul takes the opportunity for granted. It is more valuable than a billion-dollar lottery ticket, to draw a rude comparison to human life versus your true existence in Heaven.

Q: Why would that be a rude comparison?

HS: Windfalls can provide the opportunity for harm; incarnation cannot.

Q: So, we humans feel many emotions we are unable to feel in Heaven.

HS: Yes, the precise reason you have incarnated, the precise reason it is so valuable; it is opportunity. The precise reason it is considered hard; incarnation on Earth offers trials, tribulations and travails unique to any soul who dares undertake the challenge.

Q: Esteemed HS, my many thanks and on behalf of readers, who inspired my questions, please accept thanks from them also.

HS: It is our honor to be asked. Be well one and all, as best you might.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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