Synchronicity - How our Guides communicate with us using repeating numbers


It happens to many people and often. The time on the smartphone screen says 11:11 or 4:44. The oven clock says 7:77. The alarm clock reads 3:33 at that hour of the morning, and you have no idea why or what you woke up at that time. You see a video with 888 up-votes or “likes” from other viewers who watched before you.

To some of us this happens constantly, easily making us wonder how our Guardian Angel Guides manage to get us to walk into the kitchen at precisely the right moment.

Q: So my Esteemed Guardian Angel Guides, how do y’all manage to get a person to walk into the kitchen when the clock on the microwave oven says 5:55 or 11:11 ?

HS: We wait for you to enter the room before we change the clock display.

Q: That won’t work for the alarm clock; we’re already asleep and have been for a few hours. We wake up and look at the alarm clock. We’re already there, y’all are just waking us up, right?

HS: Yes, often for the middle of the night wakeups, we stir you from deep sleep with your permission and signal, when the clock reaches a number we hope will draw your attention and thought. This is not a requirement, we can also wake you up and change the clock to read all the same numbers, just as we can do when you are awake and going about your day.

Q: Okay, wise guys, riddle me this; if I enter the kitchen and see an oven clock reading 4:44 but immediately look at a wristwatch, run to other rooms to look at cellphones, computers, clocks and anything keeping time, won’t those devices also all indicate 4:44?

HS: Yes.

Q: So you can change all of them that fast?

HS: We can and do change them, but not fast or slow, or even quickly. Those concepts require time, which doesn’t exist; it’s an illusion.

Q: So why change every timekeeping apparatus in the place?

HS: The purpose is to draw your attention to our presence or the presence of something you know is important, the objective is not to play with human timekeeping devices.

You might notice how this effect rarely occurs where a human is surrounded by other people also dependent on watches and clocks; we do not wish to call attention to other people or change all the clocks in the airport or train station.

Q: But it can be done if needed.

HS: Of course but doing so requires coordination with all the souls and all the guides who watch over them, and for this a common purpose is needed.
Q: How are the watches and clocks changed?

HS: With our will and energy. We see the device and imagine it to read the numbers we prefer, and it changes. You all have this same ability. If the other devices require adjustment to coordinate, thus maintain the consistent illusion of time, we change them also.

Q: Do we humans get frozen in place, waiting in stasis while you’re all doing this?

HS: No, of course not. That implies time. Time does not exist, so we require none of it to do what we wish. Neither do any of you require time, but for the constantly changing angle of sunlight reaching Earth’s surface. You do not believe the planet can stop rotating or the sun disappear, thus time marches on. As humans who have ventured into space beyond Earth’s orbit have discovered, no time applies.

Q: Okay, what about a mechanical device, a ticking clock or watch with hands on a dial? How are those changed?

HS: The same way as a digital device, we think what position the hands should have, to coordinate with the digital device we have changed. The power of thought moves them.

Q: Why can’t the power of thought move a mountain?

HS: It can, however moving a mountain affects many people, who must agree to it. This requires their collective belief, cumulative mental power, energy & force which can in deed & in fact, move a mountain.

Q: Before we had digital clocks, computer screens and all the other doohickies with number displays, how did GAGs get the attention of a human?

HS: Many ways we still employ, as happens with you. We place new coins in obvious locations for you to see as you look in the spot where we place them. Guardian Angel Guides do this for all incarnated souls, to the extent the soul agrees to have such signals delivered. We can place objects, move items, break things, hide things, turn things in unusual directions and many other moves, to draw attention and provoke thought, interest and curiosity. This practice is a permanent feature of mankind, it has always been done.

Q: The numbers are just the new way because of technology and devices with them?

HS: Yes.

Q: How come we don’t miss any time, or have the sensation of time lost, when y‘all adjust every device around us to match up with the one changed for our attention and benefit?

HS: Time is only perceived to pass with belief. The changing angle of light is not an illusion; it exists so the existence of time on Earth is true but only because humans are attached physically thus mentally to a rotating ball where light angles change continuously. The ball is so large, humans do not perceive the round shape, just surface shadows.

An example would be nighttime or darkness; no changes to the angle of light occur, so the passage of time is only kept by a device matching the pace occurring when sunlight is present. If the sky is covered in clouds, much the same effect is created. When shadows exist, that creates the sensation of morning, afternoon and/or midday. Observing the sun rise above the horizon of descend beyond it, creates the sensation of time, also.

Q: What was a very popular way to grab a human’s attention before digital numbers could be used?

HS: Placing stones or pebbles in a row, causing something to drop which was firmly hung, attached or secured, moving an object next to a similar one.

Q:  Was the process effective?

HS: Yes, for many people. The attempt to explain it is called a coincidence, but these rarely occur. To have this feeling is to have reached a juncture, a crossroads or meeting place where either action or thought are needed, appropriate, beneficial or a combination.

Q: Why don’t humans teach this to one another, not to dismiss or disbelieve such apparent coincidences?

HS: Humans used to do this often, it was a regular thing, a common practice and an accepted belief but humans have chosen to stand back and stand down from awareness of things outside the five senses.

Q: I have heard of cases where people wake up and discover their watch or clock is wildly incorrect, even in the case of a mechanical device with hands, as if the time setting were deliberately changed. Is this also GAG handiwork?

HS: Yes, but not for the purpose of getting attention. The mechanical device was not altered or tampered with. In nearly every case of this occurring, the device continued to operate normally but the person now looking at the badly incorrect time, went elsewhere. S/he went to a place where the timeline of Earth and her/his place upon it, did not apply.

Q:  Couldn’t such person’s guides adjust the clock or watch?

HS: Of course, but only if asked to be part of the trip and also to re-set watch and clock time.

Q: Then what purpose is served, by allowing a watch to read 11:26 when every other device around says it’s 6:30 AM and sure enough, the sun is just rising?

HS: To grab attention and make the time observer think back over the sleep just or recently completed.

Q: Does this always happen when somebody is sleeping?

HS: In nearly every case, yes.

Q: Is there a greater meaning to finding a coin, seeing a clock display with the same digits or pattern?

HS: Greater than saying hello? No. Greetings and salutation are the reason, to greet and remind.
Q: Well, that’s the problem isn’t it? If it cannot be smelled, tasted, heard, seen or touched, it doesn’t exist for most people.

HS: This is a human choice many among you have made long ago.

Q: I do not expect much beyond curious fascination, something like a low-level UFO euphoric freak-out, to come out of this knowledge across society.

HS: When the presence and role of Guardian Angel Guides are again recognized and accepted by most humans, these sightings and synchronicities will happen much less. Less need will arise to grab and focus human attention.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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