Predictions on current events - January 2023

As readers here must also notice, news from around the world seems ever more tense. 

Q: Esteemed HS, the news offers reports of classified documents found at Joe Biden’s house, dating from his time as Vice President, from January 2009 through 2017. Is he being set-up?

HS: Yes, of course. No access to his houses would be allowed by the US Secret Service without his approval, so one must ask why he gave the approval for lawyers to locate them? Some of the documents were already there, others planted.

Q: The news about Russia and Ukraine continues, with no sign of a Russian withdrawal.

HS: None will occur. Ukraine is no more; Russia is not going to withdraw from its own territory.

Q: News about unusually high death rates is leaking out all over the world, but the principal news & media organizations ignore it. The fingers are pointed at the coronavirus injection as the likely cause. Is this true?

HS: Yes.

Q: What about serious illnesses?

HS: These have also increased as a result and are also being ignored.

Q: Are people who did not receive the injection also being affected?

HS: Yes, in some cases. The genetic material, a single strand RNA, remains active after an unused dose is discarded, and ground water and food have been affected. Receiving a transfusion of blood from an injected person can also introduce the RNA into a person who did not receive the injection.

Q: Tesla’s share prices have fallen a lot. Is this the beginning of the bankruptcy of the company, predicted by all of you long ago?

HS: No, not yet however the company will go under.

Q: The political opposition has now taken control of half the US Congress. Is this going to change anything materially for most Americans over the years 2023 and 2024?

HS: No.

Q: Talk of economic recession abounds. Is one coming, if so when, where and how severe?

HS: Yes, it is already occurring across the world but for sufficient time to pass that it be identified. Severity is a relative term, because not all negative effects can be measured. Earth is entering a period of permanent economic change at the moment.

The pace or rate at which the money supply has increased recently, is without precedent on Earth. This is already having certain effects economists will somewhat successfully explain away in the short term but over the next several years the changes and causes will become apparent.

These changes will become irrelevant when the Dim Period is occurring unmistakably.

Q: From time to time, news items appear regarding Alien ETs and UFOs, but the subject seems to be the same old, same old as it has been for decades.

HS: Because humans remain fixated on what governments know and what is being covered up. When humans set aside concerns about contacts, experiences and resulting knowledge which have happened over the most recent six and seven decades, then humans can begin to ask visitors to display themselves.

Q: Was the Prime Minister of New Zealand told to resign?

HS: Yes.

Q: By whom?

HS: Your old and good friends, the hidden controlling powers.

Q. Does this growing season remain as the start of the Dim Period?

HS: Volcanic eruptions and accumulated atmospheric ash will be the indicators the dim period is imminent and/or underway.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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