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Tag - illuminati

Saint Germain hints at coming global change targeting the Deep State

Saint Germain speaks about the control of the Deep State and their intention of causing destruction and fear. However, he hints at coming global change that will deactivate the ability of the Deep State to cause mayhem and destruction

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Predictions 2023 and Beyond

The future is in a flux and ever changing. Another oil crisis is coming in the end part of 2023. #thehighersources make some predictions and answer some questions about the events in 2023 and beyond

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The Deep State and the fluctuating future

#thehighersources say that the Deep State is involved in the currently occurring events more than you can imagine. Their objective is to cause fear among the masses which would slow down the inevitable Shift. Fear can change the timelines and prolong the troubles for humanity. As you will see in this post, some of the "future" events predicted earlier has been changing slightly. As timeline shifts, do not expect much change to happen in the coming two months but most of it will occur in the next year

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Predictions made on 6th October 2022

Predictions made by #thehighersources on US midterm elections, destruction of Russian gas pipelines, North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, OPEC, Inflation, the Deep State and a host of other matters

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Shortages created by the Illuminati

The Shift is bringing geophysical changes which will cause shortages of commodities, However, the Illuminati is  aware of this and they are purposefully creating shortages to create chaos and have control. When a shortages and  shortfalls of any product or service are discussed, listen to the story but sniff for the stench of bullshit mixed with the many perfumed lies offered as truth.

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Manifestation: Creating Physical Objects out of thin air

One of the biggest secrets which has been kept away from the humans is the power of the mind to create physical objects out of thin air.  This ability is dormant due to our life plan but can be activated if proper training can be given. The illuminati and so called Gurus and Godmen use this ability by hiding the fact from people that everyone has the ability to do it. One of the key requirements for manifesting objects is belief in one's ability to do it. Belief is generated when one sees others doing it. Then comes the technique, which is trainable like similar skills like reiki

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How do the Illuminati function and what have they done ?

The Illuminati has controlled the world governments and organizations for more than 100 years. The HS has discussed who they are in a previous post. But how do they function and manage this much control over the affairs of the world? In this fascinating series of Q&A, The Higher Sources answers the questions on the functioning of the Illuminati and what they have done so far

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Who are the Illuminati | Deep State | HCPs ?

We have heard about the Deep State or Illuminati controlling major governments and other organizations of the world. Some people consider it a conspiracy theory. But The Higher Sources say that it is true. These people can be termed as Hidden Controlling Powers (HCPs) and they are truly hidden. The rich and famous who are often thought to be belonging to the Illuminati are actually their agents. In this interesting post, The HS answers questions on who the Illuminati are

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The End of Civilization

Work, entertainment, travel, poverty, wealth, politics, trade, commerce, art, literature, crime, charity and many parts of human life that we are familiar with are coming to an end, to be changed irreversibly. The Deep State is trying hard to hold on to their control over the fate of humanity, but are failing. The coming earth changes will completely wipe out their influence as the civilisation, as we know it, comes to an end

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Dark Forces: The Hidden Controlling Powers controlling the World

In this explosive post #thehighersources talks about the Illuminati/Cabal/HCPs/Dark Forces/Deep State and directly addresses them because HS know that they are monitoring this communication. HS tells them that their time is up and the ending will come abruptly and swiftly. HS also tells us how these Dark Forces exert their control over the world. This is a fascinating reading and is meant for preparing people for the coming disclosures

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Saint Germain: The Storm Is Upon Us

This awakening is about to happen to many across the planet and to this country, The United States of America, as people are awakened, what has been happening to what is in the process of happening right now. Those of the dark forces cannot hold this energy back.  They cannot hold this destiny back. For the dark forces have already been overcome by the Forces of Light.  They just do not know it fully yet.  But they have an inkling.  They have that premonition within them, that they have reached the end.  That is why they are doing everything that they can now to hold it off.  But deep down within them, they know it is a lost call.  Yet they will fight to the end, many of them.

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Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Jan 4, 2020

During your year 2021, you will see changes that have long been needed so the civilization can advance and flourish. Change will not come without resistance, especially in the United States, where the Illuminati are certain to motivate those who are uninformed or misinformed to denounce developments as political partisanship. Action in the weeks and months ahead will end control by that secret society.

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Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Dec. 2, 2020

Increasing numbers of cases around the world are evoking fear among the populace who don’t know the statistics are substantially inflated. The energy of fear weakens bodies’ natural immunity and increases vulnerability to any disease. And, of most significance to the dark ones behind this scourge, the fear energy they are generating is providing the “food” they need for survival. Nothing in your history books indicates that ever since the colonies won independence from the British, the United States, which is labeled a democracy but factually is a corporation, has been run by Illuminati within and beyond the government. Operating from that base and others, they have been wielding their power worldwide.

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Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Nov. 2, 2020

Fervent activity in Earth’s energy field of potential is reflecting feelings, thoughts and actions worldwide, and amidst the countless energy streamers, three swirling masses are prominent. One is the uprising of citizenries in numerous countries against oppressive governance. Another is around the imminent election in the United States because of that nation’s global influence. The third, and of greatest significance worldwide, is happening out of the public eye. The light forces that are dismantling the Illuminati’s global network are rounding up the tenacious ones at the peak of that secret society. Reactions more likely will be shock and disbelief when it is revealed that individuals admired for accomplishments in their respective fields also have been living a secret dark life. When that information is released, please do not be judgmental—that would dim your light, and Earth needs your light to keep shining brilliantly! Learning that many well-known, respected individuals participated in unconscionable rituals will be painful for the society. Then, supportiveness to persons close to you will be listening with compassion and caring.  

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