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Other Predictions

Predictions made by other channels 

Saint Germain: The Storm Is Upon Us

This awakening is about to happen to many across the planet and to this country, The United States of America, as people are awakened, what has been happening to what is in the process of happening right now. Those of the dark forces cannot hold this energy back.  They cannot hold this destiny back. For the dark forces have already been overcome by the Forces of Light.  They just do not know it fully yet.  But they have an inkling.  They have that premonition within them, that they have reached the end.  That is why they are doing everything that they can now to hold it off.  But deep down within them, they know it is a lost call.  Yet they will fight to the end, many of them.

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The Divine Plan is unfolding: The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele

Know that you are witnessing a Divine plan unfold, and remember that this is why you chose to be on earth at this time. Today’s chaos is serving to expose underlying beliefs and energies that have remained hidden but active for centuries. All is proceeding according to plan, the unstoppable plan of spiritual evolution. Many uncomfortable revelations will occur during this coming year so be spiritually prepared. You are watching the tip of an ancient iceberg begin to melt but is what you have been preparing for. Observe and be informed but do not with align what you observe

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The Time is NOW: Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild 17.01.2021


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Prepare for the Explosions of Emotional Energy: Do not get involved

Humankind has been on the verge for a very long time of an explosion of emotions. Now, as these emotions come rushing to the surface level, the awareness level, you all need to take care of yourselves and each other. And as you can see from just observing your fellow humans at this time, most of humanity is reaching a boiling point, and most people don’t know what to do about the explosive emotions that they have inside of themselves. All of the pain that people have been avoiding in their lives cannot be avoided forever, and the energies that are upon you right now are there to encourage the emotional explosion.

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Message of Galactic Federation to the people of USA: Time to Rise

These Illuminati have infiltrated Congress, every conceivable corporation and higher authority. It is time for the American people to take back the power. It is very likely that there will be many arrests for those people who, with their position in Congress, have, among other things, used their position for their criminal acts. This will affect the whole world, not just the United States. These actions have put the president in a very difficult situation given that not all election fraud has been presented to the courts and which in turn is corrupt to keep quiet.

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A Message from the Galactic Federation of Light: Stand Together in 2021

Let us now shift to 2021. This year ahead will in some ways mirror 2020 in that there will be many changes. Much will be brought to the surface at an individual level as well as collectively at a societal level. For the reality of 2021 in some ways will feel far more raw. The hard truth, as we’ve mentioned, will begin to surface. Humanity will unite and will become far, far more powerful of a voice than ever before. You must use your voice more than you ever have. This is the voice of calm and peace.

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Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Jan 4, 2020

During your year 2021, you will see changes that have long been needed so the civilization can advance and flourish. Change will not come without resistance, especially in the United States, where the Illuminati are certain to motivate those who are uninformed or misinformed to denounce developments as political partisanship. Action in the weeks and months ahead will end control by that secret society.

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Sanat Kumara: The Plan for The Shift

People are disturbed by the chaos associated with the change. Apparently everything is going topsy turvy and the process appears to be without any definite goal. However, it is far from truth. There is a "divine plan" meticulously crafted by spiritual beings for awakening the humanity which is being executed behind the scenes. Trust the Plan. Sanat Kumara, The Ascended Spiritual Master describes The Plan and how to remain focused and calm while the world churns around you

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Blossom Goodchild: Message dated 05.12.2020

Yes, well let’s keep away from all my insecurities at the minute and delve into the ‘Monolith mystery’ ‘if we may? Firstly, are you aware of them? Indeed, we are. For that which you … are/become … aware of Blossom, therefore, do we. These are connected with the Pillars of Light we have spoken of. You asked and we replied. Would you like us to continue and confirm? They are monitors. They are receptors. They are activators. They are connectors. They are reflectors.    Can we move on please to December 21st of this year?  The Energies that are entering now, leading up to this date are ever-increasing. Leaving, possibly, one out of sorts, almost dizzy, as they increase in POWER. Be kind to the self as they are absorbed. MUCH LIGHT WILL ENTER INTO YOUR PLANET AT A GIVEN TIME ON THIS DAY AND THERE SHALL BE A SHIFT.

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Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Dec. 2, 2020

Increasing numbers of cases around the world are evoking fear among the populace who don’t know the statistics are substantially inflated. The energy of fear weakens bodies’ natural immunity and increases vulnerability to any disease. And, of most significance to the dark ones behind this scourge, the fear energy they are generating is providing the “food” they need for survival. Nothing in your history books indicates that ever since the colonies won independence from the British, the United States, which is labeled a democracy but factually is a corporation, has been run by Illuminati within and beyond the government. Operating from that base and others, they have been wielding their power worldwide.

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On This Day of Remembrance: A Channeled Message from JFK

The Patriots who had stood by me during that time began to make detailed plans to begin the elimination of the Deep State, as they are called now. My colleagues also knew that this plan was going to take time to come to its ultimate completion…and that “completion” is what you all are witnessing, right now. I am so very, very proud of you all, my beloved Patriots, for all the exhausting hours and mental energy you have expended in order to quell the cabal’s maze of intricate distractions and blatant elements of fraud and deceit…and believe me, we will WIN…and WIN BIG!

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Blossom Goodchild: Message dated 22.11.2020

Let us further reassure you, Blossom, and those who feel the same as you ‘waiting, waiting, waiting’ … THE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL COME … yet, would we say … ‘In a package’. Meaning many things wrapped up in one? Yes. Meaning exactly that. Yet, not everything shall be revealed at once. It would be too much. Remember … THIS IS A DIVINE PLAN … and each step of the way has been so carefully discussed and monitored. When you are able to know more of which we speak … you will understand how intricate and precise this Plan is and you will accept that the waiting … one’s impatience … was so very much required, in order for every minute detail to be carried out.

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A channeled message from JFK through Losha

Next, there are so many wonderful meticulous computer “geeks”…and I mean that in the most endearing way…who are invaluable to helping to expose the false voting tabulations that have been announced recently…and I promise you…these “results” for President will be reversed. This particular 2020 election process is going to bring out much of the deceit, bribery, and “under the table” negotiations that have been going on for decades…and this 2020 election is when it all stops! The penultimate results of this election will bring in the beginning of our new and better ways of doing things…from the federal government being trimmed down substantially, to the state officials being weeded out for good, and all the way down to the most important ones…each of you!

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St. Germaine: Trust the Plan

As we move into the New Age, a Plan has been put into the place by higher beings for transition. One of the plans is the revelation of long hidden things which will shock the world. These will continue to surface throughout 2021, leading to Big Shocks for the Humanity which would be shaken out of its slumber. It will question our belief, our existence and the lies which we have been fed throughout our existence will be exposed. It will start with a disclosure regarding the US Presidential Elections which will put Donald Trump at the helm again and will continue with many different revelations. 2021 appears to be the Year of Disclosure. Brace yourselves for it !

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Blossom Goodchild: Message dated 07.11.2020

Blossom Goodchild and her prediction of "Big and Shocking Announcement" from The Federation of Light is still on and she says it would happen before the US election process is over.

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Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Nov. 2, 2020

Fervent activity in Earth’s energy field of potential is reflecting feelings, thoughts and actions worldwide, and amidst the countless energy streamers, three swirling masses are prominent. One is the uprising of citizenries in numerous countries against oppressive governance. Another is around the imminent election in the United States because of that nation’s global influence. The third, and of greatest significance worldwide, is happening out of the public eye. The light forces that are dismantling the Illuminati’s global network are rounding up the tenacious ones at the peak of that secret society. Reactions more likely will be shock and disbelief when it is revealed that individuals admired for accomplishments in their respective fields also have been living a secret dark life. When that information is released, please do not be judgmental—that would dim your light, and Earth needs your light to keep shining brilliantly! Learning that many well-known, respected individuals participated in unconscionable rituals will be painful for the society. Then, supportiveness to persons close to you will be listening with compassion and caring.  

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Seraphin through Rosie: All Ends are Temporary

The GREAT INTERRUPTION will take place. You may feel that this is the END OF THE WORLD, and in some sense, you will be right. It will be the realization of your worst fears – that something really terrible has been going on for thousands of years, and that you have failed to perceive it in all its perfidity. Simultaneously, there will be huge relief. A period of intense questioning will follow: it will be the “followers” who will have the worst time, for they will have to question EVERYTHING which formed the parameters of their lives so far. If they are not prepared to LET EVERYTHING GO, then they themselves will have to GO, for there will be no room for anyone on this planet who has sunk into complete stagnation, and who intends to remain in a state of stagnation.

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A message from Archangel Michael regarding the BIG Announcement

A different channeling source also speaks about the Shocking News in the coming few days, which is similar to the BIG Announcement which Blossom Goodchild had been speaking about for years. An interesting read. In the meantime, the "Biden is ahead of Trump" narrative by CNN and other big media is showing its first cracks, making the democrats jittery. Is something shocking really about to come?

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Blossom Goodchild: Message dated 01.11.2020

With three days to go for the US Presidential Election, Blossom is still confident that the BIG Announcement will come

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Blossom Goodchild: Message dated 24.10.2020

The following conversations with "Federation of Light" are an example of what Channellers face after channeling a time-bound information. She is herself doubtful about whether the predicted "HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT" will come before the US Presidential Elections or not. The FOL is still confident about it. Channeling is not always an exact method of communication for humans. Often the bias in human minds interfere with the actual messages. However, The Higher Sources is also confident that Trump would win although the current polls don't support that possibility. Some astrologers predict that elections will not be held on 4th November as scheduled, due to "something". Post elections, the results would not be available rightaway and violence will erupt in many places in USA.  So far, there is nothing to indicate anything out of ordinary. Will something really explode within the next few days? If it indeed does, it would be dramatic to say the least and likely to be world shaking. Or will it be a damp squib ? Let's wait and watch.

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