The Power of Crystals - Lost Technology

Q. I think everyone has heard about the benefits of crystals and other precious stones. I wore a white/clear crystal a lot until it fell and broke and I'm thinking I'd like to get another one. I wonder if The HS could tell us if:

1. Do crystals/stones do indeed have any beneficial qualities
2. What are the qualities?
3. Which stones are the best?
4. Anything else on the subject?
Responds The Higher Sources:
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
To the questions we proceed:
1)  Many, too numerous to mention, list or explain here
2)  Your desire for the list is impressive.
3) This depends on what best means for the possessor of the crystal
4)  Your intent is what matters, not just the stone.
As many elements as humans have identified for Earth, called the Periodic Table of the Elements, do exist compounds of crystalline structure. From salt to diamonds, snowflakes to coal, your planet offers so many crystalline structures and compounds which allow them to form, that we could write an encyclopedia.
The subject can be investigated for much human time, for much has been written.
Brief shall we be: all physical objects have a resonant frequency, the atomic structure of which decides what the sound, light and other energy input will best affect. Leaded crystal glass plus certain sound, are but one small example.
Crystals, by virtue and result of the crystalline structure molecules adopt, respond to energy of many types; sound, light and electrical. Crystals also respond to the energy of the human soul.
Choose the crystal you like, for the look, shape, function and ways in which you plan to wear or use it.
What matters the most, are your belief and clarity of purpose; for what benefit do you wish to have and use a crystal? Focus your energy  —this means your thoughts—  upon it, to observe the effects and improvements you wish. Be patient but only for a few days; you shall see.
Looks, color and setting might seem superfluous, but they are not; these qualities are magnets for your good mental energy, thus help bring about effects desired.
The best stone for you and your purpose, is the one you like, by shape, color, size and setting or use.
Q. Can crystals also enhance negative thoughts or negative intentions?
No, because the vibration frequencies and ranges which human negativity requires, do not match compatible frequencies of Earth environment crystals.
This is the reason desire and intent are so important; humans do not seek negativity as an objective, despite what observers might conclude; humans have no difficulty teaching one another to become negative reflexively. This is learned behavior and reaction, which then becomes automated response in many cases.
Crystalline physical structures cannot form if surrounded by incongruous energy. Likewise, crystals do not respond to energy outside their compatibility; fortunately for humans, the upper limit of this range is above what humans can achieve, so the only applicable parameter is a floor or minimum. Human emotional negativity operates below this floor, this minimum threshold.
If any reader who wonders why falling snow can very often seem so peaceful, tranquil and comforting, sometimes almost magical, such effect or sensations are felt because of the many small and recently formed crystals the snowflakes are.
Q. What would be a good example experiment we could all easily try to show the influence/effect crystals can have. Because most people think of them as just dumb fancy coloured stones
Take any crystal you like, into the sunlight; hold it your hand and look at it. It must be a crystal you like; how or in what way you like it, does not matter.
Remember it is not a machine, or a tool, or a device or a drug. Look at the crystal you like for ten seconds; you may blink. Pay close attention to what you feel.
Q. Does the size of the crystal, its quality (like imperfections etc.), cutting or polishing or whether its rough and impurities affect its efficiency?
Yes for all those aspects.
Q. Also, I have got a Quartz crystal cut into a dodecahedron shape. If I shine a laser beam on one of its face, will it magnify the light similar to a calcite dodecahedron ?
No, not much although all crystals will amplify both light and electricity to some extent. Some crystals convert electricity into light, but the surface facets are key to worthwhile gains; only one crystal does this exceptionally well, however the number and formation of surface facets are what allow intense amplification.
Calcite crystals provide immense conversion & amplification of small(er) electricity amounts, into light pulses of very high, even dangerous brightness but high electricity output potential.
Conversion of light into electricity has been mastered; we call these devices solar or electro-voltaic panels.
Quartz crystals vibrate at fixed frequencies when energized with light or electricity, but amplification is negligible.
For electricity production, the goal is to use an energy source which requires no input (not a laser) but still extract useful power from the process; Earth's natural magnetic field.
Q. Are crystals living beings? With souls? I know this may sound silly, but should we be 'taking care' of our crystals in any special way that is beneficial to them?
Crystals are not alive by the definition or understanding life has. Crystals do have a certain innate, inherent energy which most substances in human dimensional realms do not, such as iron or granite.
The benefits from having a favorite crystal are happiness when holding, touching, feeling or looking at it.
Crystals should be taken care of in direct proportion to the enjoyment derived. The more a crystal is liked, the more it should be protected. We offer diamonds set in wedding rings as an example
The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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