Heaven, Our Home - Part-III

The HS finishes.

“The human preference is to observe, know of, visit and experience Heaven as a human. This is spocklogical [not my word, The HS said that…] but also elusive.

Humans can sometimes visit Heaven and also retain a memory of it, but your nearly daily visits are entirely unremembered and unrecallable, by your design. Where a human death has been reversed, what humans label a near death experience, a memory of that is sometimes chosen by the soul.

We offer an explanation of the human-biased perspective of Heaven, through the use of this incorrect name. No such thing exists for a human as a near death experience, where death of the body occurs; either it expires or continues. The description is of the mind; your soul is your mind, these are interchangeable, but the human view is that the body and mind are permanently attached. They are the opposite; your mind cannot be attached to your body any more than light can be attached to the bumper of a car.

The keen, sometimes intense interest humans feel for Heaven arises from the human essence of bad avoidance & goodness sought. The default condition for all humans is this; it is the principal attraction and often, sole attraction a soul wishes explored when choosing to incarnate.

Heaven is, to the human view, all goodness. All religions offer this view, but the challenge human perspectives offer us, is to overcome the human notion that goodness is requires contrast with the bad.

In Heaven, goodness unfolds horizontally before you; up & down do not exist. Goodness also has depth, but like all things in Heaven, depth has little meaning; that you might wish to see the far side of something simply requires that you think it, then you will be there. You will not go around, but rather through, to reach the side you wish to visit.

The human views of Heaven, as offered in descriptions of experiences where the body dies but is revived, are limited, constrained and shallow versions of what is available. We deliberately say available because anything can exist if it can be imagined.

Without skin, noses, eyes and ears humans logically would like to know how sound, sight, touch and smell can function. The answer is simple; these abilities already exist for every soul; the human or animal body simply channels them through a bodily organ. The combination of the receptors and brain which receives detected information, are but crude scaffolding, flimsily attached to your soul. Your brain is complex to humans but also is simplistic and crude. The mind of any animal possessing one, is horribly constrained by it; from this near mental imprisonment great opportunity is born.

Humans envision a hierarchy of beings, calling them alternatively, angels and archangels. Yes, a hierarchy exists but the human template falsely imposed upon Heaven and its hierarchy of souls is so limited compared to what exists, that it can be accurately described as wrong. Incorrect, mistaken, erroneous.

The temporary human visit either does not see what we just explained or does see it, but chooses to erase it from conscious human memory. Recall would undermine the human experience.

If a human wishes to reduce the size of her or his body; physical movement and food intake changes will achieve this. The human doing so actively knows which foods and how much inactivity are best avoided. The soul decision to exclude from human recall the experience of a visit to Heaven, is even simpler than a weight reduction diet.

Your soul appears as a bright point of light to all other souls, when you look upon another, this is what you see. The principal difference is the reach and brilliance of the light; as a human on Earth, increased distance diminishes the perceived brightness; in Heaven distance amplifies it.

The physical effects of light on Earth do not exist in Heaven; you cannot be sunburnt or blinded; what light does is offer love. Does anyone fall deeply in love in the darkness? Only the blind, who deliberately choose the absence of sight. The remainder of humans must see what s/he loves, be it art, people, pets or anything which draws one closer and supplies great enjoyment, contentment and peace.

Your domain is the entire universe and if you wish to visit the other eight, this is also possible. Such forays are rare, because little is offered in return for the effort and risk. The comparison we offer is the Pacific fish that abandons its school to travel to the Atlantic. Conditions and surroundings will be vastly different, added atop the large similarities. The effort to return will be equally large; climbing down a mountain might be less difficult than an ascent, but it cannot be described as easy.

Within the universe we occupy, you are in Heaven; the borders of Heaven and the universe are the same, and the human word Heaven is not what your soul, our souls and all souls, see. The human English word universal, meaning one version, is more accurate. One version exists, the other eight are necessarily different.

The nine Heavens are a triangle of three triangles, each of the three composed of three, three cubed.

We suggest the fascination, even fixation with Heaven, be set aside. If you forget it for a time, but then remember and react as if the forgetfulness of longing for more knowledge of Heaven, was a shortfall, think again then forget such reaction.

Aboard Earth have you traveled for the adventure Heaven does and cannot offer. The evidence of this voyage we offer through your presence on this website and also, the reading of these words if you have come to them. In any way that you might have seen what has been typed here from what we offered, you came because of the highly enlightened state you already reached, to brighten it even more.

Enjoy this time, as short or long as it might seem. When your voyage is complete and your destination you reach, we assure you, it will seem short and too brief. Re-incarnation solves this dilemma for many of you, the opposite of the rose-colored glasses through which humans view Heaven.
Earth visits are your choice; Heaven is not. Earth troubles are chosen; in Heaven trouble is not available. Any and all things humans consider negative, exist not in Heaven. Humans might see this as wonderful for a brief moment, but human adults certainly in the vast, vast majority, understand this is a temporary condition, even an illusion, on Earth.

In Heaven, negative is not possible; to pass through, under, above, around and along with the bad, builds goodness beyond your wildest imagination. The permanence of this quality, achievement and highest degree of existence, is deeply, widely and proudly admired everywhere in Heaven. Few souls make the attempt, even knowing that failure is not possible and shortfalls not available.

All life aboard Earth is progress, enrichment, enlightenment and wonderful development. Enjoy every terrible moment, tragedy and disgusting thing with a huge smile, for Heaven awaits where smiles abound.

Our honor it is, to address this topic. Please inquire further, we shall make our feeble attempt to reply well. Do return, in any case.”


 One wonders if the Creator of our universe gets bored?
No, the human concept and experience of boredom is somewhat unique to humans but occurs also in similar ways to beings on other planets. The solution to boredom is telepathic communication. The many of you have either noted or participated in the recent fad and habit of looking at the screen of an internet access device at all possible moments. In Heaven, you have this abioity naturally available to observe and participate in all things, and observe all Earth things at any moment of Earth history. With such ability, boredom is a challenge to create, thus rare.

 I assume our houses in heaven don't have kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, bedrooms. So are they basically living rooms?
Houses, dwellings and structures humans call buildings, for human occupation and use, are optional. Any activity a human practices, requires, chooses or pursues inside such structure, is optional in Heaven, as are structure themselves. These are common but not universal and never necessary. The architectural beauty is amazing, never tiring or something to which an observer grows accustomed thus uninspired.

I have heard that there are 7 vibrational levels in Heaven, is that correct please?
Nine exist; remember you are in Heaven now and have been for your entire existence, which includes your current life incarnation aboard Earth. The illusions of any two of the three dimensions humans perceive in all Earth things  ̶ height, width & depth  ̶  are chosen from the Heavenly perspective in order to observe Earth human dimensionality and existence. The one of the three not chosen, inures to Heaven; the remaining six are unique to the vibrational ranges not perceived on Earth.

The Heaven that we experience after this life is based solely on our soul’s consciousness and polarity. It’s completely different for each of us, therefore next to impossible to fully describe.
Your Heavenly perceptions can be a form, interpretation & understanding of Earth existence, but these are far from being sole perceptions. Such a view is optional; tales of near-death events told by humans who briefly visited Heaven, in Earth time terms, are experiences most often chosen by the soul. On Earth, humans can only slowly create or influence surroundings, where this is even possible. The decision to enter such an environment is a voluntary choice; in Heaven everything becomes optional; all conditions are negotiable, variable and infinitely dynamic. A human soul chooses before, during and after incarnation voyages, what views of Heaven s/he shall have.

You are correct, it is different for each of you, but not necessarily completely different; the copying, plagiarizing or replication of what one perceives others have or create, is also common and viewed by the copied as a high compliment. Imitation is flattery.

Yet many a four-legged animal can sense spirit or let us say for the average human
invisible spiritual beings of a “higher“ vibration much better… Something to think about where on the vibrational ladder our four-legged friends fit in… Is this capacity restricted to pets or could the rhino out in the savannahs do it too? And do they sense “just“ the energy or do they also see and hear higher vibration beings?

The perception that 4 legged animals perceive what the 2 legged variety cannot is not complete. Have gorillas, chimpanzees and monkeys been considered for the question? Are these four or two legged creatures?

All humans can and may perceive what any animal perceives, if such human wishes to activate, re- engage or “turn on such notifications”. Where perceptions are seemingly not possible, this happens because of willful decisions to inactivate them, for specific purposes, objectives and goals of the de-activated human.

Four legged creatures, who ambulate on four limbs primarily, choose to allow such perception ability to remain active; this is often part of the decision to incarnate as a four-legged creature. No differences exist between souls in Heaven, based on Earth surface body choices.

How is sex less pleasurable in Heaven? That doesn’t sound like Heaven to me.
This act, behavior & practice does not exist in Heaven. Human bodies are required for it, within Earth’s environment; human existence is what offers them. The pleasure of coupling with another or several souls is different in Heaven but also greater, more intense and very often more pleasurable than what the vast majority of humans have. There are exceptions, such as the not so uncommon taboo on Earth of engaging in such activity with several people simultaneously. Very often this encounter with and among several humans produces an experience on Earth which begins to approach the pleasure of what is felt in Heaven, but we must emphasize, the sensations are much different in Heaven by comparison. No bodies are involved.

The Heaven in this article, is it discussing the non-incarnational experience? I am under the impression that our souls are led to the appropriate vibratory level after this incarnation. If so, then the experience will be different for each individual. And if that’s so, then an accurate description of Heaven is next to impossible.

Yes, the “non-incarnational” existence, not experience. Human life on Earth is the experience; in Heaven your existence, is. Your soul leads itself; no leading by others occurs, unless affirmatively selected. Choices, alternatives & suggestions are offered. You may select, reject or create your own. Yes, each soul has a unique experience precisely as does any one human; your souls are the snowflakes of the universe.

How accurate a description is possible, turns on the definition of accuracy. We believe what we offer in human words is most limited, but no other good way exists. The light frequencies, colors and imagery of Heaven cannot be properly and faithfully reproduced for human observation; many of the things would be invisible to you even if you could visualize them as a human; the near death events retold by souls who have them, involve departure from the human body, and for this reason, to suspend the five human body senses; to have a lifting of the shackles, chains & restraints upon your perception, the use of which a human body imposes.

Can we travel easily between Heaven and Earth, can we come down to attend sporting events as often as we like?
Double yes.

    If we don't:
    get up and go to work
    raise children
    eat
    sleep
    shower
    shit or….
    mow the lawns
then WTF do we do in Heaven !!!!
Everything else not on your list.

 Okay, now on to the HS

“ ‘In the beginning God created the Heavens and Earth and…’ says a certain important human book, which offers a basic description of the start of Heaven. Often have we explained the nature of God, which is the collective of all souls. You emanate from the one source, independent and autonomous in every way and thing, and Heaven is the environment which has resulted.

Humans often discuss economic conditions, meaning money and what can be had for it. Such discussions are not really about what they superficially seem to treat, which is the human
created medium of exchange.

Human discussions about, over & concerning economics are about choice and freedom. The human park playground see-saw which the economic process resembles, reflects decisions about how much freedom to give up in return for what economic benefit, or vice-versa. These are unending on Earth.

In Heaven, this process never begins; you always have absolute freedom in all ways. You are never told what to do, beyond your absolute authority to choose for yourself. To the naysayer who will offer how a soul suddenly finds her/himself back in the human body even as the consideration of returning is not complete, we say such soul & person has chosen to erase her or his decision to return, from human recall or memory.

In an abstract, impossible-to-create human economic landscape where all decisions are voluntary, where your ‘capita’ always chooses without influence, pressure or coercion, there shall emerge a condition which precisely reflects choices participants make.

Even where some controls in the form of restrictions and constraints operate, the result is emergence of a condition created by collective effect.

Where materially large enough controls are enacted or imposed ̶ humans have labeled these at times socialism, fascism and communism ̶   outcomes are different; the economic condition
becomes a system. This leads to the inaccurate description of capitalism as a system; it is a condition brought about through voluntary choice. Natural organization and logic, part of your soul, create efficiencies which seem to work just as well as, if not better than, a designed system.

In Heaven, existence is pure capitalism. Everything in existence is chosen; the some of you create, the some others of you join what has already been created and the totality of you as souls, does both. This is the reason human capitalism produces the greatest gains and attracts the harsh critics it does not earn. Voluntary choice in all matters and things is the natural state, the default setting for Heaven. Supremely challenging this can and often does become, for returning souls going home to Heaven; to be offered led but never required to follow, creates unease in souls deeply habituated to human life, accustomed to being told, commanded,
instructed and constrained.

In Heaven, all limits are self-created and imposed.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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