Predictions for 2024

Q: Esteemed HS, I have as you already know, two groups of questions, the development or outcomes of known events already underway and a much smaller batch of inquiries; things we humans do not know shall happen but might benefit in knowing about, already and ideally now.

Can you explain how much of either, you are prepared to offer? Or would the right word be, disclose or divulge?
HS: Greetings Earth travelers and adventurers who come to read these words, happy travels we wish all of you, as the upcoming lap of your planet passes under your chosen path.

Knowledge of events changes behavior, by the bad-avoid & good-pursue model nearly all humans embrace.

Q: Which humans do not embrace this approach?
HS: Some mentally ill folks among you.

Q: Oh, right. Didn’t think of that. Please continue.
HS: The human requirement to extrapolate, a necessary process for pursuit & avoidance, pushes nearly everyone in the direction of exclusive knowledge. If too much data or detail are provided, it erases nearly or all benefit from the event, because it does not happen.

Were we to provide winning lottery numbers even twice, by the third time we did, so many players would use them, the prize would be diluted to nothing.

To have knowledge you would like, is unfairness; why are you so special that only you or a close group of people should have it?

If the knowledge rose merely to entertainment, this would be great in a world of fantasy. In the real world of humanity, practical applicability would swamp the process in tsunami-like fashion.

We now predict the assassination of a well-known world leader during Ring Two Zero Two Four. If we say where, when and who, and then the prediction happens substantially as we describe, the many of you will ask us again. A third prediction would be awaited by billions of humans.

Would-be assassins will be forced to change or abandon plans in such an instance, and the medium here would come under heavy police scrutiny, either a conspirator or detective.

To offer predictions is to erase them; this is why some many mediums, psychics and other such tellers of fortune are inaccurate. Humans create inaccuracy through desire for the opposite.

Q: So we’re not going to get out-of-the blue predictions?
HS: Nothing material, especially not with dates or locations.

Q: Please give us a few; you already said a world leader would be assassinated in 2024.
C: All such national leaders are targets and know it; the event to come will be the rare one where attackers defeat or overcome protection.

Q: Will the assassination materially change the course(s) of events in the nation where or to which it occurs?
HS: Yes, and a hint have you given; the national leader will be located outside his nation when killed. We have revealed the world leader to be male.

Q: Anything else?
HS: A significant weather event, unprecedented in the location where it will happen and rare anywhere on Earth, will come in the winter of the Southern Hemisphere. Loss of life and property shall come.

Q: Geophysical?
HS: Earthquakes and volcanoes will shake and rumble at higher rates than in this concluding year or sun lap.

Q: Not directly significant to most of the world but symbolically important, will Argentina’s abrupt switch from socialism to its opposite produce economic benefits this coming year?
HS: No. The improvements are coming but will arrive in twenty-five, not four. The frustration will exact a nearly crushing toll upon the new leaders, before relief is felt.

Q: Will the electric vehicle enthusiasm continue to drop? Will any carmaker abandon electric vehicle production? Will Tesla fail this year?
HS: Yes, yes and no.

Q: Will Donald Trump become the Republican nominee for USA President?
HS: Yes.

Q: Will Joe Biden be the Democrat nominee?
HS: Yes.

Q: Why won’t the Democrats replace him?
HS: No worthy candidate is willing. Many ambitious lackeys would love the opportunity, but Democrats know there exists no candidate able to win.

Q: Why won’t the election just be fixed, like last time? 164 million registered USA voters with 92% turnout among them, a fantasy which became reality, isn’t again possible?
C: No, because it would be doubted. Faced with a good national condition but at times abrasive leader in Trump, many USA voters took for granted that a switch would do little to change anything, as voters see elected officials as hot air boxes but little more.

The Deep State of your world thrive on conflict, chaos and difficulties, but preferably where it is created thus controlled by them. Despite the image offered, Trump worked against chaos and conflict.

A world emergency would be required to create conditions and belief necessary to convince both USA citizens and world observers that the Democrat Biden overcame the Trump challenge, but this is extremely unlikely to succeed.

The Deep State are preparing their strategy to continue thriving and prospering, under the assumption Trump prevails.

Q: Trump has been attempted removed from the ballot in two USA states so far, USA Supreme Court challenges soon coming. Is this being done for anything other than the obvious purpose, that Trump will win the race if allowed to run?
HS: No; your description is accurate. It is a Democrat desperation move, a Hail-Mary football pass made in the slim hopes it works; it shall not.

Q:  Are Prince Harry & wife Meghan going to remain a married couple through 2024?
HS: Yes, but threats shall come. Observe closely if such insignificance is entertaining.

Q: Will King Charles remain on the throne?
HS: Yes.

Q: Is China going to seize or attempt to grab Taiwan?
HS: No.

Q: Will the Israeli offensive to eliminate Hamas be successful and finished in 2024?
HS: Well before mid-year, depending on the precise definition and criteria for what finished shall mean.

Q: When will Ukraine and supporters such as the USA, concede publicly that Russia has prevailed?
HS: After 2024, if at all.

Q: Will Venezuela’s military forces attempt to invade, seize or somehow control Guyana as recently threatened, during 2024?
HS: No. Brazil has ended this ridiculous fantasy and obvious political distraction, with help of the USA and Colombia.
Q: Talk of the southern region of India breaking off to form the new sovereign nation of South India, remains. Is this going to either happen or come closer to occurring in 2024?

HS: Neither. The reason is China and what advantage would Beijing attempt to extract from such partition.

Q: What about Pakistan re-joining India, also a possibility discussed with regularity.
HS: This will happen neither in 2024 nor ever.

Q: Will Israel erase the internal dividing line between Gaza and the rest of the province?
HS: The Israeli Knesset will, however nearly all residents already living there will ignore this change and continue, through at least 2024, to believe a separate nation-like territory and identity applies to them, despite the erasure of Hamas as central authority.

Israel has already begun preparing the residents for creation of a replacement authority, but this will be far more difficult to achieve. The residents see the surface; with Hamas as the authority, life had a predictability and pattern now lost. The routine was, we hate Israel and Jews, we believe Jews hate us. What is for dinner?

Now, war has come to the region and stability is a fantasy. Food, water and electricity are suddenly almost luxuries, the residents see this as the result of Israeli action, which is true.

What the residents do not and will nearly all refuse to consider, is what happened to victims of the early October 2023 attacks to trigger the Israeli military action. This will be written off and essentially dismissed as mere Israeli propaganda.

Israeli officials will be, for the year 2024, resigned to simply allowing the region to come to grips with the circumstances created, and do little to attempt change attitudes.

Q: Is the European Union going to see additional efforts made by member nations to secede?
HS: No, however secession interests in several EU nations will remain vociferous.

Q: What about world economies, especially where price inflation has increased sharply over the most recent 24-36 months? Will this inflation come down?
C: Yes, but prices will not reduce, simply stop increasing. Incomes will have to increase as prices remain stable, for purchasing power to recover to levels in effect before the coronavirus government actions intervened.

Q: What are the Deep State going to do if Trump wins the election?
HS: 2 things essentially; plan for the USA president to come after Trump and whilst Trump is in office a second term, attempt to prevent laws which shall present an obstacle to their control, under the subsequent USA leader.

Q: The constant turmoil the press will surely report, is an Deep State  advantage?
C: The Deep State engineer this to happen, they control the press.

Q: Esteemed HS, thank you for the information. I expect readers will inquire further, let’s see how much wager-winning information is requested.
C: Be well, one and all. Do return soon.

Added Q&A

I asked the following questions:

1. Will Donald Trump become the President of USA again?
2. Will there be a war involving Iran in 2024?
3. When will the next Oil Shock (a sharp increase in Global oil price) occur?
4. Will there be a new Pope in Vatican in 2024?
5. How long will the current ruling party, BJP, hold power in India?
6. What about Bangladesh re-joining India?
7. Will there be a war between Israel and Turkey?
8. Will the value of dollar fall sharply in 2024?
9. Will there be a sharp fall in the stock market in 2024?
10. Which countries will be affected by earthquakes of magnitude more than 7 in 2024? (Japan already had one today)
11. Will Poland and Germany be involved in a war with Russia?
12. Will Russia attack Sweden, Norway or Lithuania?

The following answers were provided by the HS:

1. Yes
2. One is already underway in Israel. Hamas is the mercenary contractor Iran hired.
3. When the triggering event(s) take place.
4. No
5. This is not yet decided, how much longer this party remains in power turns on factors outside party control. Support & resistance for India becoming two nations are the main factors.
6. This is very likely if India divides into two nations; you may judge for yourself if such a split will, should or might happen.
7. No, Turkish positions, statements and opinions about the conflict in Israel are aimed at increasing political support inside Turkey for Turkish politicians, who care very little about what has happened in Israel and Gaza.
8. No
9. This depends on a definition of sharp, does this mean time or value? How much of each? The overall stock valuations at bourses around the world will finish year 2024 essentially flat.
10. Magnitude 6 earthquakes can have large effects; depth means as much as energy release. So, shall you see, won't you all?
11. No
12. No

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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