Monoliths - Who are behind these objects?

About them we have not spoken, but we cannot speak except for rare occasions where the effort with a human, your host here, has heard us. We hope our pun was not too bad.

Not having discussed this, we shall briefly. These objects are human designed and placed, intended to cause distraction and confusion. We refrain from spoiling the party, as humans would say, by revealing who precisely does this. We shall say it arises from groups of humans who see it as their interest to create alien extraterrestrial confusion, mystery and intrigue.

Visitors To Earth would never anonymously place such an object, any more than a human would take a pizza box or drink container to another planet and leave it there. Humans would consider this littering, the throwing of trash which should otherwise be in the bin. Creating such an object and leaving it in a location on Earth for humans to discover and speculate, would be considered grotesque, far worse than littering.

Humans who know of alien extraterrestrials also know their game is soon to end; their power will implode. Rather than give up what they have and know, they are addicted to the influence derived from secrecy, concealment, denial and the constant buzz mankind generates about the subject. They are also addicted to the money given to them by the hidden controlling powers, who see the subject as a convenient distraction.

These people specifically, are the ones who create and place these objects

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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