Monoliths - Who are behind these objects?

Are the monoliths found in different object placed by the Alien Extra Terrestrial beings? Or are these objects made by humans? If so, who is behind it and why? #thehighersources inform us

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A trip to the planets on a Pleiadean spaceship

Deviating from the regular channeling of #thehighersources, this time an Alien Extraterrestrial visitor from the Pleiades Star System is channeled to describe a trip from Earth to the planets of our solar system. In the process he discusses many interesting things about Pleiadean technological capability

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Crop Circles: Who, Why and How

Crop circles or images have been appearing for some time; Here is a Q&A session with #thehighersources about the images, their purpose, the beings who are creating these designs, how these images are being created and much more

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Dimensions, ETs and Guardian Angels

In this mindblowing article, #thehighersources discuss about the nature of the dimensions, the ETs which had landed in Las Vegas, the presence pf Guardian Angels in our incarnation on earth and so on. Please read the article carefully and multiple times, if required, as these are unknown Physics and the  concepts are hard to grasp 

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How ETs travel faster than Light

Is the Speed of Light truly the speed limit? Then how can ETs travel such a huge distance and travel to the Earth from other Stars and even Galaxies? The Higher Sources take us to the realm of unknown Physics of inter-dimensional travel

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Questions for the Alien Extra-Terrestrials

Instead of the HS, we ask some questions to the Alien ET collective. regarding their visibility, events being studied by them, EU break-up and about the activities they pursue in their free time

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Aliens, their origin, coverup, purpose and technology by the Higher Sources

Massive Disclosure of the presence of Aliens on Earth is about to come. One of the persons who channel The Higher Sources also channels Extra Terrestrial beings which visit the earth and has provided extensive details about their origin, technology, purpose of visit and many other aspects, In these videos he provides information on them and on the purpose of their arrival and disclosure

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US Government UFO Report: Information from The Higher Sources

The Higher Sources say that the US Government UFO Report to be published soon has been done under the pressure of the ETs themselves, when they informed that they would bypass the leadership to directly reveal themselves to the people. However, the report would still not reveal the collaboration or contact which the US Government had with the ETs. More revelation from the ETs will come in 2021 directly. Ultimately the extent of such revelations will depend on the reaction of the humans to such information. If there is no mass hysteria or spectacle, then more will be revealed as the objective of the ETs is not to create a show but to deliver important information for the humanity in respect of the coming Earth Shift

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UFO Technology

#thehighersources explains UFO technology. Recently John Ratcliffe, who served as Donald Trump's Director of National Intelligence, said that objects that have seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery that engage in actions that are difficult to explain. Movements that are hard to replicate that we don't have the technology for. Or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom. This interview can be read at

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A message from the Pleiadian ETs on The Shift

A Channeling from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner September 1, 2020. Mira talks about the ongoing changes and provides a hint on what's coming. Although Pleiadians appear like humans they have a very high vibration and are interdimensional beings

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Messages from the Extra-Terrestrials

So far the presence of ETs on Earth have been a subject matter of conspiracy theories. But that has changed after the recent admission of Pentagon about the existence of out-of-the-world crafts and release of videos shot by the US Navy. However, for decades, people who have channeled messages from ETs have provided details about their activities on earth and the purpose of their visit. Here are some of the messages from the ETs of different species.

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Bob Lazar, UFO and Area 51

Robert Scott Lazar is an American who claims to have been hired in the late 1980s to reverse engineer extraterrestrial technology at what he described as a secret site called Area 51. Lazar’s story is the subject matter of a Netflix documentary “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers”

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Crop Circles: A Message from the Extraterrestrials on Earth Shift

Crop circles are strange patterns that appear mysteriously overnight in farmers' fields created by flattening a crop. The circles are mostly found in the United Kingdom, but have spread to dozens of countries around the world in past decades. Who or what causes them? #thehighersources and the concerned ETs provide the answer

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Extra-Terrestrial / Alien Disclosure: Phase-I imminent

The governments which know about the ET presence on Earth won’t disclose it. They are wary of losing control due to free flow of information and for the fear of their lies getting exposed. Due to the imminent Shift, free flow of information to the humans from the ETs are necessary and the ETs themselves have opted for a gradual disclosure without creating panic among humans.

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