US Government UFO Report: Information from The Higher Sources

US Government UFO Report: Information from The Higher Sources

The problem with saying government is, what part of it? The scope of activity is so large and diverse, the simple use of the word obfuscates what is going on, and this aspect of the process is used by the holders of information to their sole, unilateral advantage.

I ask The Higher Sources for insights.

Q: Esteemed HS, as you know and as do many of us readers here also, we're being told with a now expected regularity, that a report will be released in a few weeks. Other than the obvious legislative cause for this, are Earth Visitors involved in this?

HS: Very much so. Respect for human institutions and hierarchy has long slowed more across the population contact. The contacts are of course made, humans having learned to label them abductions. The human selected leaders and the structure of central authorities have disappointingly chosen to first conceal and continue to conceal the vast, and nearly absolute entirety, of involvement and contacts. The visitors have grown frustrated, thus they have informed the human leadership of their decision to go around the authority and inform the populations in general.

This has caused great concern, because the visitors are far beyond control and influence. This runs counter to human leadership preferences, who greatly prefer to wield authority and power. Nevertheless, the human leaders understand that obstinate refusal until the very end of their concealment activity will sharply and abruptly turn against them. Nearly all credibility thus power will be drawn out of their positions. Maintenance of control is paramount to these people and the institutions they seek to ever control.

Q: What is the report going to show?

HS: Three things essentially; photographic material such as photos and video, eyewitness accounts and objects & material purported to be of extra-terrestrial origin.

Q: How complete will this be?

HS: Incomplete. Because the totality of what is known by humans, a select and tightly controlled few, is unknown generally, it will not be possible to assess what percentage is being revealed and what other information is withheld. The revelations will be sufficient to pique great interest, which will easily allow scrutiny to be drawn away from the possible total quantity of what exists.

Q: Have the Earth visitors threatened to reveal themselves in larger and more obvious ways?

HS: Offered is a better word than threatened, because a threat requires the recipient to interpret it as such.

Q: Why now?

HS: You could say, critical mass has been achieved with the development of human societies.

Q: Once we have all had a chance to know and look, what will happen next?

HS: Your visitor cousins are keenly watching for this, and human response will determine the precise steps taken.

Q: What is the objective visitors have?

HS: Assistance. They wish to inform humans about what affects Earth which comes from without. What things are happening because of energy and forces originating far away from Earth, across the universe and its many galaxies.

Q: Human fascination, excitement and thrilling entertainment play what role?

HS: Everything and nothing. These reactions open the door to the information and knowledge, the understanding and belief that humans are certainly not alone in the galaxy, not by many long measures, but these reactions also do little to assist human benefit.

Q: What do we need to know?

HS: That mankind is evolving, not ending and that alternatives are available far beyond what humans consider possible for Earth societies.

Q: Can you provide examples?

HS: Yes. The role and effects of violence, the causes and effects of behavior economically, the understanding of soul permanence and how the end of physical bodies is not death.

Q: How will the visitors overcome mass hysteria? Many human sociologists have written

about the small percentage within any society which can influence the entirely of the population to proceed in certain ways and directions.

HS: Information; feedback and explanations. These will be made available in such ways that no control or censorship will be able to overcome, to curtail or to restrict materially.

Q: Free speech, in other words.

HS: Yes. This is paramount for the visitors to Earth. They hope to explain how attempts to restrict communication supply only a temporary illusion of control and soon undermine the very controllers who utilize them to perceived, but erroneous gain.

Q: How soon before most humans get over the fascination with gadgets, weird physical anatomy, cool spaceships, amazing and breathtaking technology, etc.?

HS: Some of you, yourself at the forefront of this group, will not be attracted too much to these aspects. As time passes, more and more humans will accept the novelty that would now captivate attention to the point of distraction. How much time is entirely not forecast; humans will make this decision.

Q: How much will Earth visitors reveal about themselves?

HS: Everything humans ask, however the visitors will not tolerate endless questioning which avoids human insight into humans, which is the primary reason for these contacts. Humans have shown an amazing ability to Earth observers for self-distraction, deflection and avoidance of what humans dislike knowing. Few among you beyond what is called socio- or psychopathic will accept insight and knowledge into the effects of your behavior if you believe these qualities will be seen in a less-than-positive way by other humans. The sociopathic person openly acts and knows it, but does not care. This is the small minority, often criminal.

Q: Everybody wants time frames; calendar dates and if possible, locations. Selling tickets for admission is a popular human preference!

HS: This cannot be given with precision, but we will offer that before the close of year 2021 humans will have significant new information arising from Earth observer visitor contacts. We mean contacts, and we very much mean this. The concealing powers will reflexively act to control the dissemination, and specific people are chosen for this who are nearly immune to and effects from such pressure and power.

Q: Why are such people immune?

HS: They do not care. They do not fear loss of wealth, earning power, human life or anything else. Attempts to silence such people will blow up in the face of silencers, who will quickly perceive the risk to themselves.

Q: You're describing me (the person channeling the HS), amongst many others.

HS: Yes.

Q: Are we humans ever going to have a complete accounting or reckoning of the concealment activity carried out by governments, specifically military and other intelligence investigate areas within governments?

HS: Not for many years, until such revelations become nearly meaningless. They are not even meaningful now. Lustful desire, anger and inquisitive desire to open up these things are not purposeful. What was, was. Your cousins are here to talk about what is and shall be.

Q: Esteemed HS, thank you, as always.

HS: Our pleasure. Be well.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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