Aliens, their origin, coverup, purpose and technology by the Higher Sources

This is a series on ET Disclosure. In these videos, the person who channels The Higher Sources speaks on the purpose of the ET disclosure: ETs are not coming to the earth for our fun and entertainment. They are here to deliver some important messages to the humanity which will help us to move through the Earth Shift. However, if the humans view the event as thrill and entertainment, it would hamper the disclosure.

Massive Disclosure of the presence of ETs on Earth is about to come. One of the persons who channel The Higher Sources also channels Extra Terrestrial beings which visit the earth and has provided extensive details about their origin, technology, purpose of visit and many other aspects, some of which I have posted here from time to time. I believe he is among one of the most authentic sources on ETs among the humans unlike many persons who exaggerate or provide misinformation about ETs and their purpose.

The Higher Sources say that the US Government UFO Report to be published soon has been done under the pressure of the ETs themselves, when they informed that they would bypass the leadership to directly reveal themselves to the people.

However, the report would still not reveal the collaboration or contact which the US Government had with the ETs. More revelation from the ETs will come in 2021 directly. Ultimately the extent of such revelations will depend on the reaction of the humans to such information.

If there is no mass hysteria or spectacle, then more will be revealed as the objective of the ETs is not to create a show but to deliver important information for the humanity in respect of the coming Earth Shift.


The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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