Crop Circles: Who, Why and How

Q: Hello Esteemed HS, I am assuming the reader means Visitors-to-Earth making these images, since humans have attempted it also.
HS: Our salutations returned and confirmed, indeed that is what he meant.

Q: You know the reader?
HS: We know all of you, well. We visit often to see what you are doing and thinking.

Q: Uh oh, that could drive somebody away, out of fear of snooping.
HS: Unlikely, readers here of any regularity or frequency know we cannot intrude, inspect, intervene or insert ourselves into anything their Guardian Angel Guides do not allow. The souls themselves set the rules, limits and restrictions, unconsciously of course. These guardrails are enforced without exception.

Q: When did crop circles and images begin to appear?
HS: At any time humans have developed flight ability, the frequency of image creation increases.

Q: At any time? As if it comes and goes?
HS: Yes, it does and will go away and come again, with the onset of the Dim Period.

Q: Do remote controlled miniature rotor wing craft with cameras, what we like to call drones, play a role in the increase?
HS: These devices drive the increase.

Q: Why don’t the images appear more often in more places on and across Earth?
HS: The probability the images would be seen, closely observed then reported is lower elsewhere. England is ideal because many aircraft overfly at lower altitudes compared to other places where aircraft are less frequent or higher where crop agriculture is common. This increases the likelihood of detection. From the ground’s surface the images cannot be seen and are only detected upon coming very close on foot, animal back or in a farm type vehicle. Even then the image would likely be missed, even if the immediate area of bent stalks is noted as intentional.

Q: They’re always made by extraterrestrials, visitors to our planet?
HS: Yes, but crude, rough imitations have been attempted by humans.

Q:  How do the visitors make them but their craft remain undetected?
HS: The vessels hover cloaked, disguised and rendered invisible.

Q: How long is required to make one?
HS: No more than a few minutes, some can be created in just one human minute.

Q: Could they be made faster?
 HS: Yes, but that would destroy the crop; the objective is not to cause agricultural loss. The desire is avoid any negative effect on crop output. To achieve this, the lower stalk is bent carefully but not broken, preventing the onset of dehydration and rapid loss of that crop or plant.

Q: Why are these done, as the reader asks?
HS: To greet mankind, to leave irrefutable evidence of alien extraterrestrial presence, to put in place temporary decoration and to send messages about understanding of the universe.

Q: Why does the press never seem to cover these incidents?
HS: The press organizations are ordered not to give these images attention.

Q: Why?
HS: Many readers would become aware, not just of the images but also of the questions being asked plus the absence of plausible explanations.

Q: Was it coincidence the video interview with Dr. Greer, made a few days (possibly a week?) ago, showed up around this time a flurry of crop images are also appearing?
HS: Of course not.

Q: If Visitors-To-Earth began creating these all over the world, simultaneously, what effect might follow?
HS: This has been explored and is the reason what you suggest does not happen. Humans have sadly and to the detriment of humanity’s advancement, repeatedly demonstrated a tendency to harm one another in a frenzied panic or to blindly obey commands even in the stark absence of evidence or explanations. Before widespread, simultaneous global mass communication(s) was and were possible, this effect would not cause mankind to set mankind afire, but it operated. To be certain.

The ability to set off a panic is an immensely powerful tool of oppression thus control, and has inflated beyond the wildest dreams of the most voracious tyrant. Any overt manifestation of alien extraterrestrial presence would be painted as an imminent invasion and likely the end of the world.

Examine the recent compliance with ridiculous commands, orders and restrictions arising from the coronavirus affair, as an example.

Thus Visitors-To-Earth are cautious and artistic with their contacts. The oppressive powers among you humans know this and are emboldened in their ability, as they perceive it, to intimidate alien extraterrestrials.

Q: How are the images produced?
HS: The vessel descends cloaked and muted when no humans are present. This is achieved with simply thermal image detection and noise cancellation; the infrared mark of a living being is easy even for humans to detect. The ship then drops to the required height above the ground, and begins making passes up and down, or left and right, across the grid area. At each point or pixel, the closet plant stalk is located then struck with a concentrated shot of high-pressure air at the precise point or places along the shaft, required to bend the stalk over flat without breaking it.

Q: For an image fitting inside a grid of 100 meters square, about 330 feet along each side, how long would be needed to make the image?
HS: Each pass would cover about 20 to 25 cm of width, depending on the image. This means four to five passes per meter or four to five hundred total passes. Two hundred or two hundred and fifty up, then the same number back to the starting side. The time required to cross the one hundred meters would be approximately ten seconds, or ten meters per second. Ten seconds times two hundred is 2,000 thousand seconds or between 33 and 34 minutes. This is for a very large and complicated image, most of the well documented ones are made much faster because the vessel will accelerate across segments of a line followed where no crops need be turned down or bent over. Ten to fifteen minutes are the average.

Q: What are the reasons, motivations or objectives of the images, ranked by order of importance?

HS: These vary by race or civilization, but are first proof of presence, secondly to send a symbol and thirdly to temporarily decorate Earth’s surface.

Q: Does any alien extraterrestrial visitor civilization not create these?
HS: Most do not, because most do not enter Earth’s atmosphere with craft of this capability. All alien extraterrestrial visitors to Earth could easily create them if desired.

Q: What about reports which say subsequent crops planted in the same places where the images were made, grow more vigorously?
HS: The electromagnetic energy from the ships passing overhead, and especially from the air injectors used to bend or form the crops, enhances the soil particles, making them especially fertile. Not only do crops grow better, so do worms, insects and all life which remains in, upon or close to the soil under the crops where the air injectors pass over.

Q: The injectors give off electromagnetic energy?
HS: Yes, this is how they are operated and controlled. The objective is to expose as little componentry as possible outside the hull of the ship; if a snag, problem or threat arises, the injector can be retracted in less than one second, including the closure of the access port and the ship can rise several thousand meters in just seconds. The idea is to avoid a collision or detection.

Q: How could a human, animal, drone or aircraft approach without the alien vessel knowing?
HS: They could not; the alien vessel would perform the escape or avoidance maneuver well before anything could reach or detect it. Once the temporary, unwitting interloper has departed, the alien ET vessel returns to complete the work.

Q: These are always done at night, in the dark?
HS: Yes, to make certain no human sees the image before it is finished.

Q: Could a group of landowners, crop growers or farmers who have a good field with ready-to- harvest crops suitable for a sharp image, ask Visitors-To-Earth to come create an image on their fields?

HS: Of course, and most likely the nearest crop imagemakers would be happy to do it. The visitors would make certain they were undetected, either by waiting until the requesters give up in frustration or by choosing a location not watched, monitored or guarded.

Q: One reader told me that attempts to add explanations to the comments section of recent videos of some images, explanations The Committee has offered, were unsuccessful. Who blocked or deleted the comments?
HS: The owner of the channels.

Q: Because?
HS: The explanations are considered emotional speculation. Humans like and prefer to believe what humans already believe and like, both together and in that order. Humans are adept at resisting new information, just as good as the also common human ability to adore newness in trinkets, toys, objects and possessions.

Q: What else would we humans benefit in knowing about crop circle images?
HS: Whatever any of you would like to ask. These are benevolent graffiti and decorations and attempted symbols, evidence and proof or Alien ET fellowship with mankind.

Q: Thank you for this information.
HS: Our honor and pleasure, yet again. Be well and return; 

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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