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Tag - awareness

A spiritual message from the Arcturian ETs on the coming changes

Change is upon the world dear ones, it is not coming, it has arrived. You are going to witness the dissolving of many beliefs within your present systems of education, science, medicine, law, religion, etc. concepts and beliefs that have been accepted as being high intellectual truth. It is very easy to slip into fear and doubt when observing all that is taking place in the world at this time. ​Many are choosing to leave and Covid has given them the “out” they sought. Many more will be leaving as events unfold because they cannot or are choosing not to align with the higher frequencies of the ascending world.

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Sananda: The Great Announcement

A great announcement, a disclosure,  is about to come forward and all will be revealed to this yet sleeping population. Whether it awakens them or not is up to their life plan. It is going to shake many, many across the planet. People across the planet, will be shaken out of their doldrums. They will be shaken out of their sleepiness. Many will awaken as a result of this

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The World After The Shift Part-IV: Rise in Human Consciousness

It is said that Human Consciousness will rise in the coming Golden Era. #thehighersources answers that human consciousness is unlimited and it is the human awareness which will increase, including the understanding about the existence of human soul and life in other parts of the universe

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