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Tag - germain

Saint Germain: On the Cusp of Great Changes

You are on the cusp of those changes now, in these next days! And you can expect much to be revealed coming forward. Watch, as you literally go through a resurrection. A resurrection to move from the democracy that you have now, that those that have been in control have attempted to hold onto. But a democracy is corruptible, just as it has been corrupted. For everything is about to change. And many will call this a miraculous change. Many will not see this coming, as you, those of you that are the Awakened Ones, the Chosen Ones, have known for some time that this is coming. These great changes are upon you.

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Saint Germain's Prophecy for the current times

Saint Germain's Prophecy for the current times in rhyming quips was released through David Christopher Lewis, spiritual teacher and author, on Jan. 9, 2019, Read these rhymes closely and you shall find many predictions which has also been mentioned by The Higher Sources. There are also new ones which indicate the possibility of such events

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Saint Germain: The Storm Is Upon Us

This awakening is about to happen to many across the planet and to this country, The United States of America, as people are awakened, what has been happening to what is in the process of happening right now. Those of the dark forces cannot hold this energy back.  They cannot hold this destiny back. For the dark forces have already been overcome by the Forces of Light.  They just do not know it fully yet.  But they have an inkling.  They have that premonition within them, that they have reached the end.  That is why they are doing everything that they can now to hold it off.  But deep down within them, they know it is a lost call.  Yet they will fight to the end, many of them.

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