The World After The Shift Part-V: Communication

"Humans will still talk and listen with words much as is done now. The increase in multilingual ability occurring over the most recent two centuries especially, will not continue, and is going to drop. By how far it falls remains well inside human capability, within the coming five decades and certainly ten.

Technology will provide the ability to speak then quickly hear a computer generated voice speak the translation. This function is already being sold to the general public now, and shall increase to the practical degree some users will require it, either as or interacting with visitors.

The obvious advantages will be reduced for the few humans who use such devices and technologies, weighed down by the loss of expanded thinking ability otherwise produced.

Human language is artificial but seems natural by exclusion. Humans are so comfortable with their natural communication ability, humans allow it to exist without consideration for it and allow the unnatural communication ability to mask it. Just as humans are typically unaware of musculoskeletal issue until a hamstring is injured, at which point then the leg bicep muscle enters awareness, but almost never before.

Natural human telepathic communication is mixed in with a soul's own, self-generated thoughts to the degree they blur and feel the same. Thus humans remain almost completely unaware of the receipt of their thoughts sent elsewhere, typically called prayer.

Human voice communication will continue however listener comprehension will improve, partially as a result of improved speech occurring two ways; less words used and slower delivery. Humans typically insert spoken punctuation sounds and phrases, in order to maintain the pace of speech and maintain the speakers' hold on listener attention. These empty sounds, grunts, groans without meaning, such as 'uhhhh' or filler words without much or any meaning relative to the sentence in which they are inserted, such as 'like, ya know, I mean' will fade from use, slowing the pace of speech delivery.

Written communication will continue, yet technology will be attempted used to convert spoken words to text more and more often. This technology already exists and will become more common along with computer translation progeams and applications. The challenge will be reader comprehension; the nuances of meaning and scope of vocabulary common with writing will become more limited when encapsulated inside the smaller spoken versus written vocabularies universal across Earth.

Recall a written passage or statement you admire still, or remember fondly. Instead of reading it with eyes, imagine the words spoken by a trained orator to a live audience, hearing the words for the first time.

The desire to convert more and more transfer of information to spoken, thus decreasing writing, will have positive and negative effects. Humans will have to balance these, arrive at a net total then measure it against efforts and outcomes. Humans will decide if this approach makes sense, however we shall offer a small forecast about the trend in this direction.

The expansion of belief in telepathic communication, far more efficient and a good deal more precise than spoken words, will serve to emphasize the limitations of human language either spoken or written.

The acquisition of a new language offers often unseen benefit for humans, and the reduction in this process will decrease the advantages, if the benefits remain largely unnoticed by the majority of you. Uncommon as the ability itself is, many humans are now nevertheless aware of bilingual ability in ways unknown not so many decades ago.

Language is but a program, the letters, words, sentences and so forth composing data produced. Acquisition of a new language used in circumstances a human would encounter in the language already known and used, improves logic and comprehension of the speaker also, in addition to the listener.

This will become an interesting challenge for mankind. A time arrives now where communication ability grows in importance just as technology and reduced human movements will oppose the need.

Telepathic ability itself will become generally accepted, as compared to the current general view of its strangeness. The biggest parts of this challenge will not be the acceptance of telepathy and human ability to receive information in this way; the far larger obstacle will be acknowledgement of souls, spirits, energetic beings and physical visitors to Earth. Just as the vast majority of humans are unaware of information now transmitted constantly and continuously by everyone. Technology will improve significantly. Telephone calls will become less expensive and available nearly worldwide, written messages of all types shall improve and data transmission in general will become nearly instant and reliable worldwide. Printed periodicals will disappear, television and video which are already blending and mixing, will become nearly the same.

Free speech will come to the vast majority of humans, now only a minority portion of mankind entertains if does not truly have, the notion.

Social media will have long faded, the fad still growing as these words are written. The purposes it serves will be met better by other means and methods.

Current rampant surveillance of and spying into all electronic information will nearly cease.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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