The World After The Shift Part-XI: Education

"Greetings and salutations to all we extend, education a continuous process is.

We shall compare briefly what education now is, with sewage treatment. Not long ago common was it for each house to manage this important part of human body function and hygiene independently. One frequent method still common today, is the septic tank.

Density of housing, apartment blocks and attached houses required somewhat or very different methods, developing into the common facilities humans now employ around the world. Black water plumbing leading to decomposition vats. The process has been centralized, users can simply operate the plumbing fixtures designed for the purpose, then forget.

Food production and delivery have also been developed to allow a store's customer the luxury of ignorance about cultivation, harvesting, production, packaging, transportation, temperature control and retail seller operations.

Education has followed this development trend. Much of the process has been placed in the hands of central authorities, who also hold authority to confiscate money to pay for the operation.

Instruction workers have formed labor associations, syndicates and unions to enact agreements with the taxing authorities. The confiscated people required to pay for the process have little to no voice over the activity. In the most benevolent cases, the taxing education authority is governed by an elected board which has some or more control over material, method, content and curriculum.

Education conducted separately from a central authority under voluntary participation, is also common, flourishing because subjects, material and method are far more easily rejected thus under the control of participants.

Higher, entirely voluntary education has become, in many places on Earth, socially compulsory for class access and participation, including employment. In some nations, college or university as it is called, has come to replace required, up to approximately age eighteen education. Material and rigor have declined somewhat, in part replaced by university education.

We are speaking overall, with clear acceptance that differences exist, seen as either positive or otherwise, still distinct.

Increasingly in many places in current human societies, social programming has become both an unofficial and also official part of curriculums. Disagreement with this practice has led to complaints of indoctrination, bias and discrimination. The distinctions, say dissidents, have become blurred and blended between opinion or point-of-view compared to academic subject matter and material.

Ask yourself you might, why we have covered the existing state of education to the extent preceding? To allow contrasts.

Economic retraction and transportation restrictions will cause education to become far more localized, even more than nowdays. It will become uncommon for students to travel by motor vehicle daily to classes, and these will be conducted within more easily walked or bicycle ridden distance.

Teaching as a profession will become highly paid by comparison to many jobs which receive similar or equivalent pay now. Teachers will be paid at levels humans now consider normal for investment bankers, engineers, doctors and lawyers, as examples. Teaching as a profession, with academic courses of study aimed at learning to become a teacher, will fade away. Teachers will in contrast be recruited from careers in other professions, not necessarily in the subject matter of the job. A bi- or trilingual mechanical engineer in a nation such as India, might become, after years or even a career in engineering, a teacher of English or mathematics or science. S/he might avoid engineering applications and material completely.

One large goal looming for many students is access to well paid employment, and education is seen as the doorway, the access hatch. This will change; the greatly shrinking economic activity and wealth will force a shift in attitudes and perspectives.

Learning will be pursued for its own benefit as much as anything else. The joy many of you remember from certain courses, classes and schools, a joy many of you might still have now, will become much more common. It will become almost expected.

Students will not be treated as matters of discipline, taught to control impulses, to behave according to certain standards or punished for not complying. The pace and pattern of education will recognize the large basic differences between human males and females and separate them as much as gather both together, for certain phases of education.

Material will change; memorization and repetition will fade away. Exams will be much less guessing games, becoming what are called open book. In addition, many students will be given the test questions in advance, and in many cases will be asked or even required to select and vote for the examination questions.

Some classes, courses and material presented will eliminate periodic examinations in favor of weekly reviews where students, in an open book, all materials available format, will apply what was covered that week.

Teachers, instructors and professors will become far more reinforcing of positive behavior and progress. Unruly, uncooperative students will not be punished or penalized but asked to move to a class of other students who have likewise disrupted the classroom setting. When sufficient students have been brought together who represent the uncooperative members ―a reflection of real life in almost any organization or activity― new methods and techniques will be used to draw student attention and reinforce it.

Parents and families will become far more involved, and teachers will be admired, highly respected members of the community where they teach."

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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