Corona Vaccine

Is everybody enjoying the ongoing US presidential election excitement? More to come.....

Before today's mail, a pandemic China virus update, because many people have asked about safety of the upcoming vaccine. I pass the microphone to The Higher Sources, who now have the floor.

"The vaccine will have some unintended effects on human DNA, however it will be different for each person, because the DNA for each person is unique also. Bear in mind what very few humans know and acknowledge; you have a life plan agreement and contract with yourself. If the vaccine or virus is part of this plan, you will likely follow through. If you feel unsure, then the vaccine is not part of your life plan. You shall ask yourself how can you know, and we say you do not need to consciously know because you already do know. Go to sleep asking your guides to explain things. When you awaken you will know by your feeling what you should do or not do.
The decision to take the vaccine should be made, weighing the risk of permanent, damaging effects from disease complications or death compared to the permanent negative effects & deaths caused by the vaccine. The answer is, humans do not yet know what the vaccine effects will be across large numbers of people. Some recipients will suffer from toxic shock effects, as with any medication or substance. Humans have identified and acknowledge well, allergic shock effects from certain foods, such as tree nuts. This will occur with some but very few virus recipients, it cannot be avoided. How much will these incidents be inflated in world news? The development of fear is being used powerfully, so consider this.
To the question of development of the vaccine simultaneously as the virus, as explanation for its rapid release, we say no this did not, has not happened. The virus was already well recognized in other forms, and is already quickly recognized by some human immune systems. This along with years of preparation in the USA, allowed the more rapid than typical development. The idea that this virus' novelty means nobody was resistant or immune, is not true. Many people have high resistance to outright immunity,  resulting from previous viral infections like Yellow Fever, Dengue etc. Your channeler host is one of them.
Ongoing fear and restrictions are not helping. Look around you to see where masks are everywhere, restrictions also and becoming more severe, yet the virus continues its spread. As we have said before, where the virus reaches your nose it reaches your eyes to enter your metabolism. The wearing of a nose and mouth mask reduces the ejection of viruses briefly by about half, but normal breathing will allow side, upper and lower passage of viruses. How many humans will you avoid and for how long? Cloth coverings are ineffective, thus unnecessary but the cloth makes a positive appearance and emotion for & a person unaware of the ineffectiveness. Cloth does not restrict a virus, either being delivered or ingested.    
Lastly we say, the vaccine will set off symptoms in some recipients. We suggest only the obviously vulnerable ingest it. We suggest the same for the flu virus, however this practice is not followed.
The virus is making a natural and normal spread through the population, and no amount of restriction will stop it, only create a brief delay. The idea human behavior can control the virus is a fantasy. Humans have not eliminated the common cold, influenza, yellow fever, dengue, Zika, West Nile and many others. Only some vaccines have been developed, and some viral diseases, even if preventable by vaccine, still have no medical cure. Yet life goes on well, as will yours."  

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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