Secession of Texas from USA, Trump and Kamala Harris

Not many folks on Earth are going to see "Shift" changes and the events which cause them, as a success.

On the contrary, we're gonna be told time and again, the world is ending. Bible thumpers are going to be out rapping their own heads and yours with their copy of "The Good Book" telling everyone with ears, about the arrival of the end times and how God is punishing Earth, and every loudmouth with a microphone will be saying the same, religious filter or not.

Kamala Harris and her crew are going to say what they believe gets them power, but events are going to overwhelm governments and reveal them for what they really are, not the image government operatives and want-to-be hopefuls have successfully sold to a large majority of people everywhere.

Texas is going to secede from the USA when the rest of the states start demanding free and below cost crude oil (after oil crisis), or the federal government tries to pay for it with funky money. Kamala Harris is going to make the fatal blunder of attempting to disarm people and it is FOR CERTAIN, that will not be tolerated in Texas.


January 2021 inauguration:

More than ⅓ of the House of Representatives plans to formally object to the acceptance of electoral votes from many states. That proportion will increase over the next few days before the big fan is turned on and the crap is loaded into its launcher. I don't think the objections will be overcome, forcing Plan B where Biden/Harris are likely rejected. The evidence no court has examined publicly is going to get some air, space and sun.

If this sounds strange, thank the press org feeding you its preferred position.

The Higher Sources said what would happen, Trump remains in office, Harris becomes the next President after Trump in 2025.

Just one from The Senate, so far.... it's only Saturday. By Monday, more will join. Headlines are saying today, at least 11 Senators will formally object. That number will increase by Wednesday.

Both houses of Congress retire to respective chambers to debate and most likely vote. Like the unsuccessful impeachment attempt of a year ago, it will probably fall along party lines, meaning the House will vote to accept, the Senate will vote to reject.

This leads to Plan B where Biden/Harris are likely rejected and Trump remains in office

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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