Channeled Message from Mahatma Gandhi

Channeling can be done from persons who have long passed away (if they are willing), as can be done from The Higher Sources who are also spirit beings like us. Please note that the soul who was once Mahatma Gandhi is technically not the same "person" after death. In every incarnation we assume personalities which are required to serve the life plan for that lifetime. After death, that personality is discarded. In another lifetime the personality might be completely different. The personalities which we assume over several lifetimes may range from a saint to a sinner (from worldly perspective) and there is no reason to assume that the soul of Gandhi is more advanced or have much more knowledge than the soul of an "average" person. It is only that the awareness of a spirit being is more than that of an incarnated human as we choose to be less aware during our incarnation. A rise in consciousness following The Shift will also increase our awareness.

The person who channels the HS was asked to channel an important world historical figure Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi several questions. To refresh our memories, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (born 2 October 1869, died 30 January 1948) venerated as Mahātmā, was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist who employed peaceful, non-violent resistance to lead the successful movement for Independence from British rule. Gandhi inspired civil rights and freedom movements across the world. The honorific title of Mahātmā was first given to him in South Africa in 1914, later and still used throughout the world.  

Q1: You experienced your fair share of government tyranny and restrictions on personal freedom in your day. I'm sure you're as fascinated by today's medical fascism as I am. Do you have any advice for us on how we both cope with and resist these developments?

MG: Say "No". Do not go where you are not welcome, politely thank whomever rejects you, offer your explanation if you believe they might care to listen, make your offer gently, then wait. Be brief at first, watch to see if the listener remains interested. If not, thank them again and be on your way. If you detect hostility at first, apologize for disturbing them and move on.  

Q2.  I noticed with some surprise that another spiritual leader, the current Dalai Lama, has gratefully been "vaccinated" against Covid19 and urged others to do likewise. Would you have done the same?

MG: No, I would not have. What the Dalai Lama has done was his choice, mine would be mine. My reason for refusing the vaccine would be the ambience and tone within which it is offered. The beneficial intent to help, held by many of the developers and medical personnel tasked with creation, distribution and administration, is noble, of this there is no doubt. The vaccine however is delivered under a cloud of authoritarianism, command, instruction and coercive persuasion. Arm twisting in too many cases. This negative energy would have trumped the expected benefit or protection; a recipient should do so gladly, voluntarily and in good faith. Not under fear, pressure or compulsion. This never works for the duration. The human mind and body are the same. What we think is what we are.    

Q3:  You saw religious extremism from Hindus and Muslims in your time and tried to focus on non-violence (ahimsa) as a way to neutralize hatred. When you look at the religious extremism that still blights our world, do you think ahimsa remains our best way forward?

MG: Yes, but I take exception to the term religious extremism. Religion by nature is voluntary; when it is not that, it is not a religion. Some humans will resort to force, religion is just one excuse used to explain or justify force. The extremist, forceful and sometimes violent behavior is the issue. Be calm before your aggressor, but not your attacker. Do not commit passive suicide, physical or mental, by allowing an attacker success. Understand the motives in advance, deter them. Once equilibrium is achieved, non-compliance will convince the aggressor to change his viewpoint and soon, his ways. Counterattack never. This simply leads to the next round, and along the way, it teaches observers, both among the aggressors and resistors, that attacks met by counterattacks are an alternative, an option. Communicate your desire to maintain peace, accept them and to forgive them but never to give in to their threats, violence, orders, or commands. Make certain they know you will only act voluntarily, never out of fear. Communicate, they will listen even if things appear otherwise. Your good will and good faith will penetrate the thickest steel, the densest concrete and without any doubts, the most hardened mind of the misguided.      

Q4:  Is there a message you would like to share with the world today?

MG: Yes. Love one another, especially whomever you dislike. They love you, also. Forgive their struggle expressing it, for they always love you despite what things seem.  

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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