Message To Mankind, 1 of 10: Ideas and Beliefs

Sayeth The Higher Sources:  

Of ten topics we will speak, please return to read the next for that topic, what we shall say will lead to and fit each message, for the first nine of the ten, the final being a summary and conclusion not obvious as the first nine unfold.  

Speak this time we shall of ideas and beliefs held by many a human; formation, evolution and conclusions.  

As a child you are completely aware of your true nature and essence, yet simultaneously unaware of it. You accept without question that you are not just your physical body, growing older then observing older humans and adults who have set aside such ideas, who ignore them and when encountering you holding the belief of a child as might be said, accept it as a belief which shall fade away when you evolve into a larger child, an adolescent, a teenager then an adult.  

A child’s behavior is so completely endearing and amusing to adults, the behavior so easily able to provoke sensations of love, tenderness, affection and pride, happens because the children have not yet been trained to behave as do the adults who surround them. The same loving adults subconsciously recall their true nature but remain reluctant to discuss their flashbacks of awareness, often not having such memory but still enjoying the warm sensations caused by what they observe. This happens because of a recognition, if only emotional and subconscious, of the true spirit, joy and love that we all are.  

Human beliefs form from observation, habit, encouragement and discouragement. Too common is it for humans to discourage habits, rather than encourage their preferences. Children are subject to this process very strongly, being dependent in all ways for survival upon the influencers of their ideas.  

As language is acquired, as it is learned & used, a human acquires many ideas. These form beliefs. Do you as an adult remember your acquisition of beliefs you now hold tightly? Do you remember learning to speak your first, maybe only language?  

The physical body of a human has come to dominate human thinking, this is a distortion of reality. Your mind is where thinking occurs, not your brain. Treating the brain for a mind which functions differently than many humans might prefer, is an example.  

Your ideas can change and should. Your beliefs should expand, not contract and they best serve you when your beliefs consider the result they produce. This is not a common human habit but will grow increasingly popular. More and more humans will come to see beliefs create reality, compared to the now common yet inaccurate notion that reality exists as an objective existence, that a human only encounters then interacts with it physically. This physical interaction only takes place because a mental creation has already been.  

Human social habits, commonly called culture, generally remain automatic until a human encounters a group of humans who have different habits. This has been labeled culture shock. Belief shock is a version of the same process far too many humans are now resisting with all their human might possible.  

This is not natural, it requires excessive effort for the effect and will be unsuccessful. Humans naturally explore ideas, the reason humans naturally explore places and things in them.  

It is common in the USA, and other places also, for observers of political and social discourse to lament the state of affairs, to sadly mention divisions of ideas and to yearn for a leader to bring people together. This is a false notion, it undermines the very objective the come-together crowd wants.  

It is not your spiritual nature to agree; it is not natural for your soul to agree. The default value, position, stance and perspective is disagreement. Agreement only arrives later, after all sides examine beliefs and their creation.  

We return now to the human babies and youngsters; without knowing that you are doing it, you create beliefs and limitations to them in children, especially your own offspring. Your children observe you when you either go along with or oppose something; the children figure out your preferences and dislikes very quickly but do not inform you. You did the same thing as a child. You knew and still know or remember instinctively what your elders, not just parents but including aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins and close friends and neighbors, thought and liked or disliked.  

The challenge mankind has yet to tackle successfully, but which is coming, is to separate likes and dislikes you naturally have from observation and acceptance of different beliefs. In previous human civilizations, the histories of which were lost and are now unknown by current human civilizations, expressions of disagreement were more common.  

You will ask yourself why this was the case and explain we shall. The destruction of Atlantis was a physical event, the trauma from which affected a great many humans and far more souls. The many souls who experienced the demise of the Atlantis civilization and the great reduction in human populations, re-incarnated precisely to emphasize the physical risk and ensuing fear. To feel these things as a human shall feel them. This process led to a new emphasis on the physical, and a reduction of attention paid to the spiritual. This is not good or bad, it just is.  Humans have increasingly turned towards the physical and de-emphasized the non-physical parts of existence, despite the deeply held soul knowledge that it is the true nature. Religion is the manifestation of these deep beliefs, adapted to and molded around the physical environment.  

Disbelief in religion has let to what we as Guardian Angel Guides find enormously funny expressions, such as Sky Wizard for God. No wizard in the sky exists, you are as much a part of God as any soul, all together the souls incarnated as humans are the collective which forms God, as we have explained many a time.  

The inability to see the spiritual machinery behind the manufacture of reality, makes it far too easy to believe wizard-like magical powers are in play, and that a warlock, witch, devil or demon is behind the scenes and in control.  

You incarnate upon Earth to ensure you see not the machines but the product, the output and the result. Sometimes the negative happens, sometimes the positive and in many cases, but not the majority, these events and outcomes are as random as they seem. Most often they are anything but random or happenstance, yet human existence requires them seen to be arbitrary.  

Your beliefs form out of experiences you observe and the reactions you see in humans surrounding you. As an older human and likely an adult reading these words, we wish to say now, until our next message installment in this series of ten, that you are far more nuanced, experienced and intelligent than your beliefs written down on paper would seem to be.  

As events unfold around you and in the news placed before you, actively consider your reaction or opinion. Even if you have little reaction and have not much interest in the outcome, because you perceive the occurrence to have little to zero effect upon you, we say it has far more effect simply because you gave it mental energy.  

After considering this, consider your opinion or conclusion; then actively put your mind in the place of a different opinion. North American news, at the moment, is full of information about trucks and protests in Canada. The political process is the focus of this activity. If you feel favor towards the Canadian federal government; set aside your view for a moment and attempt to mentally place yourself in the position of a protestor. What does s/he feel, prefer, want and like that you might not? Why? If you fall more to the sympathetic side of a protestor and not a public policy official, stop and consider that public official, be her or him a judge, an elected premier, minister or officer of police; what is that other position?  

Never agree or disagree until several sides of an issue are considered; the concealed powers who wish to manipulate you thrive on the human habit of appealing to your beliefs knowing you might not be quick to look at different ones. If you stand back with a skeptical view until you have seen different angles, you will not be manipulated as a group. The individual members of any gathering of humans who have been duped into acting collectively in the interest of something which ultimately goes against their own interest solidly believes s/he is not being manipulated. This is part of the process, to imprison you ideologically without you knowing it, so an escape never you plan.  

Far worse for you as an individual is it to be a prisoner of thought than inside walls. The defense against this, or quick escape from it, is what we described. Very quickly, inside of a day, can any human ideological captive become liberated from agreements, acquiescence and subjectivity to a situation designed to serve someone else’s interests.  

Serve your own interests, which will best serve the common interest. Form beliefs only where you want one, only through active consideration of viewpoints you might initially believe incorrect, or inappropriate or just wrong.  

Be well one and all, please return for our second episode.  

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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