Message To Mankind, 3 of 10: Power of your thoughts

Sayeth The HS: We speak now of the third of ten topics. Speak this time we shall of thoughts and power.  

Your powerful mind is both the net which receives energy and the broadcast antenna which transmits. The mind to brain interface, used to operate the body, is but the connection. The human experience exists for this connection; to allow the souls the opportunity to operate a physical body within limits and constraints the mind otherwise never encounters.  

Your mind remains all powerful, if limited by the body connection to what can be done by the mind with and to the human body.  

Our objective throughout our channeling with your medium, our human soul upon Earth, is to reveal to you that beyond your brain and body remains an all powerful mind.  

Allow us the application of this fact to a current human event. If many years from now these words are read once again by humans, the date of this channeling shall serve to mark the event to which we refer, the Russian military invasion and occupation of Ukraine.  

Humans directly involved as either citizen of the invaded territory, military personnel of either nation and leaders of both, experience something we address not here. Instead, we speak to observers not in these three groups.  

What you think will have a direct effect on the development, progress and outcome of the invasion and occupation. To see Russia as bad but Ukraine good, helps neither and prolongs the conflict. Neither participant fits these descriptions neatly, and in many ways not at all. The participant as we described above, sees things differently but you who observe what you are shown, serve yourself well to imagine instead what you are not shown, but what you know might be true.  

What Russia has chosen to do is not positive, it is supremely negative. The attention you give the negative aspects, enhances them. Give the Russian people and leaders your good thinking, your good hopes and your wishes for peace and tranquility for everyone.  

This is easy to offer for and about Ukrainian people, but Russian soldiers are also people and can receive and absorb your energy.  

Mostly you do this to help yourself, but this benefit only comes to you as a result of the goodwill sent to participants in the event. Do not allow the negative to surround you, but rather push it away with deliberate positive thoughts.    

The greater option is to turn away from negative news and information. If it is not forced into your physical space, then your mind reigns supreme. You can allow the initial arrival of the information to fade and dissipate, like smoke or dust. Simply turn it off; replace your thoughts with something positive or generate your own good things in your mind.  

This is more powerful than lightning, stronger than steel plate and more convincing than an invading army. This is the power of love.

Do be well one and all and return for part 4. 

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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