Indictment of Donald Trump

Readers might recall the recent post titled "The Arrest of Donald Trump" and the consideration for a Trump arrest at

For those unfamiliar with the British & American criminal legal process: in the 18th century Great Britain took steps to remove from the sheriff or police, sole authority over serious criminal charges. A new step —the grand jury— was created. It remains part of the system until today in all former and current British territories.

Two broad categories exist: misdemeanor and felony. The principal difference is prison; misdemeanor convictions rarely earn jail time, especially a first offense. Felony convictions however, always include a prison sentence among possible penalties. Felony charges require a Grand Jury.

Each of the fifty United States has its own system, separate from the federal government.

A Grand Jury usually has a dozen members, who serve for a specific period of several weeks or months, usually meeting for several days per week, for half the day. No lawyers are present; the prosecution offers evidence without cross examination. Members of the Grand Jury can ask any question and also order witnesses to appear. Suspects can sometimes also tell their story, if the Grand Jury allows it. No rules of evidence apply. When the grand jurors believe as a group they have seen & heard enough, they vote. If an accusation or indictment (pronounced "in-DITE-ment") is issued, the case proceeds to trial. If the Grand Jury declines the case, it is permanently dismissed.

Grand Jury proceedings are secret; suspects remain innocent until proven guilty at trial or absolved.

Understand this when reading press reports, which from what I have briefly seen, are sensationalized. The case against Donald Trump is state level. Trump has not presented a defense, of which we know; nobody outside the Grand Jury and prosecutors know the evidence so far offered.

The public legal process will now commence. Bear in mind, all US Presidents and nominated candidates receive permanent bodyguard protection. Law enforcement officers who might arrive to arrest Mr. Trump would be killed by the Secret Service officers defending him, unless detailed arrangements are made behind the scenes, to ensure a president's security. This is happening now.

Now to questions for The Higher Sources:

Q: Esteemed HS:  Will Donald Trump be sent to jail or to prison?

HS: No.

Q: Will Trump be convicted of any charges?

HS: This is possible; the trial jury members are not yet decided. Trump will be absolved of nearly all accusations; if required to pay a fine this will be done proudly and to political benefit.

Q: Is this political persecution dressed up as prosecution?

HS:  Yes

Q: Is this a futile effort to prevent Mr. Trump from being re-elected?

HS:  Yes. The techniques and methods used in the last election to vastly inflate total votes cast, to ensure that Mr. Trump did not remain in power, are now compromised. Adversaries against the Democrat Party have worked diligently and powerfully behind the scenes to make it too difficult to repeat. Just as Democrat operatives and the HCPs were not prepared for Trump's elective success in 2015 and 2016, Trump's political supporters were likewise unprepared in 2020 for the manipulation treachery which occurred.

Both situations and circumstances have changed. Democrats are now desperately moving forward to change voter perception amongst the center single digit percentage of undecided voters, in ways political campaigns have always done. The difference now is criminal accusations are being cooked up to achieve it. 

Q: Democrats have all but admitted they do not want a repeat of Harris and Biden in the White House. Who is being prepared to become the Democrat nominee?

HS: The usual cast, already actively discussed in political circles. No decision is even close as to which candidate, because too many parts are in motion right now. Democrats know that retaining the White House turns very little on which nominee is chosen but far more on discrediting Donald Trump. 

Q: Does the recent loss of political control of the US House of Representatives figure into this decision or timing?

HS: Yes. Using federal prosecution and courts has become more sticky, risky and possibly counterproductive. Republicans could require Democrats to come testify before them. 

Q: Why does any of this crap mean anything?

HS: Many vested and entrenched interests will lose position, power, prestige, property and payments if Trump returns to office.  

Q: Why should anyone outside the USA care about this?

HS: Political power uses national borders for coordination and sharing. What transpires in the USA will affect many nations for some time. Neither Russia nor China would prefer Mr. Trump back in power, and most European political leaders publicly prefer the same, but for different reasons, however privately they prefer Trump. The majority of European voters have been fed anti-Trump indoctrination. 

Q: Is this going to derail Trump's re-election campaign, now vigorously underway?

HS: The opposite, the campaign overall and especially the large voter rallies, will become even more invigorated.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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