The End Times in our Scriptures

For followers of religions, many ancient writings mention   ̶ such as the Old and New Testaments or scripture in general including Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh and Muslim writings ̶   (if I am not mistaken, but do understand I might be) the ending times or something similar. If the following questions seem naïve, you’re right; please add yours.

Q: Esteemed HS, are The End Times and The Shift the same thing?
C: Yes.

Q: If humans retain authority, control and general ability to make decisions, control our future, or “the” future, then can we not alter the “end times” as forecast or predicted in scripture?
C: Collectively, as a majority of humans, yes; this is possible, even feasible, but almost impossible to achieve. To convince the many of you necessary for the majority, the information about it must come from a human. Insufficient humans, by a huge deficiency, now exist who are willing to spread information they believe about the looming End Shift, beginnings of which are now underway.

Humans are professional doubters in the minds of most humans, but in practice most among you are better described as amateur skeptics. This trait is what slows the spread of ideas.

Q: Can’t humans choose to join or remain away from and not part of specific things on

C: Of course, and nearly all of you do, either as part of your life’s plan or as an opportunity, temptation, invitation or other thing comes up.

Q: Who decided that Earth should have a Shift, anyway?
C: All of you, all of you as souls, which is to say God.
Q: How and when did we choose The Shift?
C: By group vote is the method; “when” does not apply, except to say that Earth did not yet exist. To attempt insertion into or upon a timeline cannot be done. Earth creates years that humans understand, these did not yet happen in human dimensionality.

Q: There we go again, that dimensionality stuff.
C: Which humans can safely ignore, a decision we do not recommend. Humans can safely restrict consumption of liquid to water, which is also not something we would ever recommend.

Q: The Shift has been well explored here, by yours truly and by the three of you, Esteemed Committee, so the session is over, right?
C: Not right.

Q: That’s a diplomatic way to say, “Nope” which I admire. Please then expand on The End Times explaining what benefits us to read, and I’ll await reader questions.
C: Thank you and our honor it is to offer these words.

Begin we thus; take yourselves away from Earth and away from your galaxy. Look at your universe; the galaxies will seem very much like stars observed from a perspective inside a galaxy, but as human telescopes have revealed, the insides of a galaxy resemble the insides of an atom.

Time exists for the inhabitants of a planet or other body whose motions and changing angles of light allow this, but doing so is optional. Animals do not measure time on Earth, animals perceive patterns.

To say, believe or think that time marches on is simply a way of saying the planet will always rotate at a steady pace, change to which humans cannot detect. Your planet has altered its pace of rotation and revolutions about the central star. Your planet has even reversed both for what humans would call brief interludes. No evidence exists which would, at the moment, be accepted by humans. Even when the information, data, logs and other graphic detail is presented, too many among you would doubt the source, thus casting doubt upon the information itself. Our previous comment about doubters refers.

The nine universes which form all of existence constantly and continuously move; we suggest you envision nine water balloons coated in oil held together magnetically. The many of you have heard of a lava lamp and if you have not, it will take nearly no time to find a photo or video. The undulating, floating globes can represent each universe. Occasionally the interactions will produce movements inside and within each universe, conceptually similar to waves moving through water, from a pool to an ocean.

These waves of energy, like patterns of weather on Earth, occur in patterns.

When the central portion of the waves of energy reach your part of your galaxy, is when The Shift occurs, and it has occurred to Earth before along with your galaxy. Our previous comments regarding proof refer, if you wish to know more and receive explanations.

More than happy were we to explain things which later came to be a book, yet much disappointment and doubt resulted; many a potential reader wanted a story about interactions, encounters, objects, implements and technologies unknown to humans, or unknown to nearly all humans but a few.. And with photos and video if possible. As proof, to validate beliefs.

What shall happen with The End Times is beyond your control, but what is in your control is participation and also your reaction. That you are here now on Earth is proof positive of your active, affirmative and deliberate decision to participate. How you shall react is entirely your choice; and our writings have as its singular purpose, to inform humans who choose to visit, about what exists as part of and also away from human dimensions, which cannot be easily seen, or seen at all or are seen but dismissed as magic or fantasy. When institutions tumble in numbers and from grace in amounts sufficient to provide the pundits with enough material to declare the end of humanity and to blame everyone with whom they have disagreed, you will know in ways you cannot understand just yet, how your reactions can be chosen. Instinct appears to be innate but has a small or large component of choice; this is usually the human life plan.  

Geophysical changes will beget social change; at the moment humans have begun a small war in the region called the Middle East. One side sees its neighbors as a permanent existential threat, because the neighbors have held a policy of elimination, expulsion & extermination of the other. The other side sees its neighbors as intruders, occupiers and oppressors even though that other That other side has lived there for thirty-five centuries. Cut sunlight reaching the surface by half, shut down international air travel, reduce international commerce by half and quintuple the price of fuel; place each of these four examples in any order to watch how quickly the two sides of this conflict will abandon the troubles.

Find writings of any type, new or ancient, religious or secular, which describe The End Times. Such descriptions can be found under many a name. Quote a part which intrigues you; ask us a question. Glady shall we reply, to the extent we should and can.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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