Heaven, Our Home - Part-I

Heaven – Chapter 1

Q: With The HS mentioning Heaven and Near-Death Experiences it makes me wonder about the difference Heaven will be than living on Earth. I know there is continuous beautiful music with chords we aren't familiar with here and also more colors than we have here on Earth. Also, in Heaven we can conjure up any dwelling we wish to live in or any scenery to see and enjoy. Spirits say that they can visit any place on Earth also but they spends most of his time there. Hopefully The HS can elaborate.

A: The HS explains, expands & expounds at some length on this subject; several “installments” or chapters will follow this one.

“Earth life is an illusion, but everything surrounding you is also, so no illusion exists. We understand the contradiction of what we have just said, because on Earth as an incarnated human, your soul is supposed to see contradictions, inconsistencies and irregularities.

In Heaven shall you all see things which amount to contradictions, inconsistencies and irregularities, however these are not labeled as such, because these differences are not perceived in such way. Such dichotomies of existence are called perspectives.

The reader questioner has asked for a comparison to Heaven, based on the human Earth perspective. This we are reluctant to do; what we shall offer are descriptions. The comparisons you shall make yourselves if you wish.

You have gone and come to Earth to get away from the place you now wish to have described. That a curiosity exists ̶ some humans might even consider it a mystery, an illusion, a hoax and a fraud ̶ is testament to the success of mission such doubters have accomplished. You who read these words and doubt, are at the front of the pack, you are leaders of the race, the pacemakers of the peloton. Both unawareness and strong skepticism are what demonstrate your winning position.

Allow us an initial description. Human and animal sight, with variations among creatures and species, see approximately half of surroundings. Better or worse peripheral vision can apply. In Heaven, you see everything; three hundred sixty degrees, to use human geometry and measurement terms.
Not only does this happen horizontally, but also vertically, which naturally implies that up & down do not exist.

Our next description of Heaven’s physical properties ensues; Human concepts of up and down require gravity and solid surface; which is the surface of the object from which the stronger gravity emanates. We say stronger because all things have gravity in all dimensions, but gravitational attraction does not occur across dimensional boundaries. We digress….

The choice to create a floor, undersurface, base, a ground level are often exercised in Heaven. From this choice can arise the perception of what is up and what is down, however the decision to create a ceiling, an overhead or a roof above, achieves the same effect. Humans would label this up, thus things below as down. Up and down, which require the automatic effect of gravity.

These forces and effects do not naturally occur or affect anything in Heaven.

This leads us to the human perception of Heaven, the human filter of interpretation. As much as a human environment can be created, it is but one choice among an unlimited number. No soul knows the number of environments possible, because billions are created continuously, all as different from one another as can be humanly imagined. We suggest the human fingerprint or the frozen water crystal, known as snow, as a comparison. No two are ever alike. Multiply the choices snowflakes offer, by an infinite power, x∞ to start a calculation. The answer will never be reached.

To simulate the human illusion against the hard copy reality of Heaven, it is certainly possible to artificially limit what humans call vision, to what appears in the half sphere a soul chooses to be “in front.”

This concept requires eyes, and what often becomes a face, as indicators or markers of what is “in front.”

In Heaven no soul has eyes, no soul has a face, so there exist no forward or backward directions. The temporarily limited perception of such perspectives is achieved as temporarily or permanently as one prefers.

When encountering one or many souls, it is a natural default setting for your mind to make dim, or to gray out as it has become common to say, anything unrelated or irrelevant which appears in the surrounding sphere of vision. This is the basis for the incarnated orientation of vision organs in many animals, but as humans know, other Earth creatures, such as flies, have a far greater field of vision, mimicking the horizontal portion of the natural state of your soul in Heaven.

Sight is one of five human senses, the other four exist in Heaven but are different, some stronger, others weaker and sensations coming or arising from things human bodies do, are not the same and effectively absent or missing.

To hug is a two-sided transaction; the hugger feels as much as the huggee. Without bodies for grabbing or to be grabbed, the sensations are different. Sexual pleasure cannot happen as it does with humans; it is both more and less pleasurable in Heaven.
Hearing sounds is much like vision; it is nearly unlimited compared to human hearing, in both the range of frequencies which can be heard, and the distances over which sounds can be detected, picked up or clearly heard.

Humans are easily overwhelmed by excessive sound volume or sources; your soul can naturally filter and block anything not wanted at the moment; because no time exists, it is possible and even easy to return to the sound previously made quiet, much like checking voice messages.

Sounds which humans cannot detect, which exist on Earth, as know many a dog and other animals, and also sounds which do not exist on Earth, are common in Heaven.

Consider the combination of color, texture and sounds, in three manifestations Earth cannot have, and this begins to describe many views of Heaven humans cannot perceive. We shall make a feeble, almost futile attempt to describe this, in human words: imagine a yellow corduroy shimmering transparent ocean, which changes its hue as you move beneath the surfaces waves, and offers new shades of its base yellow as you ascend back and come above the surface.

More shall we describe, in the next chapters. Do return.”

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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