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Tag - electricity

Effects of The Shift ~ Part Two

The Events of The Shift have already started and our journey towards the New Age has commenced. Another key event of The Shift will be the fluctuations in the magnetic field and magnetic poles of the Earth happening simultaneously with the volcanic eruptions. It will cause difficulties in the Compass based navigation, erratic weather patterns, unreliable GPS satellites and satellite malfunction, adverse effects on radio, TV, radar etc. and enhanced effects of a coronal mass ejection on electrical grid systems

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Energy Sources & Uses in the Upcoming Era

Oil and Energy crisis will severely limit the availability of energy across the world. This will cause slowing down of industrial production and availability of byproducts. As the current breed of electric cars use components and energy which depend on the availability and price of crude oil, such cars will become costly too. But the discovery of the New Electricity will solve the problem of energy shortage, say #thehighersources

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The Coming Energy Crisis

Our sun will shortly begin to behave in a way not understood. This will create volcanic eruptions and earthquake along with changes in Earth's magnetic field. Air and Ship travel will be affected due to fluctuating magmetic field and failed GPS satellites. Oil wouldn't be transported by Ship, causing a Global Energy Crisis

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The World After The Shift Part-VI: Industries

Industries in the post-Shift world will undergo a radical change. Oil and plastic based industries will become almost non-existent. Electric vehicles will be common with new battery technology. Packaged foods will fade away. Housing, borrowing and lending, legal services, governance, money related services will shrink. Unemployment will be near 50% but the definition of unemployment will change. There will be two or three day working week. Life, in general will be slow and less competitive

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calcite1.jpg, Aug 2020

The New Electricity: Unilimited, Clean and Free Energy

As The Shift progresses, humans will be unable to use polluting fossil fuels like Coal and Oil due to difficulties in transporting them. Different sources have already relayed the technology of producing unlimited, clean and free energy from Earth’s Magnetic Field to some companies and individuals. With the increasing price and unavailability of existing energy sources, investment and further research will be made for producing the New Electricity

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