Reduction of Global Population in the New Era

Deconstruction – an earthly necessity

Earthly consciousness, including human consciousness, has always and will always evolve in cycles. These cycles have varied but tend to be of the order of two thousand years or so. The world is rapidly approaching the end point of the current cycle. This is the cause of many of the unusual events taking place around the world. There is a speeding up of activity towards the end of these cycles with the pace of change becoming quite frantic, as can be seen across the world today. Much of the activity that can be seen around the world today may seem to lack purpose; indeed may seem to be purposeless. This is in part due to the fact that the driving energies for this closing period have now been withdrawn. These are the energies which have driven the growth of consciousness, the development of consciousness, across all the kingdoms; mineral, vegetable, animal and of course human. Not surprisingly it has been necessary to disengage the driving force, the driving energies, of this previous period in order to enable the new energies, the new driving force, for the coming period to be engaged.

So, this being the case, why is deconstruction necessary you may ask? Indeed, what do we mean by deconstruction? Life on earth to a great extent has lost sight of its very purpose. The purpose has never been to develop new technologies, or to increase GDP, or exploit and deplete natural resources, or to simply increase personal wealth. Many or all of these things may occur at the same time as purposeful development but none of these should ever be seen as an end in itself. The soul-purpose of the existence of life on the planet is to drive and raise consciousness; indeed the purpose of life is to gain experience and wisdom to enable personal growth. It can truly be said that especially in the last few decades, mankind’s focus has been mistaken and his true purpose has been lost.

So, as the word suggests, deconstruction is the taking apart of the way in which human beings currently live; the dismantling of the systems, processes, indeed the very approach we take to our lives; and the subsequent construction of a quite new approach. Just to take a step back, nobody would deny that globally we are in a period of great upheaval and turmoil, and in many disparate areas relative calm and consistency is suddenly being severely disrupted. Financial markets, energy, food and climate: suddenly all of these areas are being massively disrupted. Global finance suddenly appears extremely fragile, indeed systems which have performed well for centuries appear now to be failing; this comes as quite a shock. Not quite as surprising is the pressure on global energy supplies – the discussion of ‘peak oil’ or ‘peak gas’, a concern over reserves and also prices which have shot up. And food – food availability, food supply, and global food reserves which are now exhausted. Then climate change, which has come from almost nowhere in recent years, to head-up policies of western governments when just a few years ago this was considered to be marginal science pedaled by individuals who were simply scaremongering. And all of this in virtually no time at all!

So deconstruction is necessary, in order to allow the new driving force to be put in place. Put very simply; a new way for humans to interact with the world and everything in it. A new way to live in harmony with all aspects of life. Nobody would be surprised to hear that we need to find a new system, a global system, which will enable us to develop consciousness whilst living in harmony with our surroundings, nature, and everything on which we depend. It is simply not possible to continue living in the way we do; there has to come a correction, and this is the essence of deconstruction. It will be a painful process – of this there is no doubt. A painful period of perhaps ten or twenty years and maybe considerably longer. The challenge however is how we human beings can accept the need to change, can embrace the new approach which has to come, and can accept new goals, new development goals, no longer solely focused on wealth creation and personal gain, which have always been spurious.

One of the major contributing factors underlying the problems mentioned earlier, is the sheer size of the human population on earth; a figure now somewhere close to eight billion. With a rate of growth which shows no sign of abating, again this is unsustainable in much the same way as our approach to fossil fuel consumption and that of our raw materials generally. So again deconstruction has to address this issue. The interaction of these key areas; energy, food, climate will be such that natural disasters will occur around the globe with an increased frequency, with sadly a high toll on human life and indeed life in general.

There is no possible way that this planet can continue to cater for such massive increases in population. At the very heart of the deconstruction process is what may seem to be a very harsh reality which is that global population numbers have to fall, and this global population correction will occur to a great extent through large scale natural disasters; events similar to the Indian ocean tsunami.

In summary then, a severe period of correction ultimately focused on not only a more harmonious approach to our world and everything in it, but also a much greater awareness of our very purpose, our very reason for being on the planet: this is the essence of deconstruction.

Now some people will see this as heralding the end of life on earth, and that we are playing out the death throes of humanity. Not so – in fact quite the opposite. It is necessary to disengage the old energies and deconstruct many of the ways in which we live, in order for humanity to move forward; to move into a period where we are in harmony with the world for the first time in many centuries. A necessary period of correction enabling us to take stock of our situation and come to our senses in order to realise that we are not simply here to create more wealth or produce more stuff and all at the expense of everything around us: that this is sheer folly.

Population – world demographics

Never more so than now has growth in world populations been such a major issue. Food supply, water supply, energy availability all of these of course are equally major issues for world governments, but indeed each is simply exacerbated by the enormously rapid growth in global population.

Growth in populations has for many decades been at or close to the top of government agendas. All manor of social engineering has been attempted often severely hampered by the large and well established religions of the world. Particular examples being that of China where the government actively intervenes to restrict the number offspring couples may have, and the stance taken by Christianity in particular the Church of Rome with regards to birth control in any shape or form.

Major conflict also exists here, conflict with long established cultural mores. Beliefs, cultural beliefs, particularly well entrenched in so-called third-world countries, where large families are seen as highly beneficial; where children are seen as almost as insurance against the vagaries of old age.

Historically, and especially prior to great recent developments in medical care, death rates, especially among infants, have provided a natural if somewhat unpleasant brake on population growth. However, enormous advances in areas of pharmaceuticals and post-natal care have meant survival rates across the world almost have leapt up.

In addition, whereas only a short time before shortage of food, global shortage of food, would have been presumed to be going to check population, progress in this area has caused yields to increase dramatically and the sheer volume of food harvested to grow in adequate number.

However things are coming to an impasse in all these areas and coupled to the scarcity and rising cost of fuels and climate change, which will have locally devastating effects on crops and harvests, populations will now be quite severely curtailed. Harsh this may seem; but entirely necessary as well.

Large numbers of relatively young individuals, young spiritually that is, or relatively unevolved perhaps, will use the opportunity – this coming opportunity – to take time out and reconsider their options. This may seem unpleasant to many but in the greater spiritual scheme of things it works admirably well. As it will enable contraction to a world population far better suited to the earth. Mostly these individuals will encounter natural events, natural phenomena, these closely linked to seismic or geophysical activity which will attend the period of maximum disruption of the next ten or twenty years; The period of correction, correction to many aspects of life, and heralded by dramatic changes to the way the world actually operates. This will take considerable pressure off the situation enabling a sensible period of adjustment to a new reality, a better reality, a much more sensible reality just around the corner.

Population changes in more detail

Population and population change is probably the most exciting of all the topics as it is the one which will have the most obvious and visible effect on life on earth. Absolute population numbers are at approximately 8 billion – far too high, and the rate of growth of population, especially in developing countries, the Far East, South America, rates of growth here are unsustainably high.

However it is not just in the developing parts of the world, these countries where birth rates are high and family sizes are still large, it’s not just in these countries where the impact will be felt. There will be considerable impact on population numbers in developed nations too. These will be in particular pockets and will not be generalised across the whole population. Again there will be specific natural disasters which will result in local reductions. Also other types of event such as viral outbreaks; there will be no large scale epidemics killing millions to speak of.

However the largest area for reduction, the area where the impact of natural disasters will be by far the largest is in the developing nations of the Far East, the Sub Continent and South America. Coastal regions particularly in these countries will suffer the effects of changes to sea level this will be particularly severe where large populations depend for their livelihood on living close to the sea or on large estuaries, in other words in areas where large numbers of people are living at or close to sea level.

With regard to overall numbers, reduction will be in the region of 20 or 25% of the total, but this will happen in the main by a small number of very powerful events which are soon to come about. So reduction will be uneven across the world, it will be largely attached to large scale natural events in developing nations, but not exclusively; as other less cataclysmic activity will cause significant loss of life in developed nations.

Changes to world population

We’ve come to talk to you about population and the adjustments which are soon to take place in this area. This whole topic will appear distasteful and highly contentious to many people who read these documents, but nonetheless this is a very important area that needs attention. It needs attention because quite simply your planet is heavily over-populated and it does not serve the purpose of a great many individuals to be living in this situation as opportunities for development are reduced due to the over-crowding, and due to the unpleasant circumstances in which many individuals find themselves.

It will appear distasteful to many that population numbers need to be reduced and indeed it would appear quite ridiculous to some that we are even communicating information of this nature. Nonetheless this is what will happen and this will happen soon. It will be an essential aspect in the step change in consciousness for the world, as it will allow a large number of individuals to remove themselves from this unsavoury situation and to perhaps either rest, and return at some future date, or to choose a completely different development route, which may involve spending time elsewhere.

Insufficient opportunities for satisfactory development present enormous problems for life on earth, and there are many areas around the globe where this problem is particularly acute, especially in those areas known as the third world where enormous numbers of individuals struggle with the very basics of existence. Whilst for some this may be a satisfactory experience, for many it is not and it is for this reason that it has been agreed by the hierarchy and above that significant changes are going to be made.

The manner in which these individuals are removed from the world situation will again be considered to be contentious and unpleasant but it should be seen in the context of the whole; it should be seen against the backdrop of an improved situation for the vast majority and indeed better options for those directly involved.

The numbers: as we’ve mentioned to you before the numbers are very significant, and the majority of your friends and colleagues will find it incomprehensible that the geophysical events, the natural events, the world disaster type events, which are soon to be with you will account for a reduction in global population somewhere in the region of 20 – 25%. These are truly enormous numbers of individuals and their loss will be truly devastating and the effect on the already depressed state of many nations will be extremely debilitating.

There is no alternative now at this late stage to this correction, this population correction; there is simply insufficient resources of all manner to ensure that the vast majority exist in conditions conducive to satisfactory development – and this is after all the point. There is little point in large numbers of new individuals joining the situation here on earth if the environment is not conducive to their development.

So, do not be surprised if this document draws some heavy criticism from individuals, from your friends, from those who read it. It is probably by far the most contentious information that we have to pass to you at this time. It is something which we have alluded to on a few occasions in the past, but the reality of the experience of this will be shocking for many.

It will focus in particular on those areas of the world which are suffering from extreme over-population and these are Africa, South America and the Indian sub-continent to mention but three. However these events, and the population losses attendant with them, will by no means be confined to these areas as there are many natural disasters which will occur away from these zones and will account for a high loss of life; but in sheer weight of numbers, little will challenge the overwhelming loss which particularly the African continent will suffer.

This will be seen by the vast majority as extremely cruel and an act of god and will cause great turmoil but, as we have mentioned to you many times in the past, this is an essential element of the global changes which have now commenced and are irreversible.

This is just one of a number of papers we would like to pass to you regarding this key area of change, and over the coming months we will pass more accurate information to you regarding all aspects of this.

Viral and infectious disease effects

There will be information coming to you over covering a whole different range of events. These will cover events which happen on mainland Europe; different types of event. These will not be the same grand, large-scale, high-profile types of event which we have passed on to you in the past . These will be subtly different. They will be for example viruses which will cause upset and death in certain populations. These will be infections; an upsurge in particular diseases for example.

Much more subtle and nowhere near as immediate as the other activity; but just as deadly in their own way. These will account for a much lower number of deaths; a much lesser death toll than the large-scale seismic type of activity – eruptions or earthquakes and the like.

There will be a number of outbreaks of various types of virus, and there will be upswings in some conditions, medical conditions, which you might have thought were to a great extent eradicated. This will come as a great surprise to your medical profession. But it is very subtle changes, very subtle changes to the environment and an inability on the part of mankind to fully adjust to these subtle corrections if you like, which will make man much more susceptible to certain conditions, and which will enable certain viral infections to spread and sadly to claim lives.

This will be common across many countries in Europe, as these types of infection will tend to spread quickly and will tend to have a worse effect on the older people within populations; older people will be far more susceptible to these conditions.

So as we've said to you before, the severe correction to the population levels of the planet will to a great extent be engineered through large scale events but there will also be very significant – particularly significant to the societies themselves – loss of life due to the transmission and inability to cope with infections and diseases. The type of which you believed had been removed, especially from the more wealthy and developed countries.

Background to population adjustments

It is a fact that the earth now is vastly over populated, and with around 7.5 billion individuals currently alive, the planet is unable to support the essential development needs of a good many of these people. If the true purpose for life on earth were better understood by the majority, then it would be glaringly obvious that the conditions which this overcrowding brings are wholly inappropriate for the task in hand.

Individuals, other than those who are very unevolved, have a purpose; they have goals they need to achieve; they have an agenda if you like; a reason for coming back; a set of experiences or achievements that are agreed before the life itself commences. The more evolved the individual, the more necessary it is for this life plan to be agreed and set up, in order to ensure the individual’s life experiences are in tune with development requirements. This is after all essential to avoid wasted lives; unproductive time spent here.

This being the case, it is unfortunate but conditions which prevail in many parts of the planet often preclude the opportunities necessary for a rewarding set of experiences; for the experiences agreed in the life plan to actually be. In other words what this boils down to is that enormous numbers of individuals are not making the progress that they need to do in the current circumstances, where the basics of life are unavailable. Such that the individual’s progress against the life’s objectives is severely compromised.

Sometimes we are aware when we talk about adjustment to population numbers that this seems a cold and heartless approach to a hopeless situation; the reality is anything but. There is surely an optimum size for the world population and this has been greatly exceeded especially in the last few decades where for all sorts of reasons, many of which we’ve touched on in previous papers, population numbers have increased enormously. It is in nobody’s interest for this situation to continue, and frankly it is beyond the abilities of mankind to truly manage this situation in any sensible way. It is beyond the abilities of mankind to in any way control these numbers.

Some will subscribe to all sorts of theories regarding population; Malthusian theory is one; a Darwinian approach – survival of the fittest – is another. Then we have the powerful religious doctrines. All of these approaches are seriously flawed; the reality being that the population explosion is in all truth unable to be checked, which is why it has been decided at the highest levels that numbers need to be drastically reduced.

It makes no sense to undermine the progress of so many individuals by allowing this drastic overpopulation to continue into the future.

Many of your friends will ridicule this document, as it seems to them at least incredibly far-fetched. However they will see in the coming months and years that serious adjustments will be made. It may seem uncaring and brutal but again we ask you to see it in the context of the whole; in the context of reincarnation of the individual; in the context of the purpose of spending time here at all.

We hope this information will help to explain some of the background to the coming changes in population numbers around the globe, and we look forward to working with you again soon.

The period of change and its consequences

We want to talk to you about the step change in consciousness.

The cycle which you are about to complete has occurred many times in the past and will occur again many times in the future. The period of time which elapses during a cycle of consciousness is in the region of two thousand or so years, but this is in fact a double period; this is the end of a double period so its an extremely significant change; extremely significant period of time which the earth is going through.

It is an experience which has significance for all of the kingdoms; all of the earth kingdoms, and is felt by all the members of all the kingdoms; through mineral, vegetable, animal and human.

It is not unusual to see such a frantic pace of activity occurring towards the end of such a period; in fact this is quite typical of the closing decades of a period, when a cycle is coming to an end, and when a step change such as you are experiencing now is about to happen. In fact you will note from your knowledge of history that the last few decades have seen extraordinary pace of change across all aspects of life.

This has not necessarily all been for the good; in fact in many cases quite the opposite, but it is a typical feature of the closing period of time in any cycle such as this that time should appear compressed; events should appear to be happening at a faster and faster pace and quite often those on the receiving end are left feeling quite bewildered by many aspects of what appears to be going on.

The necessity for a step up in global consciousness can be seen all around, and is most obviously displayed in much of the unpleasantness, wretchedness and discomfort felt by not only humans around the globe but members of other kingdoms too.

There are many aspects of life today which seem to be devoid of any real purpose; which appear to exist purely for the accumulation and acquisition of material wealth, money and power. For many the focus of life has become blurred, confused, and in many cases any opportunity to progress has been stifled.

The period of change which you are now well and truly embarked upon will extend for a number of years. It will culminate in an enormous number of changes to all aspects of life including changes to the way that the very earth itself operates.

The period of change will be fraught with all sorts of problems. As you can see financial and economic issues around the world are feeding into unemployment and civil unrest, which will be exacerbated by the geophysical upheaval and, towards the end of the period, the more significant changes to the very way the earth operates, which will preclude much of the activity that human beings today take for granted.

There will be very few that accept that the freedoms, some would say excesses, which very many individuals have easy and regular access to today, will be curbed to such an extent future generations will only potentially read about them: they will be consigned to history. More detail about these particular aspects of the change will come through to you later . Suffice to say, as we’ve said previously and many of them; big is no longer beautiful and local is the new focus. This is the only true way that the individual can be re-engaged with the process.

The focus of the last few decades, which has been on greater and greater concentration into the hands of fewer and fewer individuals and groups, has no place in the future of mankind on earth. It always has been simply for the benefit of a very few people, and when I say benefit I use that word advisedly. It has only really suited a few individuals to be operating in this way.

So what will the shape of things to come actually look like? Well we’ve described a few aspects of the new reality in very broad terms, and over the coming weeks we will put more flesh on these bones, especially as you start to receive information in a subtly different way.

Fear and the problems it brings

Of all the issues facing this shift in global consciousness, fear represents by far the biggest challenge. Fear, which is borne out of a lack of awareness, a lack of consciousness, is the one thing that can set the changes back if it gets enough of a grip on the world population. This is why it is so important that people are made aware of the planned and organised nature of the upheavals which are soon to come.

Most would naturally view such a sequence of disruptive and quite deadly world events as random, wanton destruction, and would not look for any structure, control or plan within them. But this is exactly what is going on behind the scenes. It’s a very important message that needs to be conveyed as widely as possible to as large an audience as possible, in order to prevent the extremely damaging and corrosive effects that fear will inflict on this process.

There will be a great many that simply refuse to believe that there is any plan operating here at all. However much information is presented to them regarding this, they will only see what they choose to see which will be random and catastrophic destruction. They will not see how any of this fits into a bigger picture; indeed they will be openly critical of any who try to persuade them otherwise.

But there will also be many who will view things quite differently and, as we’ve explained to you previously, the way in which these coming world events are viewed is to a great extent determined by the values and beliefs which have been instilled into individuals during previous life experiences.

So there will be a full spectrum of responses, attitudes and views as to what all this disruptive activity actually means for the world and for man. And this spectrum of attitudes will range from those who firmly believe that this is the end of the road for the earth and the human race; to those like yourself who are very aware and have means of accessing information and realise that whilst this is going to be a difficult period, it is all being done for extremely good reasons and it really is the only way that many of the negative aspects of modern life can be addressed, broken down and removed.

It will seem perhaps rather brutal and uncaring: the need to dismantle the existing system is very real and pressing and many will fail to see any thread which links all the various phases of this intense period of change. But the activities are all closely linked and there is a common plan which threads them all together.

The consequences of serious delay due to fear, aggression and anger amongst large numbers of the population are very real and will be such that the transition from the old energy to the new era will be delayed.

So you see it is of the utmost importance that information is disseminated and made available on the broadest possible front, to ensure that the maximum numbers of individuals are conscious of the highly destructive period and the reasons for the serious upheavals that are coming. People will ridicule you for taking this approach and bringing this information into the world. However attitudes will change and they’ll change quite quickly once the major period of disruption has commenced: This is the next area of activity in the overall sequence of events. We will contact you again about similar matters in the coming days

Reduction in human fertility levels

We’re coming to you to talk further about the impacts which will achieve a significant reduction in global population over a period of time.

As you discussed at some length earlier in the week, the inputs to population reduction are many and varied. To date the tendency has been to focus on the impact of the natural disaster type events, which will certainly take a fairly high toll on population, but its this physical reduction when combined with other effects - such as a reduction in fertility rates - that over a period will achieve reductions across the board of up to a figure of fifty percent globally.

There is no way that the earth in its present shape, with all the current constraints which operate, can continue to accommodate population growth at the levels that have been seen in the last few decades. There is simply insufficient space, insufficient resource, insufficient energy and so on to support continuing growth at this pace, especially as the existing population, in the region of 7.5 billion or so, is already seriously disadvantaged by the conditions in which they are forced to live; so it should come as no surprise that these reductions are to happen.

It will in the short to medium term seem quite a drastic approach; but in the longer run it makes absolute sense to address these issues as effectively as possible to enable all the benefits of a reduction in the pressure of population to flow through to mankind.

As we’ve stressed on a number of occasions, human development is now severely compromised by population numbers – by population pressures – and so it is simply not possible to continue as things are at present and hope to engineer a better framework for development. So reductions have to come, and as was mentioned a short while ago, it is the combination of a physical reduction in population numbers combined with the ongoing reduction in levels of fertility which will eventually achieve population reduction approaching perhaps the fifty percent level.

This would then free-up a lot of the resource and relieve a lot of the pressure and pave the way for a productive and far better focused era, during which the focus can be on the progress and development of the individual – in all aspects. And the concerns of the world, such as they used to be, can to a great extent be replaced by a much more positive agenda. In other words, the state of play if you like as you move into the new agenda will shift from a pre-occupation with humanitarian disaster issues regarding refugees; issues regarding shortage of food; issues regarding famine and starvation; the constant pre-occupation with such ghastliness, which is an accepted state of affairs in modern life, can be shifted onto a much more positive footing. The plight of hundreds of millions of human beings will no longer be the prime concern; the prime focus; the prime pre-occupation as the vast majority of this type of suffering can be alleviated if not removed.

So there are many subtle inputs to the eventual really quite considerable reduction in overall population figures. It is not as Hasim said going to be down to one or two cataclysmic events. There will however be significant reductions through a number of mechanisms if you like, one of which will be geophysical activity. But over time this will be seen not to be the main cause of the easing of pressure on population numbers. There are many other quite complicated inputs to this area which we will address over the coming weeks

Suffice to say that before too long the processes will be under way to begin to ease the severe pressure which is currently felt due to population numbers globally.

We hope this is a useful additional explanation regarding adjustment to mankind’s population.

Population effect of increase in solar radiation

ne of the areas which we would like to add more information is that of population reduction as not only is this quite a contentious area, but its also a complicated area as these changes will take place over a period of time and there are a number of inputs, which bring about an eventual reduction over a period of potentially somewhere in the region of 50% of global population.

But this is not perhaps as drastic as it might sound; so to deliver a headline figure of 50% reduction in population is irresponsible and it is not how we want this information to be portrayed and to be passed on. It is a complicated process and a combination of factors. This will be an attempt to give you a brief potted time line on how this reduction will eventually be achieved.

Before we do that it should be mentioned that population is actually one of those very sensitive issues, where often if you question an individual about his or her views on such matters, the reply will be that something definitely has to be done; that population figures are far too high, but it will often fall short of any suggestion of how this might actually be put into practice. My point being that this is an extremely emotive area, and an area where people have strong views, but where obvious courses of action are also highly emotive in their nature.

Anyhow to return to the question of the time line: It would be misleading as you heard at the group session last week, to give the impression that all of the reduction in population will be achieved by a sequence of geophysical upheaval type events, the like of which are soon to occur around the globe. There will be significant population loss due to these events make no mistake, but they are not the sole factor in this area.

However, population will be reduced and a series of dramatic events will ensue, the culmination of which and this is very important, will be changes to the way the earth actually operates; quite possibly the most important of these will be the shift in the axis of rotation. Put very simplistically the shift in rotation will affect the way in which the earth is able to naturally protect itself from radiation which is being emitted the whole time by the sun; solar wind if you like.

The changes to the magnetic energy systems which circulate the globe; which surround the globe; which protect the earth; will mean that considerably higher amounts of solar radiation will penetrate through to the earth with some quite interesting consequences. Firstly you will find that fertility across the board; animals, humans will drop quite considerably, this will be one of the effects of the increases in radiation which will be felt around the globe. There are numerous other knock-on effects and there are certain types of disease which will become more prevalent due to the effects of this radiation.

Suffice to say, the combination of the population reduction through large scale events and also through an increase in the mortality rate; due to a number of factors, one of which will be radiation, others will be of a more complicated nature and we will comment on these later: this, combined with a reduction in fertility will, over a period of time, combine to produce a compound reduction in population of somewhere in the region of 50%.

So you see, the enormous pressures which are building in the system around the world today; the pressures on resource, on space, on water, on food, on fuel through the enormous and relentless increase in population day by day; these pressures will be very quickly removed; they’ll be cancelled out. And this is important because there is little point in the situation continuing on earth the way that it is.

There are very few people who would argue that the current situation is sustainable in any shape or form; it simply isn’t. So this combination of factors will feed in to address that situation most definitely. There are much more subtle influences at play here which are not visible at first glance. The situation has been very much simplified in this document, but you have an idea now of how the population situation will play out over the coming years. It is the only sensible route to take to enable life on earth to return to some sort of stable harmony, which is at present completely missing and no attempts made by mankind will address this issue in any sensible way.

Deconstruction re-visited

If you recall the very first document that you received from us was one which was entitled “Deconstruction – an earthly necessity”; you were delighted at how well it all fitted together.

Things have moved a long way since then, and we’ve delivered to you a lot of very specific and detailed information about the various aspects of the changes: some people may have lost sight of the bigger picture. After all it’s the bigger picture which is of the utmost importance here. The individual particular changes which are to take place are obviously important in their own way – especially with the individuals concerned – but its important not to lose sight of the bigger picture; the real reason why all of this change; all of these upheavals are taking place at all.

Sadly of course many will view it as an unwelcome distraction; an unwelcome upheaval in a life which they felt was rewarding and fulfilling. So they will question the need for any such changes to take place: many will fall into this category.

But of course if you look around the Earth today, at the enormous population; at the dwindling resources; at the looming energy crisis – which really is just around the corner – it’s quite obvious that life for a great many people is incredibly tough, and indeed the planet has exceeded the sensible total number of population which it is really capable of sustaining, so there has to be a retrenchment on a number of fronts; there has to be a restructuring of the way the planet operates, on the largest scale, in order to maintain some sort of sensible basis for mankind into the future.

And of course the main reason for all of the disruption; all of the change, is to move man through this current period and on into a period of raised consciousness; of raised awareness, to enable man to recognise for himself that much of modern life is in fact of little consequence; poorly focused and does not deliver in any way the type of experience or growth opportunities which are required. The whole reason for incarnating is to experience and to grow.

The situation on Earth has become extremely congested. Not only has it become congested, but so many of the essential resources to maintain life are severely depleted, and the whole focus of modern life has wandered a long way from the its main and true purpose.

So we thought we’d take this opportunity if you like to review the situation; having delivered many many documents on very specific aspects of the changes; it’s sometimes useful to take a step back and to try to put together an overview of the situation.

Man has failed in this arena before; he has failed to move forward; he’s failed to raise his consciousness and awareness, and it’s important that the evolution of the universe moves in step; it’s important that all contributors, all elements of the universe are evolving in sequence.

Man has at times held things back: it’s important now that this does not happen again. So its very important that the largest number of people on the planet are made aware in some way or other, of exactly what is happening; that they do not simply perceive these events, which are soon to unfold in a fairly dramatic way, as cataclysmic and disastrous: because they are not.

This is a point we cannot stress too strongly: the events which are going to precipitate the changes will be viewed by many as a dreadful natural disaster: on the face of it they may seem so; the fact is they are an essential component of the raising of consciousness on the planet

So if that message can come across and if people can view these various goings on in a different light, then the opportunity will have been grasped and the outcome will be a positive one.

Talks about population reduction

If you look around the world, you will see that in just the last few months on a number of fronts, things are what you might call ‘on the move’, especially in the area of finance and world economies.

We know that you follow this closely and you are seeing what some might believe to be a re-visiting of the problems of around 2008 – in fact it’s just a continuation really of the issues which first arose back in those days.

The fundamental issue as you know is the absence of economic growth, and we are afraid to say that this is going to be an ongoing feature. There is going to be no return to the ‘good old days’ if you like. The system which underpinned economic life just a few years ago around the globe is now being systematically dismantled. You are only going to see more and more difficulty; although of course there will be ample opportunity to address the issues which are arising.

On the other interesting front which we know you monitor closely – the geophysical activity – you will see there is definitely an increase in seismic activity in just these last few weeks. You are now, as you are well aware, in the second phase of the upheaval activity across the globe. And as you’ve been made aware by your team, the frequency and intensity of these types of events will increase.

In addition also you are seeing more and more events of unusual and unexplained weather; including flooding, hurricanes as well as drought and famine, which will unfortunately become more and more prevalent.

So what we’d like to address in particular in this instance is the adjustment to population. Now we know that this is without doubt one of the most contentious areas of all aspects of the changes; we also know that almost everybody would agree that it is an area of modern life which is a serious problem, as population growth around the world is continuing at an increasing rate.

But this will not be the case for much longer, because there are going to be a number of factors which come to bear on population in particular, and which in combination will cause, over a period of perhaps forty years or more, a reduction of somewhere in the region of fifty per cent of the total global population.

So this is not going to happen quickly, and this is definitely not going to be anything approaching an extinction type of event, as many people will be predicting, but it is going to gradually build.

There are three main components. The first is the effect of various types of geophysical upheaval across the globe. The second, which is much more subtle but will become equally effective if that’s the right word, is the effect of the stress and anxiety felt by a great many people on Earth due to the ongoing effects of the changes. As the frequency and intensity of the changes builds, then many people will suffer in this way, and this will cause some people to choose to exit if you like, and continue their development elsewhere.

Finally, and this is perhaps the most unexpected of the three areas of impact, you will have the effect of an increase in solar radiation on human fertility. There will be damage to the magnetosphere; to the field which wraps itself around the globe and protects you from the solar wind. There will be a steady and unavoidable increase in the level of radiation, which will have a detrimental effect on fertility rates. We say detrimental because again this will be stressful and will cause anxiety amongst many people.

So it is a combination of all three of these factors which will cause, over an extended period, a very significant reduction of anywhere up to a halving of the current population, which means that in maybe forty or fifty years you will be looking at a population in the region of perhaps three to three and a half billion.

So just to go back and revisit those three areas: the upheavals are upon you; you’ve been through the first phase; you can see that already there are serious and in some cases deadly events taking place. These types of events will become more frequent and intensify, and they will be responsible for a not insignificant loss of life on the planet.

However, they will certainly not represent in any way an extinction type of event, as many people especially the media will be predicting. There will be a lot of hype, which will not be useful but is to be expected, and there will be a lot of sensationalism around this type of activity, but also this activity will cause considerable fear, anxiety and stress, and this will feed into the second of the factors.

It is the combined nature and growing intensity of all aspects of the changes which will become a serious problem for a good many people. They will be unable to adjust; they will not be prepared to accept that large areas of life are going to be changing and changing for good.

They will struggle with this and they will resist it. This will cause a degree of tension to be held in their physical body, and you will see auto-immune conditions, which will eventually lead to more deaths. It’s regrettable but unavoidable that this type of activity will cause these sorts of outcomes.

There will be a lot which can be done to alleviate this situation by informing and educating people with regard to what is actually going on, but there will still be a good number of people who will refuse to accept any of this information, and will be alarmed and become very stressed and anxious in their new surroundings.

And then as the changes progress – we’re talking a few years away now – you will find that there is a considerable increase in sunspot and solar activity. The solar wind is currently deflected around the Earth by the magnetosphere as you are aware. This magnetic field of protection will be compromised and breached; it will be weakened. There are many reasons for this and we can go into this in some detail at a later date.

This will mean that the Earth effectively is unprotected and this considerable increase in radiation will have a very negative effect on the ability of human beings to reproduce. So you will see birth and fertility rates falling, and this will be the final piece of the jigsaw if you like, which will contribute to the eventual overall reduction in population numbers around the world of around the fifty per cent mark.

We hope your readers find this information useful.

Human fertility issues and the changes

We would like to re-iterate what people have been saying to you personally about the imminence of the changes.

This period of change is one that only comes around very infrequently, it’s a massively important event, and as such is something which many individuals have chosen to come back to this planet to witness.

You have seen an explosion in global population over the last few years; this will be explained away by all sorts of things: improvements in medical care; a reduction in infant mortality; the Green Revolution in agriculture and so on.

These all apply obviously, but it is the express wish of a large number of individuals that they should be here to in some way experience this period of upheaval, the adversity, and simply to be involved in the events.

So, this is not something that many would accept, but it is the case that an enormous number of people have re-incarnated to be around at this time to witness the transition; to experience the energy of the period.

Once the changes are installed, and have occurred and the events have run their course, which is quite a number of years - this won’t happen quickly as it won’t be a sudden blip – but once the ‘New Era’ is established and in place, then the numbers of people wishing to remain here will drop.

The peak population is going to be achieved very soon. There will be a number of factors but you’re aware that the main contributing factor to this reduction in population is going to be issues regarding human fertility.

It will be an inability essentially on the part of human beings to reproduce at anything like the rate which has been achieved over previous decades.

This in itself will cause stress and anxiety amongst couples, who are keen to start a family, but it is going to become more and more the case, and any stigma attached to infertility will rapidly disappear. All sorts of treatments and medical approaches will be explored; to no avail essentially.

So you are going to see population numbers on the planet drop by anything up to a third to 50% over the coming decades, so the pressure which is currently being exerted on all resources is going to be relieved relatively quickly. There will not be a Malthusian crisis such as is being forecasted due to the inexorable rise in global population, as this rise will be checked. A number of factors will come in to play but as we say fertility will be the main player in this particular field.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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